
Aardvark was a game of tik-tac-toe where the computer always goes first, and can’t lose. Instead of having the decision logic of the computer in the program, it drops an ELF binary to act as the computer, and communicates with it over a unix socket, all of which is possible on Windows with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Once I understand how the computer is playing, I’ll modify the computers logic so that I can win, and get the flag. I’ll play with different ways to patch the binary, starting manually with gdb, and moving to patching the ELF resource a couple different ways.


Expect difficulty running this one. I suggest investigating why each error is occuring. Or not, whatever. You do you.

The file is a 64-bit Windows exe:

root@kali# file ttt2.exe 
ttt2.exe: PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows

Running It


Given the prompt, I was a bit surprised when the binary ran without issue on my VM. I happened to already have some of the necessary configurations in place. I made a clean VM and run it, and got this error:


The doc don’t make the purpose of this function immediately clear to me. It largely depends on the GUIDs passed into the call. Firing up Ghidra, there are four calls to CoCreateInstance:


Each call is the same (except for the output buffer):

CoCreateInstance((IID *)GUID_14001e008,(LPUNKNOWN)0x0,4,(IID *)GUID_14001e018,&local_288);

I tell Ghidra to treat the buffers at 0x14001e008 and 0x14001e018 as GUIDs and get their values:


Googling for those GUIDs finds a couple links that don’t necessarily say what’s going on, but that give hints:

The second has an error log that mentions the LxssManager, which is a part of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

I’ll go into “Enable Windows Features” and turn on WSL. After a reboot, the error message is different:


I downloaded a distribution and installed it:

PS > IWR -Uri https://aka.ms/wslubuntu2004 -outfile ubuntu.appx -UseBasicParsing
PS > Add-AppxPackage .\ubuntu.appx

Then I opened the ubuntu app, and it installed and set up a user. Now when I run ttt2.exe, it works.


When the program runs, it displays a game of Tik-Tak-Toe:


I can play the game, but the computer always goes first, and at best I can get a draw.


If I click on a space that’s already taken, another box pops up:


RE ttt2.exe

FUN_1400015a0 / main

Finding main

I started by looking for a known string, “Invalid Move”, and finding a single reference to it, at 0x140001213, which is in FUN_140001000 in Ghidra. Before diving in on this function, I looked for references to it. Two of the references that return are in the EXE headers, but the third is in a function:


Interestingly, that third isn’t the function being called, but rather referenced. That function that loads the address of FUN_140001000 is FUN_1400015a0, which I’ll refer to as main().

Four Parts of main

main() takes care of a few things for the program. It’s all a bit jumbled together, but I’ll try to show it grouped:

1) Sets the current working directory to the running user’s %APPDATA%\local\temp directory by calling GetTempPathA and then passing the result to SetCurrentDirectoryA.

2) Creates the console using AllocConsole, and then GetConsoleWindow to get handle. It then calls ShowWindow to make it visible, and eventually CreateDialogParamA to create the board:

hWnd = CreateDialogParamA((HINSTANCE)hInstance,"BOARD",(HWND)0x0,FUN_140001000,0);

This function takes a template resource and a handle to a window to create a “modeless dialog box”. BOARD is a reference to the resource template that defines the dialog box. Resource Hacker shows a resource named BOARD that has this template: image-20200930141345896 The fourth parameter is DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, which the docs show take a handle to the box, a message, and then additional message-specific information.

3) Creates a UNIX socket in the temp directory named 496b9b4b.ed5. There’s a call to socket(1, 1, 0). The first input to socket is the family. Most Windows documentation of socket don’t mention the value 1, because it’s a UNIX socket ( AF_UNIX or AF_LOCAL). But with WSL, this works. It later calls bind on the filename, and then listen and accept, storing the accepted socket in a global variable that will be read from and written to in other functions.

4) Fetches an ELF file from the PE’s resources and saves it as a random name in the same temp directory. This is all done in a call to FUN_1400012b0, which I’ll look at more in depth.


Looking at FUN_140001000, it’s doing different things based on param2, which is the DLGPROC lpDialogFunc (docs). This must have something to do with what was clicked in the GUI. I tried putting break point at the top of the function, but it is hit a ton. Eventually by putting difference break points inside different sections, I was able to determine that param2 == 0x111 was triggered when clicking on one of the boxes in board.

if (param_2 == 0x111) {
    column = (uint)message & 0xf;
    row = (uint)(message >> 4) & 0xf;
    index = (ulonglong)row * 3 + (ulonglong)column;
    if ((&square_values)[index] == ' ') {
        coordinates[0] = (byte)row;
        coordinates[1] = (byte)column;
        (&square_values)[index] = 0x4f;
        send(s,(char *)coordinates,2,0);
        if (winner != '\0') {
            MessageBoxA(param_1,msgbuf,"Game Over",0);
    else {
        MessageBoxA(param_1,"That space is already taken","Invalid Move",0);

That makes sense as a the “This space is already take” string is also in this section.

