Flare-On 2019: Memecat Battlestation [Shareware Demo Edition]

Memecat Battlestation [Shareware Demo Edition] was a really simple challenge that really involved opening a .NET executable in a debugger and reading the correct phrases from the code. It was a good beginner challenge.
Welcome to the Sixth Flare-On Challenge!
This is a simple game. Reverse engineer it to figure out what “weapon codes” you need to enter to defeat each of the two enemies and the victory screen will reveal the flag. Enter the flag here on this site to score and move on to the next level.
- This challenge is written in .NET. If you don’t already have a favorite .NET reverse engineering tool I recommend dnSpy
** If you already solved the full version of this game at our booth at BlackHat or the subsequent release on twitter, congratulations, enter the flag from the victory screen now to bypass this level.
The file is an x86 .NET binary, as the note mentioned:
$ file MemeCatBattlestation.exe
MemeCatBattlestation.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
Running It
Because this is a CTF, it’s worth giving this a run (in a VM still). There’s a splash screen:

And then the first challenge comes out:

I’ll need to figure out the correct “Weapon Arming Code”.
Round 1
Give this is a .Net executable, I’ll open in dnspy
. I see the following:

I’ll open up MemCatBattlestation
, and see the various forms:

Since it’s nicely labeled, I’ll open Stage1Form

I’ll check out FireButton_Click
// MemeCatBattlestation.Stage1Form
// Token: 0x0600000D RID: 13 RVA: 0x000024E8 File Offset: 0x000006E8
private void FireButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.codeTextBox.Text == "RAINBOW")
this.fireButton.Visible = false;
this.codeTextBox.Visible = false;
this.armingCodeLabel.Visible = false;
this.invalidWeaponLabel.Visible = false;
this.WeaponCode = this.codeTextBox.Text;
this.invalidWeaponLabel.Visible = true;
this.codeTextBox.Text = "";
If I enter “RAINBOW” into the box and hit “Fire!”, there’s an animation of my cat shooting a rainbow, and then the other one explodes in flames:

Round 2
Next I’m presented with another challenge:

Now in Stage2Form
, I see this stage has similar code for FireButton_Click
// MemeCatBattlestation.Stage2Form
// Token: 0x06000017 RID: 23 RVA: 0x00003114 File Offset: 0x00001314
private void FireButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.isValidWeaponCode(this.codeTextBox.Text))
this.fireButton.Visible = false;
this.codeTextBox.Visible = false;
this.armingCodeLabel.Visible = false;
this.invalidWeaponLabel.Visible = false;
this.WeaponCode = this.codeTextBox.Text;
this.invalidWeaponLabel.Visible = true;
this.codeTextBox.Text = "";
Instead of a direct comparison, there’s a function, isValidWeaponCode
that checks if I win. I’ll check out the source:
// Token: 0x06000016 RID: 22 RVA: 0x000030C4 File Offset: 0x000012C4
private bool isValidWeaponCode(string s)
char[] array = s.ToCharArray();
int length = s.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
char[] array2 = array;
int num = i;
array2[num] ^= 'A';
return array.SequenceEqual(new char[]
' ',
' ',
This function simply reads my input, xors it with ‘A’, and then compares it against an array of bytes. So to find out the right string, I just need to xor those bytes by ‘A’. I’ll do that in python
$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 14 2019, 11:02:34)
[GCC 8.0.1 20180414 (experimental) [trunk revision 259383]] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> result = '\x03 &$-\x1e\x02 //./'
>>> ''.join([chr(ord(x)^ord('A')) for x in result])
Entering “Bagel_Cannon” shoots bagels at the opponent, and then it also bursts into flames.

Then I’m given the victory screen:

Flag: Kitteh_save_galixy@flare-on.com