
break was an amazing challenge. Just looking at main, it looks like a simple comparison against a static flag. But there’s an init function that runs first, forking a child process that then attaches a debugger to the parent, hooking all of it’s system calls and crashes. The child itself forks a second child, which attaches to the first child, handling several intentional crash points in the first child’s code. The effectively prevents my debugging the parent for first child, as only one debugger can attach at a time. I’ll use two different approaches - hooking library calls and patching the second child’s functionality directly into the first child, allowing me to debug the first child. Using these techniques, I’ll wind through three parts of the flag, each successively more difficult to break out.


As a reward for making it this far in Flare-On, we’ve decided to give you a break. Welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!

The file is a Linux ELF executable:

$ file break 
break: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=1793c43108b544ef35f9814b0caafcf76210631c, stripped

Running It (Weirdness)

Right away it’s clear that things aren’t as simple as they appear. Something is “stealing” my input:

root@kali# ./break
welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!
as a reward for getting this far in FLARE-ON, we've decided to make this one soooper easy

please enter a password friend :) password
sorry, but 'sorry i stole your input :)' is not correct

It’s also catching my attempts to interrupt with Ctrl-C:

root@kali# ./break
welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!
as a reward for getting this far in FLARE-ON, we've decided to make this one soooper easy

please enter a password friend :) ^CI HAVE THE CONCH DONT INTERRUPT ME

Finally, running it once starts three processes:

root@kali# pidof break
9427 9426 9201

Orienting / General Structure


In Ghidra, main is super simple:

void main(void)

  ssize_t len_input;
  int result;
  undefined input_buffer [261];
  undefined *puStack12;
  puStack12 = &stack0x00000004;
  puts("welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!");
  puts("as a reward for getting this far in FLARE-ON, we\'ve decided to make this one soooper easy");
  printf("please enter a password friend :) ");
  len_input = read(0,input_buffer + 1,0xff);
  auStack273[len_input] = 0;
  result = main_compare(input_buffer + 1);
  if (result == 0) {
    printf("sorry, but \'%s\' is not correct\n",input_buffer + 1);
  else {
    printf("hooray! the flag is: %s\n",input_buffer + 1);
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

main_compare is simpler:

uint main1_compare(char *input)

  int result;
  result = strcmp(input,"");
  return (uint)(result == 0);

Obviously there’s something deeper going on.

elf start

Going back to how an ELF starts, there’s an Entry Point given in the headers that points to a starting function. This function typically gets things started, pushes arguments, and calls __libc_start_main (ref):

public start
start proc near
xor     ebp, ebp
pop     esi
mov     ecx, esp
and     esp, 0FFFFFFF0h
push    eax
push    esp             ; stack_end
push    edx             ; rtld_fini
push    offset fini     ; fini
push    offset init     ; init
push    ecx             ; ubp_av
push    esi             ; argc
push    offset main     ; main
call    ___libc_start_main
start endp

The init function calls _init_proc (typical) and then loops over the array of function pointers passed to it above. For break, there are two The first (08048cb0) isn’t super interesting, but the second (08048fc5, I’ll call _INIT_1) is.

_INIT_1 [08048fc5]

This function is also relatively straight forward:

  • Calls setvbuf (docs) on both stdin and stdout setting them to null, effectively killing any input or output to this process.
  • It gets it’s own process ID (pid) with getpid.
  • fork, which creates a copy of the current process. The child process calls what I’m labeling as main2 (080490c4).
  • Calls prctl with PR_SET_PTRACER and the child’s pid - now the child process has permission to trace / debug this process.
  • Sleeps.
  • Lowers it’s priority with nice.
  • Prints a message into nothing, which will cause a SIGSEGV, and returns (which leads to main above).

main2 [080490c4]

The first child process (will refer to as child1 or first child) lives almost entirely in this function, debugging the parent process. There’s a helper function, call_ptrace [0804bae6] that loads ptrace from using dlopen and dlsym.

long call_ptrace(undefined4 request,pid_t pid,undefined4 addr,undefined4 data)

  undefined4 hLibc;
  code *ptrace;
  long ret;
  hLibc = dlopen("",1);
  ptrace = (code *)dlsym(hLibc,"ptrace");
  ret = (*ptrace)(request,pid,addr,data);
  return ret;

This avoids putting ptrace in the imports.

main2 uses this helper to first send a PTRACE_ATTACH request to the parent. On success, it:

  • Calls waitpid to wait for the parent to return, which it does [when the parent SIGSEGV?].
  • Uses ptrace to overwrite the first command of the main_compare function with 0xb0f, which is not a valid command. This means that when the parent process reaches this point, it will crash.
  • Gets its own PID, and passes that to secondFork [0804a0b4].
  • Calls ptrace with PTRACE_CONT | PTRACE_SYSCALL to tell the parent to run until a signal, which includes raising a SIGTRAP on syscall (without executing the syscall).

The rest of this function is a big loop on while waitpid(parent_pid, status, 0) != -1. These macros show how to read the status. First it checks the low byte to see if it is 0x7f, which means the process came back on a signal. The signal number is the next byte, so it checks that and compares to various signals it has handlers for (SIGTRAP, SIGSEGV, and others). SIGTRAP is the most interesting, as that is thrown whenever the parent makes a syscall. In that case, it uses ptrace to get the registers and grab $eax, the syscall number, which is used to generate a key that directs what code is run instead of the legit syscall. There are handlers for the following syscalls:

Syscall Key Handler Action
exit - 1 [0x01] b82d3c24 Actually exits
read - 3 [0x03] 91bda628 Reads user input; pokes “stole your input” string into parent, but also actual input to different buffer; sets $eax to len of “store your input” string
write - 4 [0x04] 7e85db2a Prints message and sets $eax to len of message
execve - 11 [0x0b] f7ff4e38 Gets string from first arg from parent, replaces trailing \n with \0, and pokes it back into parent
chmod - 15 [0x0f] ab202240 Encryption related - See below
nice - 34 [0x22] 3dfc1166 Not actually called; nice instead calls getpriority, setpriority, and getpriority
ioctl - 54 [0x36] 2499954e Not actually called
truncate - 92 [0x5c] 4a51739a See below
getpriority - 96 [0x60] 9678e7e2 Before setpriority, sets $eax to 0x14; Aftersetpriority, sets $eax to -0x81a52a0
setpriority - 97 [0x61] 83411ce4 Gets string based on $edx and pokes it into parent at 0x81a52a0.
uname - 122 [0x7a] 09c7a9d6 Userd in crypto; sets parent memory at $ebx and $ebx+4 to constant values.
mlockall - 152 [0x98] c93de012 Used in crypto
pivot_root - 217 [0xd9] e8135594 Used in crypto; swaps values at parents $ebx and $ecx

main3 [08049c9c]

This function running in child2 attaches to child1 (its parent) using ptrace, and then enters a similar waitpid loop. This loop just sends PTRACE_CONT, so it isn’t breaking on syscalls, but just signals. It reads the registers and the first four values from the stack from child1. The main handler is for the SIGSEGV, which typically sets $eax (the function return value), fixes the stack and sets $eip to the the next instruction (which is on the stack from the function call).

