Flare-On 2022: darn_mice

darn_mice involves reversing a Windows binary that doesn’t do anything when run without arguments. I’ll have to find the correct argument to pass it to get it to spit out the flag.
“If it crashes its user error.” -Flare Team
The download contains a 32-bit Windows exe file:
oxdf@hacky$ file darn_mice.exe
darn_mice.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
Run It
Double-clicking the exe shows a quick flash of something, and then it dies or at least doesn’t show any window.
Running it via a terminal doesn’t show anything either:

At the bottom of the strings view in Ghidra there’s a few interesting ones that appear like output text:

Starting with the first one, it’s referenced in FUN_00401000
. Working back up, that’s called from FUN_004011d0
, which is called from entry
At the top of entry
, there’s a lot of setting up of globals and calls to things that look like security stuff.
There’s a bunch more functions that just return pointers to globals. For example, at 0x401d3c, it just returns a pointer to 0x41a44c:
undefined * get_DAT41a44c(void)
return &DAT_0041a44c;
Identify argc/argv
Find Function Call
There are some other potentially interesting blocks, but I’ll focus on where the call into functions that leads to the string is located:
piVar7 = (int *)get_DAT419f74();
iVar4 = *piVar7;
piVar7 = (int *)get_DAT419f70();
unaff_ESI = FUN_004011d0(*piVar7,iVar4);
I’ll put a breakpoint at the call to FUN_004011d0
and run. I’m looking at two arguments, the first is 1, and the second is 0125bbf0:
The second is a pointer to the string C:\\Users\\0xdf\\Desktop\\darn_mice.exe
It’s not unreasonable to think this might be argc
and argv
. It’s common for the first item in argv
(the command line arguments) to be the full path to the calling binary, and since I called with no additional args, the length (argc
) of 1 makes sense.
Test Theory
To test this, I’ll go to File -> Change Command Line and add some args:

Running to the break, now the first arg is 5:

Looking at the second one in the dump, I’ll see five pointers followed by a null word, and those each point to one of the args:

This function is very simple. It checks that argc
is 2, and if so, calls FUN_00401000
with the only argument:
int __cdecl FUN_004011d0(int argc,int argv)
if (argc == 2) {
FUN_00401000(*(PUCHAR *)(argv + 4));
return 0;
If I run the program with one argument, it does print some, and then stops:

If I run this the same way in the debugger, it prints:

Then it crashes:

It’s trying to run add byte ptr ds:[eax], 0
, which will add 0 to what’s stored at EAX’s address. But EAX is 0x30, which isn’t a valid address in memory, so it crashes. It’s also very suspect that this entire block after the first byte is all 0x00.
This function starts out with a buffer of hex values on the stack:

That buffer is 35 long, with the last being a null byte. After that, a check on my input length. If it’s longer than 0x23 (35) bytes, it prints something else and doesn’t do other stuff:

I can verify this, as it prints “No, nevermind.” instead of “You leave the room…”:

Otherwise, it prints the “You leave the room…” message and calls this loop:

Loop Analysis
The for
loop is the interesting part. It’s looping from i
of 0 to i < 0x24 (36), also breaking if local_2c[i]
is null or user_input[i]
is null. The then allocates a buffer using VirtualAlloc
to create 0x1000 bytes, with the flags MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE
(0x3000, details), and setting it as PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
Then it stores local_2c[i] + user_input[i]
in that buffer, and then calls it. That explains the crashing. In the example above, the first byte of my input, “0xdf”, is “0” or 0x30, which when added to 0x50, shows 0x80, which was the first byte in the crash.
There’s really only one instruction that I could write into that new buffer that won’t result in a crash - RET
. Anything other than a return will continue to the next byte, which will be add byte ptr ds:[eax], al
(0x00), which will crash because EAX isn’t in a valid memory space.
Therefore, I need to figure out how to give it input for all 35 bytes that leads to RET
, which is 0xc3.
I’ll grab the stack buffer from Ghidra and paste it into a Python script, using some vim
macros to quickly clean it up. Then I just need to loop over each byte, subtract it from 0xc3, and get the result:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
bytes = [0x50, 0x5e, 0x5e, 0xa3, 0x4f, 0x5b, 0x51, 0x5e, 0x5e, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa2, 0xa3,
0x6b, 0x7f]
print(''.join([chr(0xc3 - x) for x in bytes]))
The result is a string that’s joking about “C3” (the op code for RET
oxdf@hacky$ python decode_input.py
see three, C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3! XD
Get Flag
I’ll run with that string as input, and it prints the flag (after a bunch of “Nibbles…”):
PS > .\darn_mice.exe 'see three, C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3! XD'
On your plate, you see four olives.
You leave the room, and a mouse EATS one!
When you return, you only: see three, C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3! XD
Flag: i_w0uld_l1k3_to_RETurn_this_joke@flare-on.com