I’ve renamed param3 as message, and this seems to be the ID of the box from the template shown above, which will look like:


This is convenient because in hex this looks like:


That means that the column number is the message & 0xf, and that the row number is (message >> 4) & 0xf, which is what’s done above. It then creates an index as 3*row + column.

It then checks a data structure which is a ten character string, which I’ve named square_values above. It uses X, O, and [space] to represent the squares on the grid. The tenth value, initialized to null and pointed to by the variable I’ve named winner above, is set when someone wins, or when there’s a draw (set to 0xff).

If the clicked value is not space, it prints a message box and continues. Otherwise, it writes an O (0x4f) into the right place in squarevalues, and then writes two bytes to the UNIX socket initialized in main. The two bytes are just the row and column. Then it reads 10 bytes out of that socket, and writes it into square_values. This updated state contains the next move by the computer, and any chances necessary to the game over byte. If the game over byte is non-null, it calls recv again, and gets the body for the message box to display. I suspect if I can win a game, I’ll get the flag back over the socket here.

FUN_1400012b0 and Children

Write ELF

Back in main there was a call to this function, and it is worth additional scrutiny.

First it makes a call to GetTempFileName, which it passes to CreateFileA to get a handle to a new random filename which is 1-4 hex characters .tmp in the temp directory.

It then calls FindResourceA:

hResInfo = FindResourceA((HMODULE)0x0,(LPCSTR)0x12c,(LPCSTR)0x100);

The docs show that the last parameter is the type, which can be an integer id, and the second to last is the name, which can also be an integer id. So this is looking for a resource of type 0x100 (256) and id 0x12c (300). Resource Hacker shows not only that that resource exists, but also that it’s an ELF:


The contents of the resource are loaded with LoadResource and then written to the temp file using WriteFile.

I saved a copy with resource hacker, and looked at the temp file while debugging, and they are the same:

PS C:\Users\0xdf> Get-FileHash .\AppData\Local\Temp\A1.tmp

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path
---------       ----                                                                   ----
SHA256          06EE06846D1DE1897BA70315CCA3AB5181949DE1484CE31BC5F3A08610A2C509       C:\Users\0xdf\AppData\Local\T...

PS C:\Users\0xdf> Get-FileHash F:\08-Aardvark\256300.elf

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path
---------       ----                                                                   ----
SHA256          06EE06846D1DE1897BA70315CCA3AB5181949DE1484CE31BC5F3A08610A2C509       F:\08-Aardvark\256300.elf


Finally, the function makes a call to FUN_140001930, which is a call to GetVersionExA, and then a series of checks to figure out what OS is running. If the OS Windows 10 1803 or later, it calls FUN_1400021e0.

FUN_1400021e0 uses CoCreateInstance and series of other API calls to create a COM object which is used to call into WSL to start the process.

  HVar2 = CoCreateInstance((IID *)&DAT_14001e008,(LPUNKNOWN)0x0,4,(IID *)&DAT_14001e018,&local_2d0);
  if (HVar2 == 0) {
    iVar3 = (**(code **)(*local_2d0 + 0x58))(local_2d0,&local_290);
    if (iVar3 == 0) {
      local_2d8[0] = 0;
      local_2c8 = (LPVOID)0x0;
      iVar3 = (**(code **)(*local_2d0 + 0x68))(local_2d0,local_2d8,&local_2c8);
      if (iVar3 == 0) {
        if (local_2d8[0] != 0) {
          do {
            lVar6 = uVar5 * 0x1c;
            if (((*(longlong *)(lVar6 + (longlong)local_2c8) == local_290) &&
                (*(longlong *)(lVar6 + 8 + (longlong)local_2c8) == local_288)) &&
               (*(int *)(lVar6 + 0x14 + (longlong)local_2c8) != 1)) {
              MessageBoxA((HWND)0x0,"Default distribution must be WSL 1","Error",0x10);
              goto LAB_14000246f;
            uVar4 = (int)uVar5 + 1;
            uVar5 = (ulonglong)uVar4;
          } while (uVar4 < local_2d8[0]);
        if (local_2c8 != (LPVOID)0x0) {
        uVar1 = *(undefined8 *)
                 (*(longlong *)(*(longlong *)(*(longlong *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x30) + 0x60) + 0x20) +
        iVar3 = (**(code **)(*local_2d0 + 0x70))(local_2d0,&local_290,param_1,(ulonglong)param_2);
        if (iVar3 != 0) {
          MessageBoxA((HWND)0x0,"CreateLxProcess failed","Error",0x10);
      else {
        MessageBoxA((HWND)0x0,"EnumerateDistributions failed","Error",0x10);
    else {
      MessageBoxA((HWND)0x0,"GetDefaultDistribution failed","Error",0x10);
  else {
    MessageBoxA((HWND)0x0,"CoCreateInstance failed","Error",0x10);