Looking back through main2, there are several places where a SIGSEGV is thrown by trying to call the function at 0:

uVar1 = (*(code *)0x0)(0x91bda628,(int)(char)init_str[i * 2],(int)(char)init_str[i * 2 + 1]);

In each case, the first argument is a hex key value, which main3 uses to determine what to do next, which typically involves setting $eax to something, setting $eip to the return value on the stack, and fixing the stack.

This function also has a handler for SIGINT, which puts a stack string, “I HAVE THE CONCH DONT INTERRUPT ME” and continues.

Flag Part 1 - Hooking


Because ptrace is already attached to the parent and first child processes, I can’t attach a debugger to them, leaving me needing some visibility into what’s going on with them. My first attempt was to write a shared library to hook libc functions as they are called to print information about what’s going on. Looking at the list of imports, memcmp jumped out as interesting.

The following code will print the two buffers being compared with memcmp and call the real one:

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

typedef int (*memcmp_t)(const void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n);
memcmp_t real_memcmp;

int memcmp(const void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n) {
  fprintf(stderr, "memcmp: %s\n        %s\n", str1, str2);
  if (!real_memcmp) {
    real_memcmp = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "memcmp");

  return real_memcmp(str1, str2, n);

__attribute__((constructor)) static void setup(void) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Hooked process...\n");

Compile it:

root@kali# gcc -shared -fPIC -ldl hooks.c -o -m32

And run break with LD_PRELOAD:

root@kali# LD_PRELOAD=hooks/ ./break
Hooked process...
welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!
as a reward for getting this far in FLARE-ON, we've decided to make this one soooper easy

please enter a password friend :) 0xdf-password
memcmp: 0xdf-password
sorry, but 'sorry i stole your input :)' is not correct

Just like that, I have the first part of the flag, w3lc0mE_t0_Th3_l. If I submit a password that doesn’t start with that string, it returns failure immediately. If I send a password that starts with that string, it will hang for a couple minutes, and then returns the failure message.

Clearly there’s something else going on here.


I tried a couple other imports without finding anything interesting. Then I decided to target ptrace. Because (as mentioned above) ptrace isn’t imported via the standard mechanism but rather is loaded with dlsym, I can’t hook it with LD_PRELOAD. Instead, I’ll create another shared object named, and then find the string in the file used by this line:

hLibc = dlopen("",1);

I’ll replace “” with “./\x00” so that it loads my library instead.

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

char* procName(pid_t pid);
const char *ptrace_types[] = { "0", "1", "PEEKDATA", "3", "4", "POKEDATA", "6", "CONT",
                               "8", "9", "10", "11", "GETREGS", "SETREGS", "14", "15",
                               "ATTACH", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24",
                               "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "CONT|SYSCALL" };
const char *regs[] = { "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi", "ebp", "eax", "xds", "xes",
                       "xfs", "xgs", "orig_eax", "eip", "xcs", "eflags", "esp", "xss" };

pid_t p1, p2, p3;
int prev_getregs[17];
char c;

char* procName(pid_t pid) {

    if (pid == p1) {
        return "p1";
    } else if (pid == p2) {
        return "p2";
    } else if (pid == p3) {
        return "p3";
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "oops\n");
        return "oops";

long ptrace(int request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data) {
    void *hLibc;
    int res, new_reg, orig_reg;
    int (*real_ptrace)(int request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data);
    hLibc = dlopen("",1);
    *(void**)(&real_ptrace) = dlsym(hLibc, "ptrace");
    pid_t cur_pid = getpid();
    if (ptrace_types[request] == "ATTACH") {
        if (!p2) {
            p1 = pid;
            p2 = cur_pid;
        } else if (!p3) {
            p3 = cur_pid;
    res = real_ptrace(request, pid, addr, data);
    //fprintf(stderr, "%s --> %s %-10s", procName(cur_pid), procName(pid), ptrace_types[request]);
    if (request == 2) {         // peekdata
    } else if (request == 5) {  //poke data
        fprintf(stderr, "%s --> %s %-10s", procName(cur_pid), procName(pid), ptrace_types[request]);
        fprintf(stderr, "  0x%08x =  0x%08x  ", addr, data);
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            int c = ((int)data << (3-i)*(8)) >> 24;
            if (c < 32 || c > 126) {
                c = 46;
            fprintf(stderr, "%c", (char)c);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    } else if (request == 12) { // getregs
        for (int i=0; i<17; i++) {
            prev_getregs[i] = *((int*)(data)+i);
    } else if (request == 13) { // setregs
        fprintf(stderr, "%s --> %s %-10s", procName(cur_pid), procName(pid), ptrace_types[request]);
        for (int i=0; i < 17; i++) {
            new_reg = *((int*)(data) + i);
            orig_reg = prev_getregs[i];
            if (new_reg != orig_reg) {
                fprintf(stderr, "  [%s] %08x --> %08x", regs[i], orig_reg, new_reg);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    return res; 

The basic idea is that it catches a prtrace call, makes the call, and then prints status based on the results. Originally I implemented printing for all calls, but it was too much. I reduced it to only show when it changed things in its parent process, either registers or data. For registers, it keeps the previous data from GETREGS and looks for changes, only printing those. Any time it POKES data, I print that as well. I also found it useful to get the PIDs for the three processes, and refer to them as p1, p2, and p3, for easy tracking.

Now the start of the process looks like:

root@kali# ./break                  
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x08048cdb =  0x00000b0f  ....
p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000014
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52a0 =  0x00000000  ....   
p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000000
p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> f7e5ad60
welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 0000002d

p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000001
as a reward for getting this far in FLARE-ON, we've decided to make this one soooper easyp2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000059

p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000001

p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000001
please enter a password friend :) p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 00000022

I can see the first POKEDATA that breaks the comparison function. There’s something changing $eax a few times.

