Flare-On 2021: PetTheKitty

PetTheKitty started with a PCAP with two streams. The first was used to download and run a DLL malware, and the second was the C2 communications of that malware. The malware and the initial downloader user Windows Delta patches to exchange information. I’ll reverse the binary to understand the algorithm and decode the reverse shell session to find the flag.
Recently we experienced an attack against our super secure MEOW-5000 network.
Forensic analysis discovered evidence of the files PurrMachine.exe and PetTheKitty.jpg; however, these files were ultimately unrecoverable.
We suspect PurrMachine.exe to be a downloader and do not know what role PetTheKitty.jpg plays (likely a second-stage payload).
Our incident responders were able to recover malicious traffic from the infected machine.
Please analyze the PCAP file and extract additional artifacts.
Looking forward to your analysis,
The download includes a ~700K packet capture file:
$ file IR_PURRMACHINE.pcapng
IR_PURRMACHINE.pcapng: pcapng capture file - version 1.0
$ ls -lh IR_PURRMACHINE.pcapng
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 693K Sep 2 23:56 IR_PURRMACHINE.pcapng
The PCAP is not noisy. There are only two TCP streams:

The timeline is:
- (which I’ll refer to as client) makes a DNS query for
. (which I’ll refer to as server) responds that it is that domain. - Client connects to server on TCP port 7331 and over about 0.3 seconds downloads 676k.
- 0.05 seconds later, client makes a DNS query for
(different subdomain). Server replies with it’s IP. - Immediately client connects to server on TCP 1337, sending 15k and receiving 22k.
First Stream (2020 <–> 7331)
The first TCP stream looks like the client is requesting a “meme”, and the server responds “MEOW” and eight bytes later the magic bytes for a PNG image, 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A

Looking a bit more closely at the two four byte words that follow MEOW
, in both cases they are the same, and look like they could be lengths. In fact, if I guess that the client is sending the message “~meow~ (=^.^=) ~meow~…. can haz MeeooowwwMeme???”, the length of that string is 50 bytes, or 0x32, which matches the two words.
The response then should be 0xa24d0 = 664784 bytes. That means it should end at 0xa24dc. And looking there in the dump, it does:

There’s another request from the client, this time, asking for “MeeeeooooowwWare”. The response is 0x29b1 = 10673 bytes.
I’ll carve both files out of the stream. The quickest way I know to do this is to view the stream as “raw”, copy of the hex of the parts I want to carve, and then convert them with xxd
$ vim tcp_stream1-png.hex
$ cat tcp_stream1-png.hex | xxd -r -p > tcp_stream1-png.png
$ file tcp_stream1-png.png
tcp_stream1-png.png: PNG image data, 1496 x 1122, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
The image is a cat meme:

The other file isn’t recognized by file
$ vim tcp_stream1-binary.hex
$ cat tcp_stream1-binary.hex | xxd -r -p > tcp_stream1-binary
$ file tcp_stream1-binary
tcp_stream1-binary: data
$ xxd tcp_stream1-binary | head
00000000: 5041 3330 c0be 4202 77a0 d701 1823 8000 PA30..B.w....#..
00000010: f215 2100 0198 9902 a440 6812 4548 1582 ..!......@h.EH..
00000020: c5bb 229a 2102 0020 a8b2 a33a 5b00 a042 ..".!.. ...:[..B
00000030: c3dd 5404 dbcc 36b3 99dd 6ff6 990f fadb ..T...6...o.....
00000040: e2b6 fbee 83ba 6db6 b90f e1e1 6366 ba6f ......m.....cf.o
00000050: eeb3 4d6d 6a57 9df9 b7db ec53 b5a9 e90c ..MmjW.....S....
00000060: aaae a6fa b1cb e6df 5c67 e2b3 ebec 7189 ........\g....q.
00000070: d82f 8bcb 2fb1 bb6d ee97 ef71 9f8b cfe3 ./../..m...q....
00000080: fb7d 8fdb bedd 983f ecfb cee6 9b9d 2dee .}.....?......-.
00000090: 1617 8b0b decd e262 fe59 7cf6 87c5 14c0 .......b.Y|.....
Checking the Wikipedia page for List of file signatures, this is a Windows Update Delta Compression file.
Second Stream (2021 <–> 1337)
My theory to this point is that the first stream is downloading the second stage malware to the host, and then the second stream is that malware communicating with the command and control (C2). Each side sends 37 messages in this exchange. Looking at the second stream, it has a lot of similarities to the first stream:

Each message starts out with ME0W
followed by two four-byte words. But this time, they are different. The second one seems to line up with the message length. It’s not clear what the first is at this point.
Additionally, the body of each message is another delta file. It’s not clear what to do with that either. I’ll come back once I have the second stage executable.
Create DLL
Windows uses this Binary Delta Compression to send a file diff that can be used to patch an existing file with the minimal amount of space used by the patch. This post from August 2020 goes into a lot of the technical detail for how that works. It also references a script, delta_patch.py
. Searching for delta_patch.py
, I found this gist from the same author that has a Python3 version of the script last updated a couple days ago as I was working on it.
I’ve got this image and this diff. I’ll try applying the diff to the image itself. From Windows, I’ll download this script and give it a run:
PS > python3 .\delta_patch.py -i .\tcp_stream1-png.png -o patched.bin .\tcp_stream1-binary
Applied 1 patch successfully
Final hash: OsdAMg6SJ4EFnx69R5NJFq2ToD4utovfwrzBaVxmssk=
It seems to work, and patched.bin
is a x86 Windows executable:
$ file patched.bin
patched.bin: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
Opening the file in Ghidra, there are two exports listed:

has a call to __DllMainCRTStartup
. Comparing it to the documentation on a DllMain entry point, this clearly matches. I can rename / retype things to make it really clear:
void entry(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason,LPVOID lpReserved)
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
does some checking based on how it is being called, but basically calls two functions:
uint __cdecl ___DllMainCRTStartup(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason,LPVOID lpReserved)
uint res;
int res2;
_DAT_10004010 = fdwReason;
if ((fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) && (open_threads == 0)) {
res = 0;
else {
if (((fdwReason != DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) && (fdwReason != DLL_THREAD_ATTACH)) ||
(res = lots_of_init(hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpReserved), res != 0)) {
res = set_image_base_addr(hinstDLL,fdwReason);
if ((fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) && (res == 0)) {
if ((fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) || (fdwReason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH)) {
res2 = lots_of_init(hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpReserved);
res = res & -(uint)(res2 != 0);
return res;
I named them set_image_base_addr
and lots_of_init
, but I didn’t really dive into either too much.
Since I know the program will connect over the network, I’ll look for the functions that do that. ws2_32.dll
is the network library. Interestingly, all the functions are referenced by ordinal, not function name:

I found this script which conveniently has a Python dictionary of all the ws2_32.dll
functions by ordinal, and renamed them in Ghidra:

Since the first thing that happens is send
, I wanted to start with that. I found where it’s called, and only once, in FUN_1000111e
, which I named msg_send
. The inputs are a socket, a message, and a length.
If starts off XORing the message with meoow
if (msglen != 0) {
do {
*(byte *)((int)msg + i) = *(byte *)((int)msg + i) ^ "meoow"[i % 5];
i = i + 1;
} while (i < msglen);
It creates space on the heap and calls a function I called make_delta
me0w_body = make_delta(delta_base,_Size,_Dst,_Size,&local_14)
Later that delta is sent:
while ((me0w_body != 0 &&
(bytes_read = send(socket,(int)lpMem + j,me0w_body,0), uVar2 = extraout_DL_02,
bytes_read != -1))) {
j = j + bytes_read;
me0w_body = me0w_body - bytes_read;
This fits with the messages in the PCAP being more delta patches.
The same pattern happens in reverse on the recv
side. It’s in FUN_1000128a
, which I named msg_recv
. It does a loop to receive bytes until the connection is done, then applies the delta patch:
bytes_recv = delta_is_applied(data_buffer,length,&result);
Later that data is passed through the same XOR:
if (uStack16 != 0) {
do {
imod5 = i % 5;
*(byte *)((int)*msg + i) = *(byte *)((int)*msg + i) ^ "meoow"[imod5];
i = i + 1;
} while (i < *result_len);
Looking up one function at what calls this msg_send
function, FUN_100015d4
(renamed to le_main
), is called from le_meow
and calls both msg_send
and msg_recv
. It also creates a cmd.exe
res = CreateProcessA((LPCSTR)0x0,"C:\\wiNdOwS\\sYstEm32\\cMd.ExE",(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)0x0,
I believe incoming commands are passed to this, and then the output is re-xored and sent back.
Decode Messages
Client 0
At this point, I just needed to do a bit of guessing about what the starting image was. Given that both the server and the client had the PNG, that made sense, and it worked. I’ll copy the first message from client to server in hex and convert it back to binary saving it as msg_c0.patch
$ echo "50413330f05e210377a0d7011823c0b29f0b01017a02960713265c397063c490b37a494c6832e6c0899d72313c19b0e7428f036db91a65ca93ad4aa37679220ce815c2812b17aef458d065a95c3e1b3972b56a97af462e2f7a6cb833e242832547b94268d0e5ca882b33da7418d194a95e291fdab4d57367c2803e6d6e722f9ace47cd91116bd91fa12eabc2b48b96746a2ea26971a3c155b46806ece870fe58254ae144ff22a530faa8697056d9010080d23e03" | xxd -r -p > msg_c0.patch
I’ll apply that patch to the initial image:
PS > python3 delta_patch.py -i tcp_stream1-png.png -o msg_c0.enc msg_c0.patch
Applied 1 patch successfully
Final hash: Wgzbt+5elUyLw1b+QkGuJeX1qXGe8uu7HQRFwjRX+v8=
Now from a Python terminal I can try to decrypt it:
>>> from itertools import cycle
>>> with open('msg_c0.enc', 'rb') as f:
... enc = f.read()
>>> print(''.join([chr(x^y) for x,y in zip(enc, cycle(b'meoow'))])[:0x8b])
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
It’s a Windows command prompt! I grabbed only the first 0x8b bytes because that was what was in the header of the packet:

Server 0
I’ll create the first server patch the same way:
$ echo "50413330d084490777a0d7011823c0b29f0b010146009413531acc38d131a0d77807000052fd0c" | xxd -r -p > msg_s0.patch
I tried applying this to several things before I found the right thing, but using msg_c0.enc
PS > python3 delta_patch.py -i msg_c0.enc -o msg_s0.enc msg_s0.patch
Applied 1 patch successfully
Final hash: KEzaz7jAhfQMUyoqNG+M5COMJzah4TxIdgRURbQZITU=
Now XOR:
>>> print(''.join([chr(x^y) for x,y in zip(enc, cycle(b'meoow'))])[:0x9])
I was expecting 9 bytes based on the header, but there’s actually \r\n\x00
, which I can see if I remove the print:
>>> ''.join([chr(x^y) for x,y in zip(enc, cycle(b'meoow'))])[:0x9]
Client 1
I’ll try one more manually before I script this. Create the patch:
$ echo "50413330c076ad0777a0d7011823c0b29f0b01010e019113531acc38d131a0772306ec6571672392051746747518d7a5578c7a8992b8b0e2ce4ef4ed8816cc8a1b33ce34e88b14c789fb458a63c4842e03962a3b000070e467" | xxd -r -p > msg_c1.patch
Apply it:
PS > python3 delta_patch.py -i msg_s0.enc -o msg_c1.enc msg_c1.patch
Applied 1 patch successfully
Final hash: 1X2fi7mI2njG4ZVNZ5/wfUV2pOKCiG3G6rUADbE1G48=
Decode it:
>>> print(''.join([chr(x^y) for x,y in zip(enc, cycle(b'meoow'))])[:0x3a])
I’ll create a script that will process the entire PCAP and print the results. Because I observed that the client returns both the command and the results, I’ll just print the client side and get a shell session:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import delta_patch
from itertools import cycle
from scapy.all import *
pcap = rdpcap('./IR_PURRMACHINE.pcapng')
data = b''.join([p[Raw].load for p in pcap if 'TCP' in p and 'Raw' in p and p[TCP].dport == 2020])
assert(data[:4] == b'ME0W')
msg_len, patch_len = struct.unpack("<II", data[4:12])
image = data[12:12+patch_len]
assert(data[12+patch_len:12+patch_len+4] == b'ME0W')
for packet in pcap:
if 'TCP' not in packet:
dport = packet[TCP].dport
if 'Raw' in packet and dport in [1337, 2021]:
data = packet[Raw].load
assert(data[:4] == b'ME0W')
msg_len, patch_len = struct.unpack("<II", data[4:12])
patch = data[12:]
assert(len(patch) == patch_len)
image = delta_patch.apply_patchbuf_to_buffer(image, len(image), patch, False)
if dport == 1337:
print(''.join([chr(x^y) for x,y in zip(image[:msg_len], cycle(b'meoow'))]), end='')
The script uses Scapy to read the PCAP and parse through it. First, it pulls the image from the PCAP by getting all the TCP packets with a payload that have destination port 2020. It gets the payload length and then uses that to pull the PNG image.
Next it loops through the packets in the PCAP looking for both sides of the C2 conversation (the second TCP stream). It pulls the packet and makes sure it has “ME0W” as the start. Then it pulls the patch length and the message length. I’m using asserts
here to check my assumptions about the packets. Once it has the patch, it will call a (modified) function from delta_patch
to apply it to the image, and save the result over the image for the next one.
If it’s from the client, I’ll XOR decode the message and print it.
I’m going to loop through the PCAP and pull out patches, and I’ll need to apply them one by one. Looking at the download script, the function it calls is apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, buflen, patchpath, legacy)
. The first thing it does is open(patchpath, 'rb')
, which means it’s expecting that as a file on disk. I could have my script write the patch to disk, but that feels messy. I’ll create another copy of that function that takes in the image and the patch as buffers and returns the updated buffer. I created a video to show how I worked with this script in a place where I don’t totally understand how the script works:
The final function is:
def apply_patchbuf_to_buffer(buf, buflen, patch_contents, legacy):
buf = cast(buf, wintypes.LPVOID)
# some patches (Windows Update MSU) come with a CRC32 prepended to the file
# if the file doesn't start with the signature (PA) then check it
if patch_contents[:2] != b"PA":
paoff = patch_contents.find(b"PA")
if paoff != 4:
raise Exception("Patch is invalid")
crc = int.from_bytes(patch_contents[:4], 'little')
patch_contents = patch_contents[4:]
if zlib.crc32(patch_contents) != crc:
raise Exception("CRC32 check failed. Patch corrupted or invalid")
applyflags = DELTA_APPLY_FLAG_ALLOW_PA19 if legacy else DELTA_FLAG_NONE
ds.lpcStart = buf
ds.uSize = buflen
ds.Editable = False
dd.lpcStart = cast(patch_contents, wintypes.LPVOID)
dd.uSize = len(patch_contents)
dd.Editable = False
status = ApplyDeltaB(applyflags, ds, dd, byref(dout))
if status == 0:
raise Exception("Patch {} failed with error {}".format(patchpath, gle()))
to_free = []
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
return bytes((c_ubyte*dout.uSize).from_address(dout.lpStart))
Run It
Putting those together, there’s a bunch of output that mirrors a terminal session (shell) on the victim. Buried in the middle of a Rick-Roll there’s the flag:
And if you ask Ã▼ how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're tÁ§ blind to see
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say
The full output is:
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret>net user
User accounts for \\USER-PC
Administrator Guest user
The command completed successfully.
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret
09/02/2021 11:51 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:51 PM <DIR> ..
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> 2021_FlareOn
09/02/2021 11:51 PM 1,438,208 PetTheKitty.jpg
09/02/2021 11:34 PM 205,312 PurrMachine.exe
2 File(s) 1,643,520 bytes
3 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret>cd 2021_FlareOn
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> .
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> Cat_Memes
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Great_Ideas
07/23/2021 03:18 PM <DIR> Never
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> No_Flags_Here
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Okay_Ideas
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Swag
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> The_BEST_Ideas
0 File(s) 0 bytes
10 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn>cd Cat_Memes
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Cat_Memes
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM 64 ã˧w.txt
1 File(s) 64 bytes
2 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Cat_Memes>type ã˧w.txt
( ^.^ )
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Cat_Memes>cd ..
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> .
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> Cat_Memes
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Great_Ideas
07/23/2021 03:18 PM <DIR> Never
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> No_Flags_Here
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Okay_Ideas
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Swag
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> The_BEST_Ideas
0 File(s) 0 bytes
10 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn>cd No_Flags_Here
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM 64 meow.txt
07/23/2021 03:26 PM 1,658 what_did_you_expect.txt
2 File(s) 1,722 bytes
2 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here>type what_did_you_expect.txt
§o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o o$ $$ §$
o $ oo o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o $$ $$ $$o$
oÁ $ $ "$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$o $$$o$$o$
"$$$$$$o$ §$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$o $$$$$$$$
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"$$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "$$$
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o$$" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$o
$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" "$$$$$$ooÁ§o$$$$o
o$$$§ooo$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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"$$$§ """$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"$$" $$$
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"$$$$§ o$$$$$$o"$$$$§ o$$$$
"$$$$$§o ""$$$$o$$$$$o o$$$$""
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""$$$$$$$§o $$$$$$$$$$
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here>type ã˧w.txt
( ^.^ )
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here>cd ..
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> .
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> Cat_Memes
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Great_Ideas
07/23/2021 03:18 PM <DIR> Never
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> No_Flags_Here
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Okay_Ideas
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Swag
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> The_BEST_Ideas
0 File(s) 0 bytes
10 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn>cd NO_SERIOUSLY_EVEN_MORE_BESTEST_IDEAS
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\NO_SERIOUSLY_EVEN_MORE_BESTEST_IDEAS
09/02/2021 11:45 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:45 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM 64 meow.txt
1 File(s) 64 bytes
2 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\NO_SERIOUSLY_EVEN_MORE_BESTEST_IDEAS>type ã˧w.txt
( ^.^ )
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\NO_SERIOUSLY_EVEN_MORE_BESTEST_IDEAS>cd ..
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> .
07/23/2021 03:32 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> Cat_Memes
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Great_Ideas
07/23/2021 03:18 PM <DIR> Never
09/02/2021 11:44 PM <DIR> No_Flags_Here
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Okay_Ideas