Just looking at the error messages at the bottom provides a good hint as to what it’s trying to do. The creation of the process happens at this line:

iVar3 = (**(code **)(*local_2d0 + 0x70))(local_2d0,&local_290,param_1,(ulonglong)param_2);

I stepped through this debugging with Process Hacker open, and on stepping, two new processes were created under svchost.exe:


Looking at the details, it’s the temp file:



Loading Into Ghidra

For whatever reason, this program doesn’t load into Ghidra nicely. The functions are all API calls stubs, and even entry calls __libc_start_main which didn’t process:


I’ll select the .text section from the Program Trees window on the top left, and see it’s treating that data as data, not code:


First I’ll right-click on the 00100ac0 address and select Disassemble [D], and then right-click and select Create Function [F]. It will create the function, as well as any other functions called by this function.

Interestingly, I was able to open it in IDA Pro Free, and it didn’t have any issue with the file, and there’s a main function at that same 0xac0 offset:



The main function starts with some setup, connecting to the unix socket, creating the ten-byte squares structure. Then it enters a do loop, which serves two functions:

  1. Call a function I named checkForWin() (0x001014b0). This function looks for rows that have three the same, then columns, then diagonals. If it finds any match, it returns that character. If it finds all the squares are full but no win, it returns -1. Otherwise, it returns 0.
  2. If the win flag is still null.
    1. If not, it decodes a message depending on which game over condition (X wins, O wins, draw) and resets the state of the game to fresh.
    2. If so, it runs a series of checks to determine the next move for the computer, X. It updates the board, sends the updated game state back into the socket, and checks again for a win (if so jumping into the code from above).
  3. Then it waits to read the next move from the socket. It ignores the move is the user is trying to move to an already occupied space, and otherwise updates the game state with a new O, checks for a win, and then heads back to the start of the loop.

At this point, I had two options:

  1. Look at understanding the computer’s next move, with the hopes of finding a way to beat it; or
  2. Try to understand the flag decode.

The flag decode looked complicated. It is super long (even the decompiled source in Ghidra), and involves reading from /proc/modules and /proc/mount and processing the results). I decided to start with the next move.

This code starts at 0x100bc6. There are some global variables pointing to each of the squares. I named then sq1 - sq9 for readability, where 1, 2, 3 go across the top row.

  • If sq5 (center) is empty, choose it.

    if (sq5 == ' ') {
        next_col = 1;
        next_row = 1;
  • Loop over the rows, and if any row has exactly two Os in it, pick the other square in that row.

    next_row = 0;
    squares2 = &squares;
    current_row = &squares;
    do {
        next_col = (uint)(current_row[2] == 'O') +
            (uint)(current_row[1] == 'O') + (uint)(*current_row == 'O');
        if (next_col == 2) {
            if (*current_row == ' ') goto LAB_00100cc8;   // select first column in current row
            if (current_row[1] == ' ') goto LAB_00100e40; // select second column in current row
            if (current_row[2] == ' ') goto LAB_00100cd0; // select third column in current row
        next_row = next_row + 1;
        current_row = current_row + 3;
    } while (next_row != 3);
  • Loop over the columns, and if any column has exactly two Os, pick the other squre in that column.

    current_row = &squares;
    next_col = 0;
    do {
        next_row = (uint)(current_row[6] == 'O') +
            (uint)(current_row[3] == 'O') + (uint)(*current_row == 'O');
        if (next_row == 2) {
            if (*current_row == ' ') goto LAB_00100e15;
            if (current_row[3] == ' ') goto LAB_00100dcd;
            if (current_row[6] == ' ') goto LAB_00100cd0;
        next_col = next_col + 1;
        current_row = current_row + 1;
    } while (next_col != 3);
  • If sq1 is open, pick it.

  • If sq3 is open, pick it.