On entering a password, I see first “sorry i stole your input :).” and then the entered password POKED into different places in the main process:

p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb920 =  0x72726f73  sorr
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb924 =  0x20692079  y i 
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb928 =  0x6c6f7473  stol
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb92c =  0x6f792065  e yo
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb930 =  0x69207275  ur i
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb934 =  0x7475706e  nput
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb938 =  0xf7293a20   :).
p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 0000001c
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56c0 =  0x41414141  AAAA
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56c4 =  0x42424242  BBBB
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56c8 =  0x43434343  CCCC
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56cc =  0x44444444  DDDD
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56d0 =  0x45454545  EEEE
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56d4 =  0x46464646  FFFF
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56d8 =  0x0000000a  ....
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffdeb910 =  0x081a56c0  .V..
p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eip] 08048cdb --> 08048dcb
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a56d8 =  0x00000000  ....

Immediately following that, $eip is set to 08048dcb.

Unfortunately, while this is useful for tracking how information is passed between the different processes, it still wasn’t enough to make clear what was going on. If I enter something starting with “w3lc0mE_t0_Th3_l”, there’s a ton of activity, but nothing that reveals a flag.

Flag Part 2 - Patching

gdb Init File

The thing preventing me from debugging the first child process is the second child. At this point I moved to remove that process from the flow. I created a gdb init file that would break in the first child process in main2 before it entered the while loop where it calls the function to fork the next child:


At this breakpoint, I simply set $eip to the next command and continue:

# don't start p3
b *0x08049152
set $eip=0x8049157

Now running in gdb I’m able to stay with the first child, but I start hitting SIGSEGV signals that were previously handled by the second child. For example, it hits this loop in a function I labeled getmessage:

    while (i < (int)init_str_len / 2) {
      uVar1 = (*(code *)0x0)(0x91bda628,(int)(char)init_str[i * 2],(int)(char)init_str[i * 2 + 1]);
      *(undefined *)(i + (int)__dest) = uVar1;
      i = i + 1;

Calling address 0x00 results in a SIGSEGV, which the second child would catch at waitpid. Then it reads the registers and the top four stack values:

if (sig == SIGSEGV) {
    stack1 = call_ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA,parentPid,regs.esp,0);
    stack2 = call_ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA,parentPid,regs.esp + 4,0);
    stack3 = call_ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA,parentPid,regs.esp + 8,0);
    stack4 = call_ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA,parentPid,regs.esp + 0xc,0);

At the SIGSEGV, the top four stack values are:

Stack Value
stack1 return address / next instruction after bad call
stack2 first arg, the four byte hex value used as a key
stack3 second arg
stack4 third arg

The second child process then enters a series of if / else based on the key. So for this call, 0x91bda628, it sets $eax in the reg structure from the first child to a combination of the next two args:

else {
    if (stack2 == -0x6e4259d8) {
        regs.eax = stack4 - 1 & 0xf | (stack3 - 1) * 0x10;

Looking at each of the handlers, I added the following to the gdb init script to handle each crash and continue:

catch signal SIGSEGV
if *((int*)($esp+0x4)) == 0x91bda628
    set $eax=((*((int*)($esp+0xc)) - 1) & 0xf) + ((*((int*)($esp+0x8)) - 1) * 0x10)
    set $eip=(*((int*)($esp)))
    set $esp=$esp+4
if *((int*)($esp+0x4)) == 0xb82d3c24
    set $eax=(*((int*)($esp+0x8)) + 1)
    set $eip=(*((int*)($esp)))
    set $esp=$esp+4
if *((int*)($esp+0x4)) == 0x7e85db2a
    set $eax=0x9e3779b9
    set $eip=(*((int*)($esp)))
    set $esp=$esp+4
if *((int*)($esp+0x4)) == 0x6b4e102c
    set $eax=*((int*)($esp+0xc)) + *((int*)($esp+0x8))
    set $eip=(*((int*)($esp)))
    set $esp=$esp+4
if *((int*)($esp+0x4)) == 0x5816452e
    set $eax=*((int*)($esp+0xc)) & 0x1f
    set $eax=((*((unsigned int*)($esp+0x8)) >> $eax) | (*((unsigned int*)($esp+0x8)) << ((-1*$eax) & 0x1f)))
    set $eip=(*((int*)($esp)))
    set $esp=$esp+4
if *((int*)($esp+0x4)) == 0x44de7a30
    set $eax=*((int*)($esp+0xc)) ^ *((int*)($esp+0x8))
    set $eip=(*((int*)($esp)))
    set $esp=$esp+4

With this in place (starting gdb with -x [init_file]), I can now debug in the first child to get a sense for what’s going on. It does run much slower than the original binary. It took close to 20 minutes to run to the end, so I eventually did create a fully patched binary. Each of these operations in second child were simple enough that I could just find machine instructions for the bad call in a hex editor (including pushing the arguments), and overwrite them with the instructions to do what the handler would do. This ran much faster. The patches were:

root@kali# diff <( xxd break-orig ) <( xxd break-mod)
< 00001150: 0c50 e85d 0f00 0083 c410 c745 cca0 521a  .P.].......E..R.
> 00001150: 0c50 9090 9090 9083 c410 c745 cca0 521a  .P.........E..R.
< 00001760: 31d2 89c2 8b45 e483 ec04 5250 6824 3c2d  1....E....RPh$<-
< 00001770: b88b 45d8 ffd0 83c4 1089 45e4 8b85 a8c0  ..E.......E.....
> 00001760: 31d2 89c2 8b45 e483 c001 9090 9090 9090  1....E..........
> 00001770: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9089 45e4 8b85 a8c0  ..........E.....
< 000018a0: 50ff 7508 6a05 e83b 2200 0083 c410 83ec  P.u.j..;".......
< 000018b0: 0468 feca 0000 6837 1300 0068 2adb 857e  .h....h7...h*..~
< 000018c0: 8b45 d8ff d083 c410 89c2 8b85 34ff ffff  .E..........4...
> 000018a0: 50ff 7508 6a05 e83b 2200 0083 c410 9090  P.u.j..;".......
> 000018b0: 9090 b8b9 7937 9e90 9090 9090 9090 9090  ....y7..........
> 000018c0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 89c2 8b85 34ff ffff  ............4...
< 000041b0: 4508 8b40 1c89 c28b 45f4 83ec 0452 5068  E..@....E....RPh
< 000041c0: 2c10 4e6b 8b45 f0ff d083 c410 8945 f48b  ,.Nk.E.......E..
< 000041d0: 4508 8b80 a400 0000 89c2 8b45 f483 ec04  E..........E....
< 000041e0: 5250 682e 4516 588b 45f0 ffd0 83c4 1089  RPh.E.X.E.......
< 000041f0: 45f4 8b45 088b 404c 89c2 8b45 f483 ec04  E..E..@L...E....
< 00004200: 5250 6830 7ade 448b 45f0 ffd0 83c4 1089  RPh0z.D.E.......
> 000041b0: 4508 8b40 1c89 c28b 45f4 9001 c28b 4d08  E..@....E.....M.
> 000041c0: 8b89 a400 0000 83e1 1f89 d0d3 e8f7 d983  ................
> 000041d0: e11f d3e2 09c2 8b45 088b 404c 31d0 9090  .......E..@L1...
> 000041e0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090  ................
> 000041f0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090  ................
> 00004200: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9089  ................
< 000045b0: 83ec 0452 5068 28a6 bd91 8b85 2cff ffff  ...RPh(.....,...
< 000045c0: ffd0 83c4 1088 8523 ffff ff8b 9528 ffff  .......#.....(..
> 000045b0: 83e8 01c1 e004 83ea 0183 e20f 09d0 9090  ................
> 000045c0: 9090 9090 9088 8523 ffff ff8b 9528 ffff  .......#.....(..
< 0000e940: 8d01 0204 0810 2040 801b 366c 6962 632e  ...... @..6libc.
< 0000e950: 736f 2e36 0070 7472 6163 6500 7200 0000  so.6.ptrace.r...
> 0000e940: 8d01 0204 0810 2040 801b 362e 2f70 742e  ...... @..6./pt.
> 0000e950: 736f 0000 0070 7472 6163 6500 7200 0000  so...ptrace.r...

One other thing to note - I made the gdb init file by running until I reached a SIGSEGV, then looking up the appropriate response, and adding it to the file. You’ll note that the crash for first arg 0xa4f57126 isn’t in there. That turned out to be a lucky mistake. My patched binary was generated using my init file as a check list, so again, this one didn’t get patched, again, a lucky choice for me, as I’ll explain later.

Tracing Parent

_INIT_1 and main

Now I can look at the status from each waitpid return in the first child and follow along in the main program. Each time, if it’s a SIGTRAP, it will get the syscall number from the registry, generate a key value from that, and then navigate to code that handles that key.

This was a helpful add to the gdb init file to print the syscall number on each loop:

# get syscall from p1
b *0x804926b
printf "SYSCALL: %d [0x%x]\n", $eax, $eax

Now I can step through watching the different syscalls from the parent process (using this table to get the name from number), and follow along in the code as the parent finishes _INIT_1 and goes to main.

SysCallFunction CalledLocation
0 - restart_syscallN/AOn child attach
267 - clock_nanosleepnanosleep((timespec *)PTR_DAT_081a50e8,(timespec *)0x0);_INIT_1
96 - getpriorityiVar1 = nice(0xaa);
97 - setpriority
96 - getpriority
4 - write (several)Each of the puts or printf calls in mainmain
3 - readsVar1 = read(0,auStack273 + 1,0xff);

The handling code for the write system calls fetches a message that matches what’s being printed and prints it from the first child. The read system call gets the data with fgets, and then pokes the “sorry i stole your input” string back into the parent:

if (eax_key == -0x6e4259d8) {
    sorrystoleinput_str = (char *)getmessage(0xb8);
    _DAT_081a57c0 = trace_regs.ecx;
    input_length = strlen(sorrystoleinput_str);
    input_length = strlen(sorrystoleinput_str);
    trace_regs.eax = input_length + 1;

I can see this with the hooks:

Testinput     <--- my input
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd090 =  0x72726f73  sorr
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd094 =  0x20692079  y i 
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd098 =  0x6c6f7473  stol
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd09c =  0x6f792065  e yo
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd0a0 =  0x69207275  ur i
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd0a4 =  0x7475706e  nput
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0xffffd0a8 =  0xf7293a20   :).
p2 --> p1 SETREGS     [eax] ffffffda --> 0000001c

It does save the real input into a buffer in the child process.


At this point main calls the comparison function. However, as I noted above, the first instruction has been overwritten leading to a SIGILL (Illegal instruction). When this happens, the handler in first child goes here:

if ((int)(waitpid_status1 & 0xff00) >> 8 == SIGILL) {
    input_length = strlen(&user_input);
    retval = call_ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA,parent_pid,trace_regs.esp + 4,&user_input);
    if (retval == -1) {
        /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
    trace_regs.eip = main1b;

It pokes the real user input into the same global variable in the parent process, and then overwrites the first argument (where $esp holds the return address) with the address of that variable. It then sets $eip to a function I’ve named main1b [08048dcb], and lets the parent run again. This effectively creates a call to main1b([user_input]).

main1b [08048dcb]

This function isn’t too complex, and I’ll look at it in 3 parts. First, it uses the user input to make a scary execve call:

  in_len = strlen(param_1);
  rm_str = "rm";
  rf_str = &rf_str;
  nopreserveroot_str = "--no-preserve-root";
  slash_str = &slash_str;
  local_18 = 0;
  execve(param_1,&rm_str,(char **)0x0);
  in_len = in_len - 1;

This ends up being execve([input], [rm -rf --no-preserve-root /], 0x0), but it isn’t run because the first child catches the syscall and runs its handler instead. The handler for the execve syscall does run, and it replaces a \n on the end of my input with a \x00, and returns.

The second part is where nice is called (which generates three syscalls) with the result being passed to another function that initializes some encryption stuff, and then another function which uses that to decrypt the string that is the correct first 0x10 bytes of the flag:

local_14 = nice(0xa5);
local_14 = -local_14;

After this, DAT_081a50ec holds the string “w3lc0mE_t0_Th3_l”.