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> Swag
09/02/2021 11:47 PM <DIR> The_BEST_Ideas
0 File(s) 0 bytes
10 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn>@echo off & for /f %a in ('dir /s /b') do echo %~fa %~za
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Cat_Memes 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Great_Ideas 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\NO_SERIOUSLY_EVEN_MORE_BESTEST_IDEAS 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Okay_Ideas 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Swag 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\The_BEST_Ideas 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Cat_Memes\ã˧w.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Great_Ideas\meow.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\FlagPit 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\Gotcha.txt 1806
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\ã˧w.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\The_Real_Challenge 0
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\FlagPit\ãË0000000w.txt 812
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\The_Real_Challenge\Mugatuware.exe 1532928
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\The_Real_Challenge\mydude.exe 650105
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here\meow.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\No_Flags_Here\what_did_you_expect.txt 1658
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\NO_SERIOUSLY_EVEN_MORE_BESTEST_IDEAS\meow.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Okay_Ideas\meow.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Swag\meow.txt 64
C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\The_BEST_Ideas\meow.txt 64
cd Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up
09/02/2021 11:48 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:48 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> FlagPit
07/23/2021 03:19 PM 1,806 Gotcha.txt
09/02/2021 11:44 PM 64 meow.txt
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> The_Real_Challenge
2 File(s) 1,870 bytes
4 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
type Gotcha.txt
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitÃ▼nt's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
never gonna give you up, never gonna let you dÁ
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna t▼ll a lie and hurt you
n each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
what's been going on
the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask Ã▼ how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're tÁ§ blind to see
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
never gonna give you up, never gonna let you dÁ
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna t▼ll a lie and hurt you
n each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
what's been going on
the game and we're gonna play it
I'm fËeling tell you hÁ
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
never gonna give you up, never gonna let you dÁ
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna t▼ll a lie and hurt youdir
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up
09/02/2021 11:48 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:48 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> FlagPit
07/23/2021 03:19 PM 1,806 Gotcha.txt
09/02/2021 11:44 PM 64 meow.txt
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> The_Real_Challenge
2 File(s) 1,870 bytes
4 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
cd FlagPit
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\FlagPit
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:50 PM 812 me0000000w.txt
1 File(s) 812 bytes
2 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
type Ã▼0000000w.txt
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
( ^.^ )
(")_(")_/ cd ..
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up
09/02/2021 11:48 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:48 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> FlagPit
07/23/2021 03:19 PM 1,806 Gotcha.txt
09/02/2021 11:44 PM 64 meow.txt
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> The_Real_Challenge
2 File(s) 1,870 bytes
4 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
cd The_Real_Challenge
VoluÃ▼ in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9C63-6ACB
Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\SuperSecret\2021_FlareOn\Never\Gonna\Give\You\Up\The_Real_Challenge
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> .
09/02/2021 11:49 PM <DIR> ..
05/01/2019 02:18 PM 1,532,928 Mugatuware.exe
07/27/2020 05:37 PM 650,105 mydude.exe
2 File(s) 2,183,033 bytes
2 Dir(s) 32,587,169,792 bytes free
cd ..
type ã˧w.txt
( ^.^ )
(")_(")_/ rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Flag: 1m_H3rE_Liv3_1m_n0t_a_C4t@flare-on.com