  • If sq7 is open, pick it.

  • If sq9 is open, pick it.

  • This loop that will end up (of the remaining squares) picking a square in this order: sq2, sq4, sq6, then sq8.

I spent a few minutes evaluating that logic for flaws, but with X going first and that gameplay, I don’t believe X can lose using this logic.



At this point, my options were to dive in on the flag decryption, or try to cheat the computer.

I fired up a Bash window, ran sudo su to get a root shell. I updated the machine (apt update and apt upgrade), and installed gdb (apt install gdb). I installed Peda, and it mostly worked, but failed to show me the upcoming commands inside non-library code. For example:

RAX: 0x2
RBX: 0x7f84f4c020a0 ("    X    ")
RCX: 0x0
RDX: 0x2
RSI: 0x7f84f4c020aa --> 0x201
RDI: 0x3
RBP: 0x7f84f4c020a0 ("    X    ")
RSP: 0x7fffc9e967a0 --> 0x7fffc9e967d0 --> 0x0
RIP: 0x7f84f4a00d24
R8 : 0x0
R9 : 0x0
R10: 0x0
R11: 0x0
R12: 0x7f84f4c020aa --> 0x201
R13: 0x7fffc9e96a10 --> 0x1
R14: 0x0
R15: 0x0
EFLAGS: 0x203 (CARRY parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
Invalid $PC address: 0x7f84f4a00d24
0000| 0x7fffc9e967a0 --> 0x7fffc9e967d0 --> 0x0
0008| 0x7fffc9e967a8 --> 0x7fffc9e967d8 --> 0x0
0016| 0x7fffc9e967b0 --> 0x0
0024| 0x7fffc9e967b8 --> 0x7fffc9e96850 --> 0x0
0032| 0x7fffc9e967c0 --> 0x0
0040| 0x7fffc9e967c8 --> 0x0
0048| 0x7fffc9e967d0 --> 0x0
0056| 0x7fffc9e967d8 --> 0x0
Legend: code, data, rodata, value

Breakpoint 1, 0x00007f84f4a00d24 in ?? ()

So I switched to pwndbg, and it worked better:

────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]────────────────────────────────────────────────
*RAX  0x2
 RBX  0x7f0df1c020a0 ◂— '    X    '
 RCX  0x0
 RDX  0x2
 RDI  0x3
 RSI  0x7f0df1c020aa ◂— 0x201
 R8   0x0
 R9   0x0
 R10  0x0
 R11  0x0
 R12  0x7f0df1c020aa ◂— 0x201
 R13  0x7ffff54f7300 ◂— 0x1
 R14  0x0
 R15  0x0
 RBP  0x7f0df1c020a0 ◂— '    X    '
*RSP  0x7ffff54f7090 —▸ 0x7ffff54f70c0 ◂— 0x0
*RIP  0x7f0df1a00d24 ◂— movsx  rdx, byte ptr [r12] /* 0xbe0f482414be0f49 */
─────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────
 ► 0x7f0df1a00d24    movsx  rdx, byte ptr [r12]
   0x7f0df1a00d29    movsx  rcx, byte ptr [rip + 0x20137a]
   0x7f0df1a00d31    lea    rax, [rdx + rdx*2]
   0x7f0df1a00d35    add    rax, rbx
   0x7f0df1a00d38    add    rax, rcx
   0x7f0df1a00d3b    cmp    byte ptr [rax], 0x20
   0x7f0df1a00d3e    jne    0x7f0df1a00bac <0x7f0df1a00bac>

   0x7f0df1a00d44    mov    byte ptr [rax], 0x4f
   0x7f0df1a00d47    call   0x7f0df1a014b0 <0x7f0df1a014b0>

   0x7f0df1a00d4c    test   al, al
   0x7f0df1a00d4e    mov    byte ptr [rip + 0x201355], al
──────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────
00:0000│ rsp  0x7ffff54f7090 —▸ 0x7ffff54f70c0 ◂— 0x0
01:0008│      0x7ffff54f7098 —▸ 0x7ffff54f70c8 ◂— 0x0
02:0010│      0x7ffff54f70a0 ◂— 0x0
03:0018│      0x7ffff54f70a8 —▸ 0x7ffff54f7140 ◂— 0x0
04:0020│      0x7ffff54f70b0 ◂— 0x0
... ↓
────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]────────────────────────────────────────────────
 ► f 0     7f0df1a00d24
   f 1     7f0df16d70b3 __libc_start_main+243