The third part is a call to memcmp (as observed from the hook), and it the first 0x10 bytes of input match that string, it passes the rest of the input (skipping the first 0x10 bytes) into main1c. If the memcmp does not return a match, it sets the return value to 0 and exits.

  memcmp_return = memcmp(param_1,&DAT_081a50ec,0x10);
  if (memcmp_return == 0) {
    return = main1c(param_1 + 0x10);
  else {
    return = 0;
  return return;

As this function will be returning to the original main, I want this to return non-zero for success. Obviously then I need the flag to start with the string I identified earlier, and then to dig into main1c to figure out what happens there to get it to return non-zero.

main1c [08048f05]

This code running in the parent process continues using the syscalls to run different code as dictated by the first child.

  inv_no_purpose_string = nice(0xa4);
  len_str_has_no_purpose = strlen((char *)-inv_no_purpose_string);
  key = keygen(0,0,(char *)-inv_no_purpose_string,len_str_has_no_purpose,0);
  max_40000 = 40000;
  i = 0;
  while (i < max_40000) {
    encryptBlock(&DAT_0804c640 + i,key,local_fa0);
    i = i + 8;
  result = truncate(&DAT_0804c640,0x20);
  return (result == 0x20);

The code above calls nice (which runs three syscalls, 0x60, 0x61, 0x60), which pokes the following string into memory with the 0x61 call (as seen from my hook):

p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52a0 =  0x73696854  This
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52a4 =  0x72747320   str
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52a8 =  0x20676e69  ing 
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52ac =  0x20736168  has 
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52b0 =  0x70206f6e  no p
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52b4 =  0x6f707275  urpo
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52b8 =  0x61206573  se a
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52bc =  0x6920646e  nd i
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52c0 =  0x656d2073  s me
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52c4 =  0x796c6572  rely
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52c8 =  0x72656820   her
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52cc =  0x6f742065  e to
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52d0 =  0x73617720   was
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52d4 =  0x79206574  te y
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52d8 =  0x2072756f  our 
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52dc =  0x656d6974  time
p2 --> p1 POKEDATA    0x081a52e0 =  0x0000002e  ....

Then the second 0x60 syscall sets $eax to 0xf7e5ad60, which will be the return value for nice. That value is negated and used as a pointer in the rest of the function, which I can do in the built in Ubuntu calculator to see that’s 0x081A52A0, the address of the string:


I didn’t dig into the function I named keygen much, as the output is the same every time, regardless of my input. It then copies the remaining input (first 0x10 bytes stripped before passing to main1c), copies it into a global buffer that’s already populated with random looking data, and then looks over it in blocks. Without even looking at the function called on each block, I can guess this is an encryption/decryption routine for a block cipher. The results are passed to truncate (which has its own code defined in main2), and if that returns 0x20, it returns True which is non-zero.


Victory Conditions

This loop is what takes a while to run, as it encrypts 0x40000 / 8 = 0x8000 blocks. I can put a break on the truncate handler and let it run, or let it run for a bit and then Ctrl-c to break it, and look at the buffer it’s working on:

gdb-peda$ hexdump 0x804c640 200
0x0804c640 : fe c5 f8 1d 80 2d 6b ba 59 83 26 ac 5a bc ef 11   .....-k.Y.&.Z...
0x0804c650 : 9a e3 00 54 16 24 b4 51 60 61 7a af ef a8 8d 6d   ...T.$.Q`az....m
0x0804c660 : 41 63 63 6f 72 64 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20 61 6c 6c   According to all
0x0804c670 : 20 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 20 6c 61 77 73 20 6f 66 20 61    known laws of a
0x0804c680 : 76 69 61 74 69 6f 6e 2c 20 74 68 65 72 65 20 69   viation, there i
0x0804c690 : 73 20 6e 6f 20 77 61 79 20 74 68 61 74 20 61 20   s no way that a 
0x0804c6a0 : 62 65 65 20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20 62 65 20 61 62   bee should be ab
0x0804c6b0 : 6c 65 20 74 6f 20 66 6c 79 2e 20 49 74 73 20 77   le to fly. Its w
0x0804c6c0 : 69 6e 67 73 20 61 72 65 20 74 6f 6f 20 73 6d 61   ings are too sma
0x0804c6d0 : 6c 6c 20 74 6f 20 67 65 74 20 69 74 73 20 66 61   ll to get its fa
0x0804c6e0 : 74 20 6c 69 74 74 6c 65 20 62 6f 64 79 20 6f 66   t little body of
0x0804c6f0 : 66 20 74 68 65 20 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2e 20 54 68   f the ground. Th
0x0804c700 : 65 20 62 65 65 2c 20 6f                           e bee, o

The first two blocks (0x20 bytes) are an encrypted version of my input. Beyond that, it appears to be a script from the movie Bee Movie. It’s actually a bit more than that, but I’ll come back to it later.

Before diving into the encryption or the rest of the buffer, I’d better take a look at what the program wants. After all the blocks are encrypted (it’s a bit weird that the output of the encryption is the plaintext movie script, but the encryption / decryption schemes are kind of mirror, and my input it going the opposite direction as the script, so I’ll stick with encryption for this direction), the buffer is passed into truncate:

  result = truncate(&DAT_0804c640,0x20);
  return (result == 0x20);

The handler for this syscall looks simple enough:

if (eax_key == 0x4a51739a) {
    /* truncate */
    i = 0;
    while ((i < 40000 && ((&DAT_0804c640)[i] != '\0'))) {
        local_3f50[i] = (&DAT_0804c640)[i];
        if ((returnval == -1) && (local_3f50[i] != (&DAT_081a5100)[i])) {
            returnval = i;
        i = i + 1;
    /* "returns" returnval */
    trace_regs.eax = (*null)(0xa4f57126,&user_input,returnval);
    returnval = trace_regs.eax;
    /* Need to set EAX to 0x20 */

It gets the full encrypted buffer from the parent process, and loops over the entire thing one byte at a time, copying each byte into a local buffer. If the return value has not been set (it’s initialized to -1 earlier), and the current byte doesn’t match the corresponding byte in a static global, it sets the return value to i, and continues. This effectively is a inefficient way to compare these two buffers and return the first time they don’t match. Since I’m looking for a value of 0x20 for the return, that tells me I want the next 0x20 bytes of my input to match the decrypted value of DAT_081a5100. So if I can figure out the encryption and decrypt the buffer, I’ll have success.

encryptBlock [0804c369]

This function is pretty straight forward crypto once I get the functions labeled:

void encryptBlock(uint *block,undefined4 key0-3,undefined4 key4-7,char *CryptArray)

  uint mixed_second;
  int in_GS_OFFSET;
  undefined4 i;
  code *null;
  uint firsthalf;
  __mode_t secondhalf;
  __mode_t temp;
  uint local_14;
  int canary;
  canary = *(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14);
  null = (code *)0x0;
  firsthalf = *block;
  secondhalf = block[1];
  i = 0;
  temp = secondhalf;
  mixed_second = chmod(CryptArray,secondhalf);
  secondhalf = mixed_second ^ firsthalf;
  firsthalf = temp;
  local_14 = secondhalf;
  *block = secondhalf;
  block[1] = firsthalf;
  if (canary != *(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

It uses the key value passed in to generate an array that’s used in the mixing function, chmod. It takes the two halves of the block, mixes the second, xors the result with the first half and sets that to the new second half. The new first half is the original second half.

