Advent of Code 2019: Day 7

The computer is back again, and this time, I’m chaining it and using it as an amplifier. In the each part, I’ll find the way to get maximum thrust from five amplifiers given that each can take one of five given phases. In part two, there’s a loop of amplification.
The puzzle can be found here. I’ve got five amplifiers, and I give each one a phase, 0-4, so that each phase is used. Then I run each computer on two inputs - the phase, and the output of the previous amp.
In part two, the last amp actually feeds back into the first one, and now I’m using phases 5-9.
Part 1
For part 1, I just changed my print statement for output to a return. I also set the input to be an array, and let each input read pop off from that array:
elif op == 3:
self.program[self.program[eip + 1]] = self.input.pop()
eip += 2
elif op == 4:
eip += 2
return self.program[self.program[eip + 1]]
Otherwise left the computer the same. Then I created an amplify
def amplify(phase_seq):
sig = 0
for phase in phase_seq:
comp = computer(list(map(int, program_str.split(","))), [phase, sig])
sig = comp.compute()
return sig
I also created a loop to go across all possible orderings of 0-4 and get the max:
max_thrust = max([amplify(comb) for comb in permutations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])])
print(f"Part 1: {max_thrust}")
It runs immediately:
$ time ./ 07-puzzle_input.txt
Part 1: 51679
real 0m0.083s
user 0m0.079s
sys 0m0.004s
Part 2
In part two, I’ll need to play with the computer a bit more. I changed it so that the input was still defined at __init__()
, but not I’ll have signal passed to compute
so that each call can have a new signal. I’m making the assumption that after the first run which has two inputs and then an output, it will alternate in then out until the program ends. And if it does have a second input before an output, it takes the same signal.
It took me a while trouble shooting to realize I needed to move eip
to also be persistent across runs. And to handle exiting by getting the result, incrementing eip
, and then returning the result.
This one was particularly difficult to debug, and for the first time in a long time, I wished I had something visual/GUI rather than pdb
. But I eventually got there:
$ time ./ 07-puzzle_input.txt
Part 1: 51679
Part 2: 19539216
real 0m0.100s
user 0m0.100s
sys 0m0.000s
Final Code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from itertools import permutations
class computer:
def __init__(self, program, input_):
self.program = program
self.input = input_
self.first_in = True
self.done = False
self.eip = 0
def get_param(self, mode, value):
if mode == "0":
return self.program[value]
return value
def compute(self, signal):
while True:
inst = self.program[self.eip]
op = inst % 100
mode3, mode2, mode1 = f"{inst // 100:03d}"
assert mode3 == "0"
if op == 1:
self.program[self.program[self.eip + 3]] = self.get_param(
mode1, self.program[self.eip + 1]
) + self.get_param(mode2, self.program[self.eip + 2])
self.eip += 4
elif op == 2:
self.program[self.program[self.eip + 3]] = self.get_param(
mode1, self.program[self.eip + 1]
) * self.get_param(mode2, self.program[self.eip + 2])
self.eip += 4
elif op == 3:
if self.first_in:
self.program[self.program[self.eip + 1]] = self.input
self.first_in = False
self.program[self.program[self.eip + 1]] = signal
self.eip += 2
elif op == 4:
self.eip += 2
return self.program[self.program[self.eip - 1]]
elif op == 5:
if self.get_param(mode1, self.program[self.eip + 1]) != 0:
self.eip = self.get_param(mode2, self.program[self.eip + 2])
self.eip += 3
elif op == 6:
if self.get_param(mode1, self.program[self.eip + 1]) == 0:
self.eip = self.get_param(mode2, self.program[self.eip + 2])
self.eip += 3
elif op == 7:
self.program[self.program[self.eip + 3]] = int(
self.get_param(mode1, self.program[self.eip + 1])
< self.get_param(mode2, self.program[self.eip + 2])
self.eip += 4
elif op == 8:
self.program[self.program[self.eip + 3]] = int(
self.get_param(mode1, self.program[self.eip + 1])
== self.get_param(mode2, self.program[self.eip + 2])
self.eip += 4
elif op == 99:
self.done = True
return None
def amplify(phase_seq):
sig = 0
for phase in phase_seq:
comp = computer(list(map(int, program_str.split(","))), phase)
sig = comp.compute(sig)
return sig
def feedback_amplify(phase_seq):
sig = 0
last_valid = None
comps = [
computer(list(map(int, program_str.split(","))), phase) for phase in phase_seq
while not any([comp.done for comp in comps]):
for i in range(5):
sig = comps[i].compute(sig)
if sig is not None:
last_valid = sig
return last_valid
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
program_str =
max_thrust = max([amplify(comb) for comb in permutations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])])
print(f"Part 1: {max_thrust}")
max_feedback_thrust = max(
[feedback_amplify(comb) for comb in permutations([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])]
print(f"Part 2: {max_feedback_thrust}")