I decided to cheat just simply by adjusting the computers moves. Using the logic I worked out above, I’m going to disable the second check, for a row with exactly two O in it:

next_row = 0;
squares2 = &squares;
current_row = &squares;
do {
    num_os = (uint)(current_row[2] == 'O') +
        (uint)(current_row[1] == 'O') + (uint)(*current_row == 'O');
    if (num_os == 2) {
        if (*current_row == ' ') goto LAB_00100cc8;   // select first column in current row
        if (current_row[1] == ' ') goto LAB_00100e40; // select second column in current row
        if (current_row[2] == ' ') goto LAB_00100cd0; // select third column in current row
    next_row = next_row + 1;
    current_row = current_row + 3;
} while (next_row != 3);

Once that happens, the computer will ignore when I have two Os in a row. Without that rule, it’s priority will be the top two corners, which will give me enough time to get a tic-tac-toe across the bottom.


I’ll disable the row check by changing the check looking for two O to looking for four O (which will never happen). The assembly currently is:

        00100c07 83 fa 02        CMP        num_os,0x2

I’ll need to update that address for the ASLR, but I can do that by looking at any instruction pointer inside this function and just changing the last three nibbles. The cmp instruction above is 0x83fa02. Without looking at the docs I can guess that the third byte is what is being compared. I’ll change it:

pwndbg> set *(unsigned char*)0x7f0df1a00c09 = 0x04

Now I’ll tell gdb to c and play:

Initial Board
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
Bottom Center

There’s no X move after my last play because I’ve won, and the message box provides the flag:


Flag: c1ArF/P2CjiDXQIZ@flare-on.com

This flag almost ruined the challenge here. It’s really poor form to have a gibberish flag, when all the rest were leet speak. It made me think at first that I didn’t have the right flag. It’s part of the challenge that would waste people’s time without any benefit.



In playing with this, I thought it’d be interesting to write a single Bash one-liner that started gdb, changed the byte I wanted changed, and then let it run. I came up with this:

pid=$(ps auxww | grep tmp | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'); base=$(cat /proc/$pid/maps | grep tmp | head -1 | cut -d- -f1 | rev | cut -c4- | rev); gdb -p $pid -ex "set *(unsigned char*)0x${base}c09 = 0x04" -ex c

That’s three commands. First, it gets the pid of the tmp process by running ps auxww into grep, head, and awk.

pid=$(ps auxww | grep tmp | head -1 | awk '{print $2}');

Next, it gets the base memory address by looking in /proc/[pid]/maps, finding the start of the .text section, and dropping the last three bytes.

base=$(cat /proc/$pid/maps | grep tmp | head -1 | cut -d- -f1 | rev | cut -c4- | rev);

Finally, it calls gdb to attach to that process, and run two commands on start. First, the command to dork the compare breaking the “don’t let there be three in a row” check using that $base to get the right address. Then c for continue.

gdb -p $pid -ex "set *(unsigned char*)0x${base}c09 = 0x04" -ex c

So now I can start ttt2.exe, run that line in Bash, and then click on bottom left, bottom right, bottom center, and get flag.

Modifying Resource

In writing the previous section, I thought, why even open gdb? What if I just edit the dropped ELF to start with three Os in a win?

I found the instructions in the ELF where the state was initialized:

        00100b98 48 b8 20        MOV        RAX,0x2020202020202020
                 20 20 20 
                 20 20 20 20
        00100ba2 48 89 03        MOV        qword ptr [RBX]=>DAT_003020a0,RAX                = ??
        00100ba5 c6 05 fc        MOV        byte ptr [DAT_003020a8],0x20                     = ??
                 14 20 00 20

I opened up a hex editor, and changed that first line to MOV RAX, 0x4F4F4F2020202020, which should set the first row to all Os. I then used Resource Hacker to replace the ELF resource with this modified version, and ran it:


It looked good, so I clicked a square. I get a message box with a flag, but it’s not the right flag, and the board is now all jacked:


However, I found if I set it so that I didn’t win at the start, but also couldn’t lose, it would give the right flag. Modifying the resource like this so that three O were on the starting board did work:


On replacing the ELF resource with the modified version, I start with an advantage:


From there, I can just win:


Patch Strategy

I was also able to make the same change I made above. I opened a copy of the ELF in a hex editor and searched for 83 fa 02, and changed the 02 to 04. Then I saved it. In Resource Hacker, I found the resource, went to Action –> Replace Resource, and selected the modified ELF (it had to be named with a .bin extension). After saving, I can run the modified version, and X won’t try to stop my tic-tac-toe across the bottom just like above, this time without gdb.