Then there’s a call to (*null)(0x804c3c4,&i);, which causes a SIGSEGV that’s handled by the first child. When it gets to the child, the top of the stack will be the next instruction, the value 0x804c3c4, and the value i. The handler reads these values from the stack, increments i, and checks it against 0x10. If it’s less than, it sets $eip to the second stack value (0x804c3c4) and pokes the incremented i back into the parent. Once it’s run 16 times, it sets $eip to the next address. So this single line is basically a for loop over 16 times.

This is all an implementation of a Feistel cipher. To decrypt, I just need to implement the same mixing function and swap the half order:

Feistel cipher diagram en.svg

Python Implementation

I didn’t have to dig into the CryptArray generation, but rather, because it’s passed into chmod, I was able to get the static values from there using gdb. In chmod, the CryptArray and input are passed into a function that uses handlers in the second child to do the crypt operations:

undefined4 FUN_0804c19c(int cryptStruct,undefined4 input)

  undefined4 result;
                    /* Add input plus first struct val together */
  result = (*(code *)0x0)(0x6b4e102c,input,*(undefined4 *)(cryptStruct + 0x1c));
                    /* shift and reorder 1 based on 2 (which is 3rd arg in struct) */
  result = (*(code *)0x0)(0x5816452e,uVar1,*(undefined4 *)(cryptStruct + 0xa4));
                    /* xor two args (result and 2nd obj in struct) */
  result = (*(code *)0x0)(0x44de7a30,uVar1,*(undefined4 *)(cryptStruct + 0x4c));
  return result;

The rest was walking through the chmod handler to determine the mixing algorithm, which I could debug since it’s in the first child, making it not too difficult.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import binascii
from pwn import *

# generated in 804c217
crypt_array = [[0x4b695809, 0x674a1dea , 0x0000000f],
[0xe35b9b24, 0xad92774c , 0x00000011],
[0x71adcd92, 0x56c93ba6 , 0x00000011],
[0x38d6e6c9, 0x2b649dd3 , 0x00000011],
[0x5a844444, 0x8b853750 , 0x0000000c],
[0x2d422222, 0x45c29ba8 , 0x0000000c],
[0x16a11111, 0x22e14dd4 , 0x0000000c],
[0xcdbfbfa8, 0x8f47df53 , 0x00000015],
[0xe6dfdfd4, 0x47a3efa9 , 0x00000015],
[0xf36fefea, 0x23d1f7d4 , 0x00000015],
[0x79b7f7f5, 0x11e8fbea , 0x00000015],
[0xfa34ccda, 0x96c3044c , 0x0000000f],
[0x7d1a666d, 0x4b618226 , 0x0000000f],
[0xf8620416, 0xbb87b8aa , 0x0000000f],
[0x7c31020b, 0x5dc3dc55 , 0x0000000f],
[0x78f7b625, 0xb0d69793 , 0x00000012]]

def chmod(crypt, word):
    shift = crypt[2] & 0x1f
    step1 = (crypt[0] + word) & 0xffffffff
    step2 = (step1 >> shift) | (step1 << ((-shift) & 0x1f)) & 0xffffffff
    return crypt[1] ^ step2

def encrypt8bytes(b):

    L, R = u32(b[:4]), u32(b[4:])
    for i in range(16):
        temp = R
        R = chmod(crypt_array[i], R) ^ L
        L = temp
    return p64((L << 32) + R)

def decrypt8bytes(b):
    R, L = u32(b[:4]), u32(b[4:])
    for i in range(16):
        temp = L
        L = chmod(crypt_array[15-i], L) ^ R
        R = temp
    return p64((R << 32) + L)

test_string = encrypt8bytes("AAAABBBB")

plaintext = decrypt8bytes(test_string)

enc_flag = binascii.unhexlify("64a06002ea8a877d 6ce97ce4823f2d0c 8cb7b5ebcf354f42 4fad2b4920287ce0".replace(' ',''))

flag = b''
for i in range(len(enc_flag)//8):
    flag += decrypt8bytes(enc_flag[(8*i):(8*i)+8])


When I run this, I can see it encrypts and decrypts a test block ok, and then shows me the next part of the flag:

root@kali# ./ 

Flag Part 3 - New Code

Identify New Part

At this point, I figured I had the correct flag. I tried both 4nD_0f_De4th_4nd_d3strUct1oN_4nd and, but no luck on the Flare site or in the program. I was confused. The loop in truncate would run, and set the return value to 0x20, the first place where the input didn’t match the start of Bee Movie, and then the return value should be right to print the success message.

Looking at truncate again:

if (eax_key == 0x4a51739a) {
    /* truncate */
    i = 0;
    while ((i < 40000 && ((&DAT_0804c640)[i] != '\0'))) {
        local_3f50[i] = (&DAT_0804c640)[i];
        if ((returnval == -1) && (local_3f50[i] != (&DAT_081a5100)[i])) {
            returnval = i;
        i = i + 1;
    /* "returns" returnval */
    trace_regs.eax = (*null)(0xa4f57126,&user_input,returnval);
    returnval = trace_regs.eax;
    /* Need to set EAX to 0x20 */

There is this null call that is handled by the second child:

if (stack2 == -0x5b0a8eda) {
    regs.eax = stack4;
    if (stack4 != 0xffffffff) {
        iVar3 = strncmp(&DAT_081a56f0,"",0xd);
        if (iVar3 != 0) {
            regs.eax = -1;

It sets $eax to stack4 (the return value, 0x20), and then checks that 0x30 bytes into the input is “”, setting $eax to -1 if they don’t match. I did try, but it didn’t take either.

I ran the unmodified binary with a break point in this code, but it never hit (which is consistent with the fact that I never patched it in the modified binary and it still never crashed.) Given that, and the fact that the flag looks incomplete (ending in “and”), led me back into truncate.

It turns out there is a buffer overflow in the copy local_3f50[i] = (&DAT_0804c640)[i];. local_3f50 is defined by Ghidra as char local_3f50 [16000];. But the copy will loop until the first null. If I dump the full buffer to a file in gdb (dump binary memory buffer.bin 0x804c6400 0x804c640+0x40000), and look at the hexdump -C in less, the first “ 00 “ comes at offset 3f28 (or 16168):

00003f20  20 6d 79 2e 70 3b 05 08  00 20 57 68 61 74 e2 80  | my.p;... What..|

This overflow happens to overwrite the variable I named null because it just held a 0 and then was called in truncate (I thought to generate a SIGSEGV to the second child). local_3f50 is at $EBP-0x3f4c, and null is at ​$EBP-0x28. So what overwrites null is 0x3f24 bytes into the input/movie script:

gdb-peda$ p 0x3f4c-0x28
$35 = 0x3f24
gdb-peda$ x/xw 0x0804c640+0x3f24
0x8050564:      0x08053b70

Which leads to this at trace_regs.eax = (*null)(0xa4f57126,&user_input,returnval);, where $eax isn’t null, but an address:

EAX: 0x8053b70 --> 0x75ffec8b 
EBX: 0x1                                                              
ECX: 0xffff91fc --> 0x260a064                                         
EDX: 0xffffd123 --> 0x3f2808 
ESI: 0x0
EDI: 0xffff91f4 --> 0x0
EBP: 0xffffd148 --> 0xffffd178 --> 0x1 
ESP: 0xffff90e0 --> 0xa4f57126                                        
EIP: 0x8049869 --> 0xc483d0ff                                         
EFLAGS: 0x292 (carry parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x8049860:   push   eax                                            
   0x8049861:   push   0xa4f57126
   0x8049866:   mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x28]
=> 0x8049869:   call   eax     
   0x804986b:   add    esp,0x10
   0x804986e:   mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x20],eax
   0x8049871:   mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x20]
   0x8049874:   mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xb4],eax            
Guessed arguments:                                                                                                                           
arg[0]: 0xa4f57126               
arg[1]: 0x81a56c0 ("\n")
arg[2]: 0x20 (' ')                                                                                                                           
0000| 0xffff90e0 --> 0xa4f57126 
0004| 0xffff90e4 --> 0x81a56c0 ("\n")
0008| 0xffff90e8 --> 0x20 (' ')
0012| 0xffff90ec --> 0x9c40 
0016| 0xffff90f0 --> 0x0 
0020| 0xffff90f4 --> 0x2 
0024| 0xffff90f8 --> 0xf7fcb700 --> 0x8048697 ("GLIBC_2.0")
0028| 0xffff90fc --> 0x1 
Legend: code, data, rodata, value

Thread 3.1 "break-mod" hit Breakpoint 3, 0x08049869 in ?? ()

It’s calling

So what’s at 0x8053b70? Well, it’s 0x7530 (or 30000) bytes into the buffer with the input/movie script, which happens to be where the buffer goes from Bee Movies script to binary stuff:


The script seems to pick up later:


I dumped from 0x7530 to 0x8816 into a new file I could open in Ghidra and analyze as a new file.

Unpacked main [0805492e]

The top of the code, 08053b70, just moves three parameters passed in back to the top of the stack, and calls 0805492e. This function serves are the main for this section.

At the very bottom, there’s some confusing loops:

  i = bufcmp((int)match1a,(int)match1b);
                    /* need i==0 */
  if (i == 0) goto LAB_08054c40;
  do {
    parent_regs.eax = -1;
    i = bufcmp((int)match2a,(int)match2b);
                    /* This is a win! */
    if (i == 0) {
      *(undefined *)(input + 0x48) = 0;
      FUN_08054c75(0x49,_DAT_081a57c0,ppid,(char *)input);
      parent_regs.eax = 0x20;
  } while( true );

This really simplifies to pseudocode:

if bufcmp(match1a == match1b) and bufcmp(match2a == match2b):
    parent.eax = 0x20
    parent.eax = -1

bufcmp is a my given name. There’s a structure used in this code that represents large numbers that expand across up to 32 4 byte words. Several of the functions deal with what ends up being mathematical operations on these numbers. This function, bufcmp checks if two numbers are equal by comparing each word.

So what’s in these buffers? Two of them, match1a and match2a are both generated at the top by a function I named decodeString, which takes a static buffer and decodes to into a new constant buffer. These are the same regardless of my input.

I did some debugging to look at match1b, it ends up being a static copy of match1a each time, independent of my input. That leaves just match2b.

There is a bunch of static in this code that just doesn’t matter. For example, there’s a read from /dev/urandom, but it turns out that input is later overwritten by all nulls before it’s used elsewhere. Some debugging and code analysis showed that the input –> match2b occurs on these two lines:


Beyond that, local_708 and local_908 are static values, and local_488 is always all nulls. So input goes into FUN_080546e1, writing into local_508. Then local_508 goes into FUN_080543ca, writing to match2b.

Math Functions

The first function, 800546e1, is largely two nested for loops:

void __regparm3 FUN_080546e1(int in1,int in2,int out)

  longlong lVar1;
  int j;
  int i;
  undefined outer [128];
  uint inner [33];
  undefined4 local_30;
  undefined4 local_28;
  uint local_24;
  int in1_local;
  int in2_local;
  int out_local;
  in1_local = in1;
  in2_local = in2;
  out_local = out;
  i = 0;
  while (i < 0x20) {
    j = 0;
    while (j < 0x20) {
      if (i + j < 0x20) {
        local_30 = 0;
        local_24 = *(uint *)(in2_local + j * 4);
        local_28 = 0;
        lVar1 = (ulonglong)*(uint *)(in1_local + i * 4) * (ulonglong)local_24;
        swap_low_high(inner,(uint)lVar1,(uint)((ulonglong)lVar1 >> 0x20));
        shifter((int)inner,i + j);
      j = j + 1;
    i = i + 1;

I implemented this in Python to see how it was working. After playing with it a bit, it’s clear that this is just a multiplication of the large numbers with carry, in the buffer format. There are other functions for add, subtract, and divide. Once I had a Python POC that could take my input and produce the same buffer I would see in debugging, I started simplifying and renaming functions, until it looked like:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import binascii
from pwn import *

inputstr = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".ljust(128, b"\x00")
user_input = []
temp708 = binascii.unhexlify("31 dd 41 ea 5a 98 45 8f 8d 0c 00 43 71 a5 e7 39 60 15 2d 3a f0 5b 4a ef f1 a2 3f a5 c7 57 03 c1".replace(' ', '')).ljust(128, b"\x00")
buf708 = []
temp908 = binascii.unhexlify("4f d8 a9 eb 2a 5f 71 c3 13 ea 68 15 6b b1 fa b1 0d 77 a8 ae fa 92 ae ad e6 e1 a9 d5 47 34 cc d1".replace(' ', '')).ljust(128, b"\x00")
buf908 = []
temp_goal = binascii.unhexlify("eb 97 46 c0 48 6f 14 e4 51 3d 8e b1 eb 40 28 76 48 7a 08 4e ad fb ef fc 3a a2 ed e7 d4 c5 36 d0".replace(' ', '')).ljust(128, b"\x00")
goal = []
for i in range(8):
    buf708 += [u32(temp708[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
    buf908 += [u32(temp908[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
    user_input += [u32(inputstr[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
    goal += [u32(temp_goal[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
buf708 += [0] * 120
buf908 += [0] * 120
user_input += [0] * 120

def shiftupword(p1, p2):

    res = [0] * 0x20
    res[p2] = p1[0]
    if p2 < 0x1f:
        res[p2+1] = p1[1]
    return res

def addbufs(p1, p2):

    flag = 0
    res = [0] * 0x20

    for i in range(0x20):
      res[i] = (p1[i] + p2[i] + flag)
      flag = res[i] >> 32
      res[i] = res[i] & 0xffffffff

    return res

def multbufs(user_in, static):

    result = [0] * 0x20

    for i in range(0x20):
        outer = [0] * 0x20
        for j in range(0x20):
            inner = [0] * 0x20
            if i + j < 0x20:
                word708 = static[j]
                wordin = user_in[i]
                prod = word708 * wordin
                inner[0] = prod % 0x100000000
                inner[1] = (prod >> 0x20) & 0xffffffff
                inner = shiftupword(inner, i+j)
                outer = addbufs(inner, outer)

        result = addbufs(result, outer)

    return result

def encrypt(userinput, static1, static2):
    buf508 = multbufs(userinput, static1)
    temp1 = divbufs(buf508, static2)
    temp2 = multbufs(temp1, static2)
    return subbufs(buf508, temp2)

def bufcmp(b1, b2):

    for i in range(min(len(b1), len(b2)) - 1, -1, -1):
        if b2[i] < b1[i]:
            return 1
        if b1[i] < b2[i]:
            return -1
    return 0

def divbufs(buf1, buf2):

    mask = [1] + [0] * 0x1f
    copy2 = [x for x in buf2]
    while bufcmp(copy2, buf1) != 1:
        mask = shift_up(mask)
        buf2 = shift_up(copy2)
    out = [0] * 0x20
    while any(x != 0 for x in mask):
        if bufcmp(buf1, copy2) != -1:
            buf1 = subbufs(buf1, copy2)
            out = [x|y for x,y in zip(mask, out)]
        mask = shift_down(mask)
        buf2 = shift_down(copy2)
    return out

def subbufs(b1, b2):

    cf = 0
    out = [0] * 0x20

    for i in range(0x20):
        if b2[i] + cf > b1[i]:
            out[i] = b1[i] + 0x100000000 - b2[i] - cf
            cf = 1
            out[i] = b1[i] - b2[i] - cf
            cf = 0
    return out

def shift_up(buf):

    for i in range(0x1f, 0, -1):
        buf[i] = ((buf[i] << 1) | (buf[i-1] >> 0x1f)) & 0xffffffff
    buf[0] = (buf[0] << 1) & 0xffffffff
    return buf

def shift_down(buf):

    for i in range(0x1f):
        buf[i] = buf[i] >> 1 | ((buf[i+1] << 0x1f) & 0xffffffff)
    buf[0x1f] = buf[0x1f] >> 1
    return buf

# print buffer as hex string
def pp(buf, label=''):
    hexstr = binascii.hexlify(b''.join([p32(x) for x in buf]))
    print(f'{label} {hexstr.decode()}')

# return buffer as int
def buf2int(buf):

    return sum([x*pow(2,i*32) for i,x in enumerate(buf[:0x20])])

res = encrypt(user_input, buf708, buf908)

I could start this and run with python3 -i so that I got a prompt at the end and could play with things.

The key part here is this:

def encrypt(userinput, static1, static2):
    buf508 = multbufs(userinput, static1)
    temp1 = divbufs(buf508, static2)
    temp2 = multbufs(temp1, static2)
    return subbufs(buf508, temp2)

The last three operations are to take some x, divide by static2, then multiply by static2, and then subtract that from x.

\[x - (\frac{x}{static2}*static2)\]

This is actually the same as \(x\mod static2\)

So this entire encryption is \(output\equiv (input * static1)\mod static2\).


To reverse this, I just need to find the mod inverse:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import binascii
from pwn import *

inputstr = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".ljust(128, b"\x00")
user_input = []
temp708 = binascii.unhexlify("31 dd 41 ea 5a 98 45 8f 8d 0c 00 43 71 a5 e7 39 60 15 2d 3a f0 5b 4a ef f1 a2 3f a5 c7 57 03 c1".replace(' ', '')).ljust(128, b"\x00")
buf708 = []
temp908 = binascii.unhexlify("4f d8 a9 eb 2a 5f 71 c3 13 ea 68 15 6b b1 fa b1 0d 77 a8 ae fa 92 ae ad e6 e1 a9 d5 47 34 cc d1".replace(' ', '')).ljust(128, b"\x00")
buf908 = []
temp_goal = binascii.unhexlify("eb 97 46 c0 48 6f 14 e4 51 3d 8e b1 eb 40 28 76 48 7a 08 4e ad fb ef fc 3a a2 ed e7 d4 c5 36 d0".replace(' ', '')).ljust(128, b"\x00")
goal = []
for i in range(8):
    buf708 += [u32(temp708[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
    buf908 += [u32(temp908[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
    user_input += [u32(inputstr[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
    goal += [u32(temp_goal[i*4:(i*4)+4])]
buf708 += [0] * 120
buf908 += [0] * 120
user_input += [0] * 120

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist')
        return x % m

mod_inv = modinv(buf2int(buf708), buf2int(buf908))
solution_int = (mod_inv * buf2int(goal)) % buf2int(buf908)
solution_hex = f'{solution_int:x}'
solution = binascii.unhexlify(solution_hex)[::-1].decode()

This works, and reveals the flag:

david@meeks:~/Dropbox/CTFs/flareon-2020/10-break$ python3

Running this as input to the original file does return success:

david@meeks:~/Dropbox/CTFs/flareon-2020/10-break$ ./break-orig
welcome to the land of sunshine and rainbows!
as a reward for getting this far in FLARE-ON, we've decided to make this one soooper easy

please enter a password friend :)
hooray! the flag is:
